Safe Injection Sites - Vancouver

The Constitutional Obligation of the City of Vancouver to Support Safe Injection Facilities

From 1999 to 2002 I (Perry Bulwer) was a law student at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. I was also involved with various community-based advocacy groups supporting the rights of drug addicts and sex-trade workers. The paper that follows this intro and news updates was a collaborative effort in response to government inaction in the face of a publicly declared health crisis. It was subsequently published on the website of Pivot Legal, and listed in the Legislative Library of British Columbia, however it is no longer available online. I have made it available here for researchers and activists in other jurisdictions. Pivot was at the time a new legal advocacy organization serving Vancouver's most marginalized citizens. Pivot and its lawyers have since received several awards for outstanding community service.

This paper, the two related papers on Safe Injection Facilities on this website, as well as similar research were used by Pivot and other activists in the fight to force government action. In September 2003 North America's first legal supervised injection site, INSITE, began operating in Vancouver as a scientific pilot research project. The evidence to date shows that such a facility saves lives by preventing overdose deaths and the spread of communicable diseases. However, the Conservative government under Stephen Harper has questioned the effectiveness of the service and has threatened to withdraw funding. In April 2008, the operaters of INSITE launched a constitutional case to test the federal government's power to close the facility. In May 2008, a letter leaked to the CBC revealed that doctors at the University of British Columbia's Department of Medicine last year unanimously urged Prime Minister Stephen Harper to keep INSITE open.

On May 27, 2008 the B.C. Supreme Court struck down as unconstitutional sections of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. It gave Ottawa until June 30, 2009 to fix the law and bring it inline with the constitutional principle of fundamental justice. The court also granted INSITE an immediate exemption, allowing it to remain open. Ottawa must now update its laws to ensure provinces are free to provide health care services to addicts.

Government opposition to effective harm reduction measures is nothing new, as this article explores. On October 8, 2008 Pivot filed a complaint with the federal auditor general alleging that the RCMP secretly commissioned research in hopes of discrediting INSITE. Consequently, the RCMP announced an internal review of Pivot's allegations. This article, Vancouver's Radical Approach to Drugs, provides an updated overview of Vancouver's harm reduction approach to illicit drug use. And here is atranscript of a radio interview with Dr. Gabor Maté, a physician at INSITE, on the biological and socio-economic roots of addiction.

See related legal arguments in the following two articles on this blog:




The Constitutional Obligation of the City of Vancouver to Support Safe Injection Facilities
DATE: May 2, 2002
AUTHORS: Perry Bulwer1 Craig Jones2 and John Richardson3
1 LL.B., University of British Columbia (expected 2002)
2 LL.B., University of British Columbia, 1998; LL.M., Harvard Law School (expected June 2002); of the Bar of British Columbia; Adjunct Professor of Law, U.B.C.
3 LL.B., University of Victoria, 1999, of the Bar of British Columbia
1. Drug addiction is a disability and drug addicts are protected from discrimination by Human Rights Codes and the Charter
2. Discrimination is the failure to provide reasonable accomodation for the disabilities of drug addicts
3. Providing reasonable accommodation for drug addicts means taking steps to provide alternative access to necessary medical services
4. Safe injection facilities are a necessary medical service for drug addicts
5. The failure to provide safe injection facilities for drug addicts is an unjustifiable violation of Human Rights Codes and the Charter
6. The City of Vancouver is bound by the Charter and must exercise its powers in conformity with the Charter
Conclusion: The Charter of Rights and Freedoms may require the City of Vancouver to support safe injection facilities within the scope of its power and jurisdiction
1. Drug addiction is a disability, and drug addicts are protected from discrimination by Human Rights Codes and the Charter
Both heroin and cocaine dependence are classified as psychiatric disorders under the authoritative diagnostic manual, DSM-IV, which sets out the characteristics of opioid and heroin addiction as follows:4
Opioid/heroin Abuse
A destructive pattern of opioid/heroin use, leading to significant social, occupational, or medical impairment. Must have three (or more) of the following, occurring when the opioid/heroin use was at its worst:
1. Opioid/heroin tolerance: Either need for markedly increased amounts of opioid/heroin to achieve intoxication, or markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of opioid/heroin.
2. Opioid/heroin withdrawal symptoms: Either (a) or (b).
(a) Two (or more) of the following, developing within several hours to a few days of reduction in heavy or prolonged opioid/heroin use:
  • sweating or rapid pulse
  • increased hand tremor
  • insomnia
  • nausea or vomiting
  • physical agitation
  • anxiety
  • transient visual, tactile, or auditory hallucinations or illusions
  • grand mal seizures
(b) Opioid/heroin is taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms
3. Greater use of opioid/heroin than intended: opioid/heroin was often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than was intended
4. Unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control opioid/heroin use: Persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control opioid/heroin use
5. Great deal of time spent in using opioid/heroin, or recovering from hangovers
6. Opioid/heroin caused reduction in social, occupational or recreational activities: Important social, occupational, or recreational activities given up or reduced because of opioid/heroin use.
7. Continued using opioid/heroin despite knowing it caused significant problems: Continued opioid/heroin use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been worsened by nicotine
Associated Features

Learning Problem, Psychosis, Euphoric Mood, Depressed Mood: Somatic or Sexual Dysfunction, Hyperactivity, Addiction, Sexually Deviant Behavior, Odd or Eccentric or Suspicious Personality, Dramatic or Erratic or Antisocial Personality
Human rights instruments in Canada protect disabled persons from discrimination based on disability. Canadian courts have found that drug addiction constitutes a mental disability, and drug addicts are protected from discriminatory practices by government and by private persons such as employers and landlords.
Canadian Human Rights Act
The Canadian Human Rights Act clearly defines substance addiction as a disability:
"disability" means any previous or existing mental or physical disability and includes disfigurement and previous or existing dependence on alcohol or a drug.5
In Toronto Dominion Bank v. Canadian Human Rights Commission the majority of the court held that the protected disability of "drug dependence" included addiction to illegal drugs. Robertson, J.A. stated:

In my view, it would be contrary to the Supreme Court's approach to the interpretation of human rights legislation to construe section 25 of the Act narrowly by reading in the word "legal" so as to modify the phrase "dependence on [legal] drugs": see Robichaud v. Canada, [1987] 2 S.C.R. 84 at 89, 40 D.L.R. (4th) 577. Surely, it is accepted that dependence on illegal substances is just as, if not more, common than dependence on legal drugs. The comments made before the Standing Committee by then Minister of Justice, Mark MacGuigan, were based on an analysis of the American approach which developed in the context of that country's "war on drugs" policy of the 1980's. Our legislation is not influenced by the same politics. In any event, to my mind it would be impractical to protect only those dependent on so-called "legal" drugs as some of those might be obtained or used in an "illegal" fashion.6

Provincial Human Rights Codes
The Ontario Human Rights Code states:
Every person has a right to equal treatment with respect to services, goods and facilities, without discrimination because of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour: ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, same-sex partnership status,family status or disability.7
The British Columbia Human Rights Code is similar to that of Ontario, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of:
...race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation of that person or class of persons.8
In Entrop v. Imperial Oil Ltd., the Ontario Court of Appeal accepted that drug and alcohol addiction, although not specifically enumerated in the Ontario Human Rights Code, constituted a disability and a prohibited ground of discrimination:
The Board found, on uncontradicted expert evidence: that drug abuse and alcohol abuse -- together substance abuse -- are each a handicap. Each is "an illness or disease creating physical disability or mental impairment and interfering with physical, psychological and social functioning." Drug dependence and alcohol dependence, also separately found by the Board to be handicaps, are severe forms of substance abuse. Therefore; on the findings of the Board, which are not disputed on this appeal, substance abusers are handicapped and entitled to the protection of the Code.9
Outside of the provincial and national human rights codes, illegal drug addiction has been recognized as a disability in proceedings around criminal sentencing. In R. v. Nguyen, Ryan J.A. quoted with approval a description of illegal drug addicts as the "...sub-class of people who, by falling prey to heroin addiction, become effectively disabled from functioning as useful; self-supporting, productive members of society".10
The Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Section 15(1) of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms states:
Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.11
Canadian courts have not yet been asked to rule on the issue of whether drug addiction constitutes a prohibited ground of discrimination under the Charter. However, the outcome is likely to be the same as that in Human Rights cases, given the similarities in language and the uniformity of principles of interpretation. In Andrews v. Law Society of British Columbia, the Supreme Court of Canada considered the application of equality principles developed in human rights cases to cases invoking the Charter. McIntyre J. said for the court:

In general, it may be said that the principles which have been applied under the Human Rights Acts are equally applicable in considering questions of discrimination under s. 15(1).12

2. Discrimination is the failure to provide reasonable accommodation for the disabilities of drug addicts
In Law v. Canada (Minister of Employment and Immigration), lacobucci J. articulated what was, in his view, the proper approach to analyzing a claim of discrimination under section 15:

First, does the impugned law (a) draw a formal distinction between the claimant and others on the basis of one or more personal characteristics, or (b) fail to take into account the claimant's already disadvantaged position within Canadian society resulting in substantively different treatment between the claimant and others on the basis of one or more personal characteristics? If so, there is differential treatment for the purpose of s.15(1 ). Second, was the claimant subject to differential treatment on the basis of one or more of the enumerated or analogous grounds? And third, does the differential treatment discriminate in a substantive sense, bringing into play the purpose of s.15(1 ) of the Charter in remedying such ills as prejudice, stereotyping and historical disadvantage? The second and third inquiries are concerned with whether the differential treatment constitutes discrimination in the substantive sense intended by s.15(1).13
The Supreme Court of Canada applied that approach in a subsequent case involving a claim of discrimination based on temporary disability. In Granovsky v. Canada, Binnie J. expanded on what constitutes discrimination:

The "purposive" interpretation of s.15 puts the focus squarely on the third aspect of disabilities, namely on the state's response to an individual's physical or mental impairment. If the state's response were, intentionally or through effects produced by oversight, to stigmatize the underlying physical or mental impairment, or to attribute functional limitations to the appellant that his underlying physical or mental impairment did not warrant, or to fail to recognize the added burdens which persons with temporary disabilities may encounter in achieving self-fulfillment, or otherwise to misuse the impairment or its consequences in a discriminatory fashion that engages the purpose of s.15, an infringement of equality rights would be established.14
Binnie J. emphasized the state's obligation under section 15(1) to actively address disability:
The true focus of the s.15(1) disability analysis is not on the impairment as such, nor even any associated functional limitations, but is on the problematic response of the state to either or both of these circumstances. It is the state action that stigmatizes the impairment, or which attributes false or exaggerated importance to the functional limitations (if any), or which fails to take into account the "large remedialcomponent" (Andrews v. Law Society of B.C.,[1989] 1 S.C.R. 143, at p.171) or "ameliorative purpose" of s.15(1) (Eaton v. County Board of Education, [1997] 1 S.C.R. 241, at para 66; Law v. Canada, [1999] 1 S.C.R. 497, at para 72; Eldridge v. British Columbia (A.G.), [1997] 3 S.C.R. 624, at para 65) that creates the legally relevant human rights dimension to what might otherwise be a straightforward biomedical condition. [emphasis added]15
The effect of the "ameliorate purpose" and "remedial component" of section 15(1) is that government must make reasonable accommodation for disabled persons, and the adverse effects suffered by disabled persons as a result of a failure to do so amounts to discrimination. Sopinka J. for the Supreme Court of Canada, in Eaton v. County Board of Education, stated:

The principles that not every distinction on a prohibited ground will constitute discrimination and that, in general, distinctions based on presumed rather than actual characteristics are the hallmarks of discrimination have particular significance when applied to physical and mental disability. Avoidance of discrimination on this ground will frequently require distinctions to be made taking into account the actual personal characteristics of disabled persons. InAndrews v. Law Society of British Columbia, [1989] 1 S.C.R. 143, at p. 169, McIntyre J. stated that the "accommodation of differences . . . is the true essence of equality''. This emphasizes that the purpose of s. 15(1) of the Charter is not only to prevent discrimination by the attribution of stereotypical characteristics to individuals, but also to ameliorate the position of groups within Canadian society who have suffered disadvantage by exclusion from mainstream society as has been the case with disabled persons.
Whether it is the impossibility of success at a written test for a blind person, or the need for ramp access to a library, the discrimination does not lie on the attribution of untrue characteristics to the disabled individual. The blind person cannot see and the person in a wheelchair needs a ramp. Rather, it is the failure to make reasonable accommodation, to fine-tune society so that its structures and assumptions do not result in the relegation and banishment of disabled persons from participation, which results in discrimination against them. The discrimination inquiry which uses 'the attribution of stereotypical characteristics' reasoning as commonly understood is simply inappropriate here. It may be seen rather as a case of reverse stereotyping which, by not allowing for the condition of a disabled individual, ignores his or her disability and forces the individual to sink or swim within the mainstream environment. It is recognition of the actual characteristics, and reasonable accommodation of these characteristics which is the central purpose of s. 15(1) in relation to disability.16
An example of accommodating disabled persons in relation to the provision of a service is in Chipperfield v. British Columbia (Ministry of Social Services).17 In that case the Ministry of Social Services had a duty to provide a transportation subsidy to persons receiving social assistance who have disabilities which prevent them from using public transit.
3. Providing reasonable accommodation for drug addicts means taking steps to provide alternative access to necessary medical services
Accommodation means changing a rule or a practice, making adjustments or making alternative arrangements to remove discriminatory effects on an individual or a group. Safe injection facilities ("SIFs") would be an alternative arrangement allowing drug users to access essential health services that, due to their disability, they have been unable to access through traditional channels.
Section 3 of the Canada Health Act 18 describes the primary objective of Canadian health care policy as protecting, promoting and restoring the physical and mental well-being of residents of Canada and facilitating reasonable access to health services without financial or other barriers. Pursuant to section 5 of that Act, the federal government makes cash contributions towards the funding of B.C.'s health care system. Those cash contributions are contingent on provincial compliance with the criteria described in sections 8 to 12 of the Act respecting (a) public administration; (b) comprehensiveness; (c) universality; (d) portability; and (e) accessibility.
The preamble to the Medicare Protection Act states that the people and government of British Columbia believe that medicare is one of the defining features of Canadian nationhood, and "wish to confirm and entrench universality, comprehensiveness, accessibility, portability and public administration as the guiding principles of the health care system ... and are committed to the preservation of these principles in perpetuity."19 The preamble also emphasizes the fundamental value that an individual's access to necessary medical care must be based solely on need and not the individual's ability to pay. Section 2 of the Act states:
The purpose of this Act is to preserve a publicly managed and fiscally sustainable health care system for British Columbia in which access to necessary medical care is based on need and not an individual's ability to pay.
The requirement that government provide access to necessary medical services in a manner that accommodates disability creates positive obligations. In Eldridge v. British Columbia (Attorney General),20the Court ordered the British Columbia government to fund deaf interpretation services, where appropriate, to ensure that the deaf claimants had equal access to health care. Because of their physical disability, deaf persons were unable to communicate with their doctors and thus unable to receive universally available health benefits. The Court held that the government had violated s. 15(1) by failing to recognize the added burdens faced by deaf persons in accessing the core medical services provided to every other user. That failure to accommodate deaf persons constituted adverse effects discrimination. The government was required to provide interpreters for that purpose.
In Auton (Guardian ad litem of) v. British Columbia, the Court applied Eldridge in the case of funding for alternative medical treatment for autistic children. Alan J. found that
[t]he petitioners are the victims of the government's failure to accommodate
them by failing to provide treatment to ameliorate their mental disability. That failure constitutes direct discrimination. Further, the petitioner's disadvantaged position stems from the government's failure to provide effective health treatment to them, not from the fact that their autistic condition is characterized, in part, by an inability to communicate effectively or at all.21
In Auton the court again found that government had a positive obligation under the Charter to provide a necessary medical service. However, this decision went further than Eldridge, and is particularly relevant in the case of safe injection facilities for two reasons:
a) The court found that government was required to fund an entirely different system of treatment as opposed to merely providing access to an existing system.
b) The court rejected arguments that the schedule created by British Columbia's Medical Services Committee was an all-inclusive list of ''necessary medical services. It found that the term "medically necessary" was broader in scope, encompassing "whatever cures or ameliorates illness," and determined, based on the expert evidence, that government was in violation of the Charter by failing to provide Lovaas Autism Treatment for autistic children. In particular, the court found that it was not restricted in making this finding by an absence of broadly accepted or established scientific information.
4. Safe injection facilities are a necessary medical service for drug addicts
There are presently over 40 SIFs operating in various European countries, including Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands. Other countries planning or in the process of setting up SIFs include Spain and Australia. There are three primary goals of SIFs: to prevent the spread of drug-related disease by providing sanitary conditions and clean equipment for injection drug use; to prevent overdose deaths by providing supervision of drug injections by medically trained staff who can immediately intervene when problems occur- and the reintegration of drug users within mainstream society by providing a gateway through which injection drug users can access the health care system.22

Evidence suggests that those goals are being met in places where SIFs are operating. In Germany and Switzerland, large reductions in overdose deaths were reported in areas served by SIFs. As well, HIV/AIDS prevalence rates in drug users showed significant declines where SIFs were part of a comprehensive harm reduction strategy. Furthermore, various research data indicate that SIFs are an effective way of contacting the most marginalized drug users and connecting them to a wide array of health services they wouldn't otherwise access.23 A comprehensive review of the literature reveals that SIFs are significantly reducing disease, hospitalization and death in those cities that have them. Moreover, they "have contributed to a stabilization of or improvement in general health and social functioning of clients" as a result of, among other things, the improved access to health services for addicts.24
Safe injection facilities are a medically necessary accommodation for providing drug users access to medical services because:
a) Unsupervised intravenous drug use is dangerous to life and health, through risk of overdose, transmission of disease; and direct physical effects such as vein collapse and abscesses. Providing injection supervision has been shown to ameliorate the deleterious health effects of drug addiction.
b) Supervised injection facilities provide a gateway for drug addicts to access non-emergency medical treatment, such as addiction counseling, rehabilitation, and treatment. It has been shown that, due to the nature of their addiction, drug addicts as a group do not obtain significant benefit through traditional delivery of such services. Government is obligated to accommodate this characteristic of addiction disability by taking special steps to provide access to services through alternative avenues such as safe injection sites.

5. The failure to provide safe injection facilities for drug addicts is an unjustifiable violation of Human Rights Codes and the Charter
Neither the Human Rights Codes nor the Charter afford persons failing within a protected category an unrestricted right to access any government service which might alleviate the effects of their disability. Once a claimant establishes a prima facie case of discrimination, the burden shifts to the government is to justify the discrimination, and policy considerations such as budgets may be introduced along with arguments pointing to the intent of the legislation and the purpose of the discriminatory provisions.
Justification under Human Rights Codes
In a recent decision considering justification in the context of the British Columbia Human Rights Code,British Columbia (Public Service Employees Relations Comm.) v. B.C.G.E.U.25. also known as Meiorin, the Supreme Court of Canada clarified the law regarding the duty to accommodate. That case, which concerned the occupational requirements for female firefighters, eliminated the distinction between direct discrimination and adverse effect discrimination. Moreover, it required an employer, when arguing that the discrimination created by a particular occupational requirement was justified, to prove that:
(1) the standard had been adopted for a purpose rationally connected to the performance of the job;

(2) the particular standard had been adopted in an honest and good faith belief that it was necessary to the fulfillment of that legitimate work-related purpose, have been fulfilled; and

(3) it is impossible to accommodate individual employees sharing the characteristics of the claimant without imposing undue hardship upon the employer.
In British Columbia (Superintendent of Motor Vehicles) v. British Columbia (Council of Human Rights),26 also known as Grismer, the Supreme Court of Canada reaffirmed the test in Meiorin and applied it, and in particular part three of the test, to the provision of government services. In Grismer, the issue was vision testing for a driver's licence, and the refusal of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles to take special steps to evaluate the performance of a visually impaired person who desired to be tested wearing specially-designed prism glasses. The Court held that the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles discriminated by refusing licenses to people with the particular optical disorder suffered by the claimant, and that it had failed to demonstrate that it would suffer undue hardship if required to test persons individually.
Once it is established that a lack of safe injection facilities constitutes a violation of the provincial Human Rights Codes or the Canada Human Rights Act, the government could argue that to create safe injection sites would result an undue hardship due to budgetary constraints or the increased risk of safety to neighbouring residents from potential increases to drug user populations in the area.
An argument of undue hardship is unlikely to succeed against safe injection facilities. In evaluating safety risks, the court will weigh outcomes, and arguably the demonstrated harm-reducing effects of safe injection facilities will outweigh speculation of safety risks to neighbourhoods. There is no evidence that safe injection facilities create community safety risks; in fact, overseas experience suggests that the opposite is the case.27 Nor are budgetary factors likely to result in a finding of undue hardship; the costs of maintenance for safe injection facilities are low compared with other addiction treatment services. Moreover, general economic analysis favours harm reduction measures. A 1994 study commissioned by the U.S. office of National Drug Control Policy found that treatment is 10 times more cost effective than interdiction in reducing the use of cocaine in the United States. The same study found that every additional dollar invested in substance abuse treatment saves taxpayers $7.46 in societal costs and that additional domestic law enforcement efforts cost 15 times as much as treatment to achieve the same reduction in societal costs".28

Justification under the Charter
In , the claimants appealed to section 15(1) of the Charter in seeking medically recommended treatments that would ameliorate their condition of infertility and promote, if not attain, equality with the fertile. Chipman J.A., for the majority, stated at p. 654-5:
The government has failed to ameliorate the position of the infertile compared with fertile people. They are unequally treated because they are denied a medically recommended treatment appropriate for them.29
However, although the majority of the Court concluded that the government's failure to fund in vitro fertilization violated the petitioners' s.15 rights, it found that the policy was justified under s. 1. Section 1 states:
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.30
The question of what constitutes a "reasonable limit" that is "demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society" has formed perhaps the largest component of judicial consideration of the Charter to date.
Contextual Analysis

In Edmonton Journal v. Alta.,31 Wilson J spoke of the importance of a placing a particular right or freedom within its factual and social context when undertaking a section 1 analysis, and placing a value on the right. In R. v. Keegstra,32 Dickson C.J. referred to that judgment:
It is important not to lose sight of factual circumstances in undertaking a s.1 analysis, for these shape a court's view of both the right or freedom at stake and the limit proposed by the state; neither can be surveyed in the abstract. As Wilson J. said in Edmonton Journal, supra, referring to what she termed the "contextual approach" to Charter interpretation (at pp. 1355-56):
... a particular right or freedom may have a different value depending on the context. It may be, for example, that freedom of expression has greater value in a political context than it does in the context of disclosure of the details of a matrimonial dispute. The contextual approach attempts to bring into sharp relief the aspect of the right or freedom which is truly at stake in the case as well as the relevant aspects of any values in competition with it. It seems to be more sensitive to the reality of the dilemma posed by the particular facts and therefore more conducive to finding a fair and just compromise between the two competing values under s. 1.
Though Wilson J. was speaking with reference to the task of balancing enumerated rights and freedoms, I see no reason why her view should not apply to all values associated with a free and democratic society. Clearly, the proper judicial perspective under s. 1 must be derived from an awareness of the synergetic relation between two elements: the values underlying the Charter and the circumstances of the particular case.
A contextual analysis of the arguments for and against safe injection sites in Vancouver will require consideration of the health situation amongst drug users in the city, particularly in the Downtown Eastside. In 1997, the National Task Force on HIV, AIDS and Injection Drug Use declared that "Canada is in the midst of a public health crisis concerning HIV, AIDS and injection drug use..., The number of new HIV infections among injection drug users is increasing rapidly, with Vancouver now having the highest reported rate in North America".33 In that same year the Vancouver/Richmond Health Board declared a public health emergency in response to the emergence of an HIV/AIDS epidemic, as well as the high rate of fatal overdoses among intravenous drug users (''IDUs"), centred primarily, but not exclusively, in the Downtown Eastside.34 Recent estimates put the HIV prevalence rate among IDUs in Vancouver between 23 and 28 percent, and IDUs account for 38 percent of new HIV infections.35 It is estimated that 85 percent of IDUs in Vancouver are infected with Hepatitis C.36 Tuberculosis, Hepatitis A & B, and syphilis also occur at epidemic rates among Vancouver IDUs. Tuberculosis, for example, had a 38 percent prevalence rate among Vancouver IDUs in 1998.37 Included with this epidemic of diseases among IDUs is an epidemic of fatal drug overdoses. From 1996 to 2000, there was an annual average of 312 overdose deaths in the Vancouver region.38
The fact that the context of drug addiction in the Vancouver area reduces to litany of critical health concerns is particularly important in a section 1 Charter analysis. In considering context, the Court must be informed by the values that underlie the Charter. One of the foremost of these is the right to life and health, and is set out in section 7:
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the
right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.39
In the Charter hierarchy of values that can be used to frame the context of drug addiction, illegal drug use, and safe injection sites, security of the person outweighs the two major competing values that are held up in arguments against such facilities: economic values and the values underlying criminal prohibitions.
Economic rights, such as the right to conduct a prosperous business in the neighbourhood of the Downtown Eastside, are not protected by the Charter, and economic values are not included among the Charter values. Economic values do receive consideration in a later stage of the section 1 analysis, but they are not weighed during the "contextual analysis."
In R. v. Morgentaler, Beetz J. clearly outlined the supremacy of security of the person over criminal law in cases involving access to health care:
If a rule of criminal law precludes a person from obtaining appropriate medical treatment when his or her life or health is in danger, then the state has intervened and this intervention constitutes a violation of that man's or that woman's security of the person. "Security of the person" must include a right of access to medical treatment for a condition representing a danger to life or health without fear of criminal sanction if an act of Parliament forces a person whose life or health is in danger to choose between, on the one hand, the commission of a crime to obtain effective and timely medical treatment and, on the other hand: inadequate treatment or no treatment at all, the right to security of the person has been violated. 40
In Rodriguez v. British Columbia (.A.G.),41 Sopinka J., speaking for the majority said:
There is no question, then, that personal autonomy, at least with respect to the right to make choices concerning one's own body, control over one's physical and psychological integrity, and basic human dignity are encompassed within security of the person, at least to the extent of freedom from criminal prohibitions which interfere with these.42
Section 7 is strong enough to permit medical treatment with illegal drugs. In R. v. Parker,43 a case involving the use of a prohibited substance, marijuana, for medical purposes, Rosenburg J.A., relied on the decisions in Morgentaler and Rodriguez, concluded:
...that deprivation by means of a criminal sanction of access to medication reasonably required for the treatment of a medical condition that threatens life or health constitutes a deprivation of the security of the person.... Depriving a patient of medication in such circumstances, through a criminal sanction, also constitutes a serious interference with both physical and psychological integrity.
It is not a difficult to conclude from R. v. Parker and its preceding case law that denying a confirmed drug addict with access to a medical facility where drugs - even illegal drugs - could be safely injected constitutes a violation of the security of their person under section 7 the Charter. In this manner, section 7 could stand as an independent cause of action against the failure of government actors to establish safe injection facilities.

The Oakes Test
Once the factual context is established through reference to the Charter values, the government must establish that the decision or legislation that resulted from the discrimination constitutes a limit on equality rights that is reasonable and demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society. In R. v. Oakes 44 Dickson C.J. set out what has become the standard test. It has four parts:
1. The law or decision must pursue an objective that is sufficiently important to justify limiting the Charter right;
2. The law or decision must be rationally connected to the objective;
3. The law or decision must impair the right no more than is necessary to accomplish the objective; and
4. The law or decision must not have a disproportionately severe effect on the persons to whom it applies.
A government decision which has been shown to violate the Charter must satisfy each arm of the Oakes test. Without going into detail here, substantial arguments can be marshaled against any attempt to justify the failure of government to establish safe injection facilities under this test. In the case of Eldridge v. British Columbia,45 the court engaged in only the most superficial of section 1 analyses once it had been determined that the failure to provide translation services for deaf persons compromised their access to health care. In that case La Forest J. did not go through the steps of the Oakes test. Instead, he found that the decision not to fund medical interpretation services for the deaf did not constitute a minimum impairment of their section 15(1) right. Having decided that, it was not necessary to go through the elements of the Oakes test. At paragraph 94 he stated:
...I am of the view that the failure to fund sign language interpretation is not a "minimal impairment" of the s. 15(1) rights of deaf persons to equal benefit of the law without discrimination on the basis of their physical disability. The evidence clearly demonstrates that, as a class, deaf persons receive medical services that are inferior to those received by the hearing population. Given the central place of good health in the quality of life of all persons in our society, the provision of substandard medical services to the deaf necessarily diminishes the overall quality of their lives. The government has simply not demonstrated that this unpropitious state of affairs must be tolerated in order to achieve the objective of limiting health care expenditures. Stated differently, the government has not made a "reasonable accommodation'' of the appellants' disability. In the language of this Courts' human rights jurisprudence, it has not accommodated the appellants' needs to the point of 'undue hardship"....
The force behind this argument comes from the importance of the right to security of the person. It is perhaps the most deeply rooted Charter value, and it is rare that a violation of the principles of fundamental justice will be upheld as a ''reasonable limit prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society". The government could argue that its decision not to set-up safe injection facilities was prescribed by law; that the objective of the policy was pressing and substantial (for example, budgetary concerns), that the decision was rationally connected to the objectives and that it constituted a minimal impairment of section 7. However, despite, these arguments, the facts of the situation framed in the context of Charter values make it likely that a court would find that the deleterious effects of the decision, namely that the denial of necessary medical treatment to control epidemics of disease and overdoses;
outweigh any salutary effects such as budgetary savings.
In summary, it is uncertain that government would be able to justify the failure to establish safe injection sites under either Human Rights Codes or the Charter; however, there are persuasive arguments available that support a constitutional mandate for such facilities.

6. The City of Vancouver is bound by the Charter, and must exercise its powers in conformity with the Charter
The City of Vancouver is bound by the Charter, and required to observe its obligations and restrictions within the bounds of its power and jurisdiction: in the same manner as the provincial and federal governments. In Godbout v. Longueuil (City), LaForest J. stated:
While this Court has never before expressly endorsed that proposition: we have done so inferentially, inasmuch as we have already applied the Charter to municipal by-laws without specifically engaging in an analysis of the application issue; see Ramsden v. Peterborough (City), [1993] 2 S.C.R. 1084. Moreover., the view that municipalities are subject to the Charter is not only sound, but also wholly consistent with the case law I have been discussing. Indeed, municipalities -- though institutionally distinct from the provincial governments that create them -- cannot but be described as "governmental entities". I base this finding on a number of considerations.
First, municipal councils are democratically elected by members of the general public and are accountable to their constituents in a manner analogous to that in which Parliament and the provincial legislatures are accountable to the electorates they represent. To my mind, this itself is a highly significant (although perhaps not a decisive) indicium of "government" in the requisite sense. Secondly, municipalities possess a general taxing power that, for the purposes of determining whether they can rightfully be described as "government", is indistinguishable from the taxing powers of Parliament or the provinces. Thirdly, and importantly, municipalities are empowered to make laws, to administer them and to enforce them within a defined territorial jurisdiction. Thus, while I expressed no specific opinion inMcKinney as to whether municipalities are, in fact, subject to the Charter, I nevertheless had this to say, at p. 270 of that case:
... I agree with the Court of Appeal that, if the Charter covers municipalities, it is because municipalities perform a quintessentially governmental function. They enact coercive laws binding on the public generally, for which offenders may be punished.... [Emphasis added.]
Finally, and most significantly, municipalities derive their existence and law-making authority from the provinces; that is, they exercise powers conferred on them by provincial legislatures, powers and functions which they would otherwise have to perform themselves. Since the Canadian Charter clearly applies to the provincial legislatures and governments, it must, in my view, also apply to entities upon which they confer governmental powers within their authority. Otherwise, provinces could (in the manner outlined earlier) simply avoid the application of the Charter by devolving powers on municipal bodies.46
The City of Vancouver is not the governmental body with primary jurisdiction over the establishment and maintenance of safe injection facilities, However, it is a government body with the power to impede or facilitate SIFs, and as a government bound by the Charter it is required to facilitate and support them to the limits of its jurisdiction.
Conclusion: The Charter of Rights and Freedoms may require City of Vancouver to support safe injection facilities within the scope of its power and jurisdiction.
When voting on the question of safe injection facilities, the City Council is acting pursuant to its statutory authority under the Vancouver Charter and other Acts. There is no doubt that such decisions must be consistent with the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and indeed with 'quasi-constitutional' sources of authority such as the B.C. Human Rights Code.
This submission has briefly made the case that governments may have a constitutional imperative to act towards making safe injection facilities a reality.47 If this is the case, then decisions of the City must be consistent with that obligation. It is our respectful submission that the current resolution before Council is consistent with the constitution, and that obstruction or interference with the provision of appropriate medical services to this vulnerable segment of the population would not be. We therefore urge support for a pilot safe injection project in Vancouver without further delay.
4 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), published by the American Psychiatric Association. Washington D .C., 1994ss. 304 (opiod dependency) and 304.2 (cocaine dependency)
Canadian Human Rights Act, R.S.C. 1985. C. H-6, s.25
Toronto Dominion Bank v. Canadian Human Rights Commission (1998), 163 D.L.R. (4th) 193 (FCA) at paras. 15,16
Ontario Human Rights Code, R S.O. 1990, c. H.19, s.1
British Columbia Human Rights Code, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 210, ss. 7-11,13,14
Entrop v. Imperial Oil, Ltd., [2000] O.J. 2689 (Ont. CA), 50 O.R. (3d) 18, at para 89
10 R. v. Nguyen (1995), 56 B.C.C.A. 290, at para 13, citing Oliver J. in R. v. Ping Li (unreported, November 19, 1993) Vancouver Registry No. CC930521
11 The Constitution Act, 1982, The Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms
12 Andrews v. Law Society of British Columbia [1989] 1 S.C.R. 143
13 Law v. Canada (Minister of Employment and Immigration), [1999] 1 S.C.R. 497 at para. 39
14 Granovsky v. Canada (Minister of Employment and Immigration), [2000] 1 S.C.R. 703, at para. 80
15 Ibid., para. 26
16 Eaton v. County Board of Education, [1997] 1 S.C.R. 241, at paras. 66, 67, emphasis added
17 Chipperfield v. British Columbia (Ministry of Social Services) (No.3) (1998), 33 C.H.R.R D/340 (B.C.H.RT.)
18 Canada Health Act, R.S.C. 1985, Chap. C-6
19 Medicare Protection Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 286
20 Eldridge v. British Columbia (Attorney General), [1997] 3 S.C.R. 624
21 Auton (Guardian ad litem of) v. British Columbia (A.G.) (2000), 78 B.C.L.R. (3d) 55 at para. 132
22 Thomas Kerr, Safe Injection Facilities: Proposal for a Vancouver Pilot Project (Vancouver Harm Reduction
Action Society, 2000)
23 Thomas Kerr, Safe Injection Facilities: Proposal for a Vancouver Pilot Project (Vancouver Harm Reduction Action Society, 2000); Drug Policy Alliance, Research Summary: Safe Injection Rooms, (1999) online:; Drug Policy Alliance, Research Brief: Safer Injection Rooms, (1999) online: (last visited: April 28, 2002)
24 Kate Nolan et al., "Drug Consumption Facilities in Europe and the Establishment of Supervised Injecting Centres in Australia", (2000) 19 Drug and Alcohol Review, 337 at 338-340
25 British Columbia (Public Service Employees Relations Comm.) v. B.C.G.E.U., [1999] 3 S.C.R. 3
26 British Columbia (Superintendent of Motor- vehicles) v. British Columbia (Council of Human Rights), [1999] 3 S.C.R. 868
27 R. Broadhead et al "Safer Injection Rooms in Public Policy and Health Initiatives" Journal of Drug Issues(forthcoming)
28 Drug Policy Alliance, online: http// (last visited April 27, 2002)
29 Cameron v. Attorney General of Nova Scotia (1999), 177 D.L.R. (4th) 611 (N.S.C.A.)
30 The Constitution Act, 1982, The Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms
31 Edmonton Journal v. Alta, [1989] 2 S.C.R. 1326
32 R. v. Keegstra, [1990] 3 S.C.R. 697
33 Canadian National Task Force on HIV, AIDS and Injection Drug Use: A National Action Plan (1997)", at 3-4, online:
34 Penny Parry, "Something to Eat, A Place to Sleep and Someone Who Gives a Damn". HIV/AIDS and Injection Drug Use in the DTES, Final project report to the DTES Community, Minister of Health and V/RHB, 1997
35 Supra note 33; Fischer, B., Rehn, J., Blitz-Miller, T., (2000). "Injection Drug Use and Preventive Measures: A Comparrison of Canadian and Western European Jurisdictions over Time", Canadian Medical Association Journal, 162(12), 1709-1713.
36 Canada Communicable Disease Report, "Hepatitis C - Prevention and Control: A Public Health Consensus". Vol. 2552 (Supplement, June 1990; online:
37 Thomas Kerr, Safe Injection Facilities: Proposal for a Vancouver Pilot Project (Vancouver: Harm Reduction Action Society, 2000) at 3 [citing the Vancouver Injection Drug Users Study (VIDUS), 1998 report]
38 Selected Vital Statistics and Health Status Indicators, 1996-2000: Drug induced deaths by age and gender. Victoria: British Columbia Vital Statistics Agency
39 Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Constitution Act, 1982, s.7
40 R v. Morgentaler, [1988] 1 S.C.R. 30 at para 90
41 Rodriguez v. British Columbia (A.G.), [1993] 3 S.C.R. 519 at 587-8
42 Ibid.
43 R. v. Parker, [2000] O.J. No 2787 (Ont. CA) at para. 97
44 R. v. Oakes, [1956] 1 S.C.R. 103
45 Eldridge v. British Columbia, [1997] 3 S.C.R. 624
46 Godbout v. Longueuil (City), [1997] 3 S.C.R. 844; [1997] S.C.J. No. 95 (three concurring judgments)
47 For more discussion of the constitutional, civil and international law issues, see generally Craig Jones, "Fixing to Sue: is There a Legal Duty to Establish Safe Injection Facilities in British Columbia?" (2002)U.B.C. Law Review (forthcoming), and Perry Bulwer, "International Law and the Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health Care: Using Safe Injection Facilities to Control and Prevent Epidemics" and "Safe Injection Sites: Compelling the Government to Act", both available online at


  1. The news reports on this page are a continuation of previous news reports in the comment section of this page on this blog:

    Safe Injection Sites - British Columbia


  2. How Prescription Heroin Is Saving Lives

    Safer supply has become a political wedge issue. But at one clinic, it’s providing patients ‘immediate relief.’

    by Michelle Gamage, The Tyee September 12, 2023

    Crosstown Clinic patient Michel has used opiates for 30 years. His addiction to heroin, he says, drove him to use “alternative methods to get money, like criminal activity.”

    Six years ago, exhausted by the lifestyle he was leading, Michel joined Crosstown as a patient and began accessing prescription injectable heroin.

    “It worked from day one,” he says. “There was immediate relief from the daily grind all addicts go through — it felt like freedom.”

    Providence Health Authority’s Crosstown Clinic in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside offers a range of treatments for opioid use disorder, including opioid agonist therapy, medical care and wraparound services with social workers and counsellors.

    British Columbia first declared a public health emergency due to toxic drugs in 2016. Since then, the drug supply has only increased in potency and unpredictability, with fentanyl, carfentil and benzodiazepines — which can increase the risk of overdose and complicate the reversal of overdoses — showing up more and more frequently. Toxic drugs have killed over 12,700 British Columbians since 2016, making unregulated drug toxicity the leading cause of death in the province for people aged 10 to 59.

    While the province has been ramping up harm reduction initiatives, such as distributing naloxone kits and permitting safer supply, it has not been able to keep up with the toxicity of drugs bought on the illicit market, leading to a rise in toxic drug deaths year after year.

    Observed injected opioid agonist treatment is currently available daily at the Crosstown Clinic in Vancouver, as well as in the U.K., Netherlands, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland.

    The British Columbia Centre on Substance Use defines opioid agonist treatment as prescription opioids that reduce opioid-related harms, reduce how often a person uses opioids sourced illicitly, and that improve their mental health, social functioning and quality of life. In B.C., OAT includes opioids taken orally, such as Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone), methadone (which can be sold under the names Methadose or Metaldol D), and Kadian (slow-release oral morphine).

    OAT is different from safer supply, which is a harm reduction practice where clinicians prescribe pharmaceutical drugs in order to reduce a patient’s need to rely on the illicit market. Safer supply can include diacetylmorphine, Dilaudid (oral hydromorphone) and M-Eslon (sustained-release oral morphine). For people who are not interested in OAT, or who are still at high risk of overdose even while on OAT, safer supply reduces their risk of overdose, death and other harms, according to the BCCSU.

    While offering patients injectable diacetylmorphine and hydromorphone is considered standard injectable opioid agonist treatment in many countries, it’s still considered an “emerging treatment” in Canada.

    Safer supply has recently become a bit of a political wedge issue. Conservative Party of Canada Leader Pierre Poilievre, for example, has been critical of programs that offer pharmaceutical alternatives to street drugs, which include OAT and safer supply programs. He says federal money would be better spent on getting people into recovery.

    continued below

  3. Poilievre has also raised concerns that safer supply is being resold by patients. In a previous article, The Tyee spoke with experts who said diversion happens when the potency of safer supply doesn’t match the potency or combination of illicit drugs a person is used to taking. Diversion is not creating more overdose deaths, they added.

    Meanwhile, advocates say that B.C. and Canada should be increasing access to safer supply. In June, the BC Centre for Disease Control told The Tyee that only around 5,000 patients — about 5 per cent of people who have been diagnosed with opioid use disorder in B.C. — have accessed safer supply so far.

    Dr. Scott MacDonald, Crosstown Clinic’s lead physician, says people have complex reasons for using drugs and benefit from a variety of treatment options, including a range of medications to reduce their risk of illicit street drug use and wraparound services like those provided at Crosstown. Abstinence and recovery just do not work for everyone, he says.

    Studies demonstrate efficacy

    Crosstown Clinic researchers launched the North American Opioid Medication Initiative, or NAOMI, in 2005. This groundbreaking study found supervised prescription injectable heroin was a safe and effective treatment for people with chronic heroin addiction who had not benefited from previous treatments.

    This was a harm reduction tool that had been used in the United Kingdom for nearly a century at the time, MacDonald says. The United Kingdom offered patients powdered heroin, sterile water and syringes, he says. Crosstown provides liquid heroin in a syringe, which gives it a shelf life that will quickly lose potency throughout the day and requires the medication to be stored in a dark, cool place.

    Crosstown launched a second clinical study, the Study to Assess Longer-term Opioid Medication Effectiveness, or SALOME, with results published in 2015. This study found that both injectable heroin and hydromorphone were effective opioid-addiction treatments.

    Crosstown then set up a permanent brick and mortar clinic and started offering injectable heroin and hydromorphone to its patients.

    This wasn’t a program that was available to just anyone — patients had to have a history of injecting opioids and have tried opioid agonist therapy before, MacDonald says. Injectable opioid agonist treatment is still considered an off-label treatment in Canada and the distribution of diacetylmorphine is carefully controlled by Health Canada.

    Patients had to come to the clinic to access the dose and inject the dose while supervised by clinic staff.

    Crosstown’s studies and programs show that offering injectable opioids as part of safer supply reduces mortality; keeps people in life-saving harm reduction programs longer; reduces street drug use; reduces local property and violent crime by 80 per cent; increases patient life expectancy by several years and reduces overall public spending by cutting costs associated with policing and public health, MacDonald says.

    He adds that OAT and safer supply programs need to offer a “full continuum of care,” including a range of opioids to meet individual patient needs, to be effective. Because injectable opioids are short-acting, patients may also take longer-lasting oral opioids like methadone, morphine (which last 24 hours), or buprenorphine, (buprenorphine/naloxone is also known as Suboxone, with the buprenorphine lasting 36 to 46 hours) or a slow-release fentanyl patch.

    A “small but significant” amount of people who use drugs will qualify or benefit from using injectable opioid agonist therapy, or iOAT, MacDonald says, adding that it isn’t necessary for all clinics across the province to offer this program.

    continued below

  4. But there are a couple of ways MacDonald says he would like to scale up the iOAT program. First, he’d like to see it offered in more clinics across B.C. and Canada. With a laboratory in Montreal now making heroin, there’s enough of a domestic supply to expand iOAT programs, he says.

    Second, he’d like to expand the clinic’s “carry” program, where patients can visit Crosstown once a day for supervised iOAT and then take two doses home to take later in the day.

    The carry program began during the COVID-19 pandemic to allow patients to continue accessing harm reduction services while also isolating as much as possible from the virus.

    Research published this spring found the carry program improved patient’s quality of life because it freed up time in their day, allowed them to find jobs and gave patients more autonomy.

    Just 11 patients are currently allowed to carry.

    Donnie Cinnamon is one of these 11. Cinnamon told The Tyee he has taken opioids for the last 30-odd years but has been on pharmaceutical safer supply for the last 14 years.

    Cinnamon says safer supply programs have helped the Downtown Eastside. “People are not dying as much and are doing better,” he says.

    But the illicit drug supply is still toxic. Cinnamon says he carries several naloxone kits with him at all times and notes 10 Crosstown patients have passed away in the last four years when they used illicit drugs.

    MacDonald says safer supply programs work to reduce how much patients access the illicit market but can’t prevent them from doing so.

    Cinnamon says he likes the carry program but wishes he could get several days’ worth of iOAT so he could travel and visit his mother, who is 104.

    Because carry patients still need to visit the clinic once per day it’s not possible, he says. “I could go on morphine and go and visit her but then I’d get those pins and needles in my limbs from the morphine and I really don’t like that,” Cinnamon adds.

    Michel, who has asked to join the carry program but has not yet been approved, says he wouldn’t want to be able to access any more than a single day’s worth of iOAT. He can get up to three supervised iOATs per day but says he can usually only access one or two doses due to scheduling.

    “This clinic offers stability,” Michel says. “That’s why it works for me. But I’d like just a little less stability. How can you do anything else when you have to come here three times a day? You can’t go on a vacation or trip. But you manage.”

    On recovery ‘versus’ safer supply

    When asked about Conservative opposition to OAT and iOAT programs, with politicians like Poilievre and Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim calling for treatment above all else, MacDonald, Cinnamon and Michel portrayed such stances as simplistic.

    “Abstinence is a lofty ideal. The reality is that people have needs — all you have to do is look outside and you see needs not being met,” Michel says. “I went into recovery once. It didn’t work for me.”

    “You can’t force treatment. It doesn’t work,” Cinnamon adds. “They tried that years ago when they threw people into the big house. The person who wants to quit is the person who is already going to detox.”

    MacDonald says there’s stigma behind the belief that recovery or abstinence is the best outcome.

    “Sometimes I may wish that for my patients, but it just doesn’t work for everybody,” he says.

    “You leave people behind when you don’t meet them where they’re at. Then all they’re left with is the illicit supply, which increases their risk of death.”

    See the photos and links embedded in this article at:

  5. Insite Is Turning 20

    North America’s first legal supervised consumption site has welcomed four million people and reversed 17,000 overdoses.

    by Michelle Gamage, The Tyee September 15, 2023

    Over the last two decades, Insite, located in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, has welcomed four million people through its doors and three million into its supervised injection room, said Dr. Mark Lysyshyn, deputy chief medical health officer of Vancouver Coastal Health.

    Insite held an early morning media scrum on Thursday to talk about the supervised consumption site’s impact on the community. Later in the day the community hosted a street party in the DTES in the early afternoon to celebrate.

    Insite has reversed 17,000 overdoses and referred a similar number of patients to treatment programs, like Onsite, located upstairs to the overdose prevention site, or other programs around the Lower Mainland, Lysyshyn said.

    The site opened its doors on Sept. 21, 2003, in an effort to reduce the spread of blood-borne pathogens like HIV and hepatitis C, said Susan Alexman, director of programs at PHS. “Unfortunately we’ve now moved into a toxic fentanyl crisis and we’re working really hard to ensure people are not dying from this crisis as well.”

    The illicit drug supply in British Columbia has been getting increasingly potent over the past decade with opioids like heroin being replaced by stronger opioids like fentanyl, and recently with fentanyl analogues and other synthetic opioids like nitazenes.

    Drugs purchased through the illicit market also increasingly contain other substances like benzodiazepines, which can complicate an overdose. When people buy illicit drugs they do not have a guarantee of the drug’s potency, purity or what is in the substance, so even an experienced drug user can accidentally overdose.

    Harm reduction initiatives like naloxone kits can temporarily reverse an opioid overdose but the illicit drug supply continues to increase in toxicity which is making harm reduction initiatives like naloxone less effective.

    That’s why Michael Vonn, CEO of PHS Community Services Society said the “end goal” of harm reduction is safer supply, whether prescribed by a clinician or accessed another way.

    Insite has a history of leading the harm reduction charge, both on the ground and in the courts, said Monique Pongracic-Speier, a lawyer with Ethos Law Group.

    Insite initially opened thanks to a collaboration with people in the community, the PHS, Vancouver Coastal Health, the City of Vancouver, the Vancouver Police Department and provincial and federal governments, she said. Legally, it was allowed to exist because of a federal exemption from the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, which meant people could come with their drugs and staff could work without fear of arrest.

    continued below

  6. In 2008, under a federal government run by then-prime minister Stephen Harper, Insite was told the exemption would not be renewed, which put “Insite’s very existence into jeopardy,” Pongracic-Speier said.

    This launched two lawsuits challenging the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, which both argued the law overstepped provincial rights to oversee health care — arguing Insite was health care in action — and a person’s right to life, liberty and security of the person.

    Mark Underhill, a lawyer with Arvay Finlay, took a moment to acknowledge the work done by lawyer Joe Arvay in the legal battle. Underhill gave a shoutout to a Tyee article, “Joe Arvay Changed Your Life,” for its summary of Arvay’s accomplishments. Arvay passed away three years ago.

    The cases won, but were appealed all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada.

    Pongracic-Speier said she was standing in Insite’s supervised injection room at 6:30 a.m. on Sept. 30, 2011, when the Supreme Court released its decision that ending Insite’s exemption would be unconstitutional. The court went on to order the federal minister of health to grant the exemption.

    This decision was important for many reasons, she said.

    First, it allowed Insite to keep its doors open then and celebrate its 20th anniversary today.

    “We know that saved lives by preventing fatal overdoses and deaths from drug poisonings and by reducing disease transmission and infection from needle sharing and high-risk injection practices,” Pongracic-Speier said.

    But the legal battle also helped shift the public discussion about drugs from crime to health care and helped demystify and explain harm reduction, she said.

    This has helped push for further harm reduction services.

    During the legal battle Insite was the only lawfully operating supervised consumption site in Canada. Today there are 40 overdose prevention sites in B.C. — with four of them having legal exemptions, Lysyshyn said.

    Guy Felicella, a peer clinical advisor with the BC Centre on Substance Use, shared his personal story about his history of drug use and recovery.

    Felicella travels to schools to talk to kids about substance use and is often featured in the news as a go-to expert to weigh in on news stories about drugs and harm reduction.

    On Thursday he spoke about the 4,000 times he used Insite during his decade of using drugs. He told The Tyee how staff would let him hang out late and only send him out the door when they closed up shop and headed home at 3 a.m.

    Felicella said he overdosed six times during a nine-month period, with the final overdose happening at Insite on Feb. 18, 2013. When staff revived him, Felicella said he was moved by how the nurse who brought him back was crying.

    “I don’t remember going down but I remember waking up and seeing the nurse visibly emotional, telling me ‘I care about you, Guy.’ I burst into tears. There were many moments that led to that moment where I told her, ‘I don’t want to do this anymore.’”

    He had been down for seven minutes, meaning he came close to being Insite’s first fatality, he said.

    continued below

  7. To this day no one has overdosed and died at Insite.

    Felicella said he hadn’t wanted to go to the hospital so staff let him hang out at Insite. From there he moved to Onsite, the upstairs treatment centre, before being moved to a treatment centre in Surrey.

    “The life I have today would not exist if this facility didn’t exist,” he said. “I can’t stress how vital and important this is not only to myself but so many people who are on similar paths and journeys. This facility not only saves lives but it builds a connection with a community. That connection empowers people to change their own circumstances.”

    As Felicella often says, you can’t help someone if they’re dead.

    Insite has the largest database on overdoses in the world because people come in and tell staff what drug they’re planning on using, Lysyshyn said.

    When someone overdoses on fentanyl their chest goes rigid and their arms can flail around, he said. Staff at Insite were documenting this when fentanyl first appeared in B.C., which helped gain the attention of anesthesiologists, who work with fentanyl and were aware of the overdose signs, he added.

    When fentanyl stared showing up in B.C. the risk of overdose for all drugs increased 10 times because it could be mixed into any substance, Lysyshyn said.

    Alexman, director of programs at PHS, said Insite has always opened its doors to everyone and welcomed people into a dry, warm, safe space and offered harm reduction supplies like clean needles, condoms and pipes. People can give their name or use a pseudonym.

    Staff are friendly and willing to listen, she added. During these visits people can chat with staff and volunteers, which creates opportunities to connect people with services, like health care if they’re complaining about an infected leg, or housing if they say they don’t have anywhere to sleep.

    Felicella said these “non judgemental supports” made him always feel welcomed and loved.

    “Most importantly, I’ve always felt that they care,” Felicella said.

    Harm reduction, safer supply and supervised injection services are under political scrutiny right now, with Conservative party Leader Pierre Poilievre saying he wants to focus on treatment above all else and cut funding for harm reduction services.

    But the Insite team said they’ve weathered Conservative scrutiny in the past.

    “We let the evidence speak for itself,” PHS’s Vonn said.

    Insite, Vonn said, is “trying to keep the politics out of what we do. Because simply the facts tell the story. We don’t need to have a gloss of partisanship on something that is so fundamentally a human rights and health-care issue.”

    see the photos and links embedded in this article at:

  8. B.C. drug users group says new consumption rules stigmatizing them further

    Vancouver Island Free Daily by Jane Skrypnek Oct. 4, 2023

    A group of Vancouver-area drug users and community members say the provincial government’s decision to limit where illicit substances can be consumed is stigmatizing and endangering their lives.

    B.C. announced new restrictions on its three-year decriminalization pilot project last month.

    While people who use drugs can still carry up to 2.5 cumulative grams of opioids on them, they can no longer do so within 15 metres of any play structure in a playground, spray or wading pool, nor skate park. That’s in addition to the limitations that came with the start of decriminalization on Jan. 31, which prohibit illegal drugs for youth under 18, on school grounds, at licensed child-care facilities and at airports.

    The province also said last month that it will be introducing further legislation soon to further regulate public drug use.

    Vince Tao, a community organizer with the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU), said these new moves came without any consultation with people who use drugs or, apparently, any evidence. In July, Mental Health and Addictions Minister Jennifer Whiteside said they had seen nothing to suggest decriminalization has led to an increase in the consumption of illicit drugs in public spaces.

    READ ALSO: No evidence decriminalization has led to increase in public drug use: B.C. addictions minister

    READ ALSO: B.C. excludes playgrounds, rec areas from drug decriminalization trial

    Why then, the VANDU members asked at a gathering on Wednesday (Oct. 4), is the province limiting where they can consume, in the name of public safety.

    Tao said the result of policies and language that treat drug users as a risk to children and families is stigmatization and increased deaths – the very things the provincial government said it was tackling with decriminalization.

    “It’s only been eight months and the BC NDP is already backtracking on its own commitment to the safety of drug users and the safety of our communities here.”

    continued below

  9. VANDU board member Martin Steward said increased restrictions on outdoor drug consumption would be one thing if there were enough overdose prevention sites and safe indoor spaces for people, but that isn’t the case. In fact, Tao added, they’ve been watching safe consumption sites closing across the country.

    READ ALSO: Overdoses from smoking toxic drugs outpace B.C. prevention sites

    He said the restrictions are especially frustrating for drug users when they see the consumption of other substances, such as alcohol, being normalized for some people.

    “There is a deep hypocrisy in these public consumption laws. We see our very own mayor, Ken Sim, chugging a beer at the front of a festival. Meanwhile, he’s banning the use of illicit drugs just for our community who’s already over-policed, stigmatized and profiled for being poor, for looking poor.”

    Sim is one of a number of municipal leaders who, along with provincial opposition party BC United, have been pushing for limitations on decriminalization since it was implemented. He and the mayors of Victoria and Courtenay issued statements in favour of the new restrictions, after they were announced. Leaders in Campbell River and North Cowichan have pushed for local bylaws banning public consumption altogether. And BC United Leader Kevin Falcon has said he would end decriminalization if elected.

    On Wednesday, VANDU publicly released its Users’ Code, showing the 16 protocols their members follow to ensure the safety of their neighbourhood.

    Among them is a rule to call out when there are kids nearby as a signal for everyone to put their drugs away, for instance. People are also told to keep sidewalks clear for elders and people with disabilities, be discrete when consuming drugs and always carry Narcan. They agree not to turn someone onto drugs for the first time, not to steal from neighbours and to alert people about a toxic supply.

    “The government refuses to accept that drug users are family too,” Lorna Bird, VANDU’s longest living member, said.

    So far this year, at least 1,645 people have died from the toxic drug supply in B.C., representing the leading cause of death for people aged 10 to 59. In fact, more people in that age category die from toxic drugs than all homicide, suicide, accident and natural disease deaths combined.

    At least 12,929 British Columbians have died since B.C. declared a public health emergency in April 2016.

    READ ALSO: 174 people died from toxic drug supply in August, B.C. coroner finds

  10. Rally Supports Vancouver Compassion Club Providing Tested Drugs

    DULF denied its day in court as Crown prosecutors assess their case.

    by Michelle Gamage, The Tyee January 17, 2024

    Around 400 people gathered at the Vancouver courthouse Tuesday to support Eris Nyx and Jeremy Kalicum, co-founders of the Drug User Liberation Front. The pair were scheduled to make their first court appearance after their October arrests.

    But they didn’t end up getting their day in court. Instead, the matters were struck from the court list to give the Crown more time to review whether there is a substantial likelihood of conviction and whether the public interest requires a prosecution, said Stephanie Dickson, a lawyer with Pender Litigation and counsel, along with Tim Dickson, for Nyx and Kalicum.

    Nyx and Kalicum were arrested by police for suspected trafficking of controlled substances and for possession with the intent to traffic controlled substances. They have not yet been charged.

    If charges are approved, Dickson said, they plan to challenge the constitutionality of the prohibitions in the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. It’s also possible that the pair won’t be charged because DULF was working to save lives, she added.

    Dickson said a new court date will likely be set in the coming weeks.

    DULF had been running a compassion club supplying tested drugs for just over a year when Vancouver police raided the club as well as the homes of Nyx and Kalicum.

    The pair had been buying unregulated cocaine, meth and heroin off the internet, rigorously testing the substances and selling them at cost to compassion club members in clearly marked bags that listed the substance alongside any cuts and buffing agents.

    The idea was to give the club’s 42 compassion club members access to a clean, regular supply of drugs in order to protect them from the toxicity of B.C.’s current unregulated street drug supply.

    After one year of operation, DULF reported that its compassion club members had experienced fewer overdoses, fewer negative interactions with police, fewer hospitalizations and less drug-related violence. No members had died of overdose.

    DULF had also been funded by Vancouver Coastal Health to run an overdose prevention site where club members could access overdose prevention and drug checking. This funding was ended Oct. 31 last year. Both Vancouver Coastal Health and DULF previously told The Tyee that the funds from VCH had not been used to buy drugs. DULF said it used donations to buy drugs.

    continued below

  11. In British Columbia the toxic drug crisis is the leading cause of death for people aged 10 to 59 and, according to the BC Coroners Service, has killed around seven people per day in the province over the last year. Since a public health emergency was declared in April 2016, more than 13,000 people have died after using unregulated drugs.

    The current drug supply is highly potent and has several substances in it, which can increase a person’s risk of overdose when they are unable to know what they are taking or how strong the substance is.

    At the Vancouver rally people called for Canada to end its war on drugs and to legalize and regulate all substances so people who use drugs can access a regulated supply.

    Drug advocates are not the only ones calling for existing drug policy to change.

    Shortly after Nyx and Kalicum were arrested, the BC Coroners Service published its third Death Review Panel, which called for the province to introduce a non-medical model for safer supply that would give people who use drugs access to alternatives to the unregulated drug market.

    Many people interpreted this to mean testing and distribution through compassion clubs, like the one DULF was running.

    On the same day the Death Review Panel was published, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions Jennifer Whiteside responded with a letter saying the province would not consider a non-medical model for safer supply.

    The Tyee asked the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions to respond to these calls for legalization and regulation of substances to save lives.

    In an emailed statement, a spokesperson for the ministry said the legalization of drugs such as those DULF sold fell under the jurisdiction of the federal government.

    The provincial government, the statement continued, “is working urgently to build an integrated and comprehensive system of mental health and addictions care from the ground up, to ensure people can access effective care when and where they need it and to separate people from the toxic drug supply. This means expanding access to care including prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery services, carefully based on evidence and best practice.”

    Rallies around the world

    There were five different rallies held around the world on Tuesday in support of Nyx and Kalicum, with people gathering in Vancouver, Nelson, Calgary, Dublin and London.

    In London around 20 people gathered around the Canadian Embassy and chanted “Safe supply saves lives,” and “VPD, shame on you.”

    “We often look to our North American comrades, including DULF, for inspiration and direction in the global harm reduction movement,” London co-organizers Shayla S. Schlossenberg, drug service co-ordinator at Release, and André Belchior Gomes, communications lead at Release, told The Tyee in an emailed statement. Release is an independent charity that helps educate the public and professionals about drug use and drug laws in the United Kingdom.

    continued below

  12. Schlossenberg and Belchior Gomes added that 4,907 people died of drug-related causes in England and Wales in 2023, the worst year for fatalities in those countries to date. England and Wales have a combined population of 59.6 million, according to a 2021 census.

    Canada, by comparison, has a population of 40.8 million and had 3,970 deaths in just the first six months of 2023, according to a December 2023 update from the Public Health Agency of Canada. Most of those deaths happened in B.C., Alberta and Ontario.

    In Dublin, six people gathered in support of DULF, Lynn Jefferys told The Tyee in an email. Jefferys is an organizer with Dublin Overdose Prevention and Education and operations manager of the European Network of People Who Use Drugs.

    The Dublin rally was organized to “highlight the global importance of [DULF’s] direct action in the face of state silence,” Jefferys wrote. Ireland has had clusters of overdoses over the last year, linked to nitazenes, a synthetic opioid.

    “In Ireland we stand on the cusp of a toxic drug supply crisis,” Jefferys added, noting that naloxone, which can reverse an overdose and is available for free at all pharmacies in B.C., is available only through prescription in Ireland. Ireland does not report annual overdose deaths, Jefferys added.

    “The DULF case and the legal precedent it may result in is very much in the interest of people who use drugs and activists in Europe whose main goal, like DULF, is to save lives,” Jefferys said. “We stand in solidarity with Jeremy and Eris.”

    Tuesday’s rallies were designed to raise awareness that the charges against DULF are “ridiculous” and that “they were engaged in an activity that was saving lives and acting in a way that the government should act to get people access to a regulated supply,” Leslie McBain told The Tyee. McBain is co-founder of Moms Stop the Harm, a network of Canadian families whose loved ones have died from drug-related harms or struggle with substance use.

    “Every day and even as we speak, someone is dying in this province from the toxic supply,” said McBain, who lost her son, Jason, 10 years ago.

    “If my son was alive and still in a desperate situation but had access to a compassion club like DULF, then he could have stabilized,” she added. “That’s what people were able to do with DULF, they could stabilize and think about recovery.”

    DULF has been caught in the middle of a “moral panic,” said Vince Tao, a community organizer with the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users.

    Tao said he hopes that the charges against DULF will be thrown out and that the support for DULF will grow into a global movement for safer supply.

    see the links and photos in this article at:

  13. No one should be surprised by this news. For decades, anti-prohibition activists, including me, having been fighting against the utterly failed war on people who use drugs. The blood of the untold thousands of people who have died because of immoral government laws and policies in on the hands of prohibition politicians and law-makers. It didn't have to be this way.

    B.C. sets grim record with 2,511 toxic drug deaths in 2023

    Toxic drug deaths in B.C. last year climbed to almost 7 per day

    CBC News · January 24, 2024

    The B.C. Coroners Service says there were more than 2,500 suspected illicit drug deaths in the province last year, the highest annual number recorded.

    In announcing the grim number, B.C.'s chief coroner Lisa Lapointe renewed her plea for an expansion of safer supply and a "systems change" that treats substance use as a health issue, not a criminal problem.

    "More people than ever are dying," said Lapointe in her final public address before retiring next month.

    "Each day, coroners across B.C. go into communities and retrieve the bodies of the dead. More than 2,500 families who lost a loved one this year didn't know they'd be among the statistics. How many more will join these statistics next year?"

    The 2,511 suspected illicit drug deaths recorded last year equates to an average of nearly seven per day, marking a five per cent increase compared with the previous high of 2,383 deaths recorded in 2022.

    According to the B.C. Coroners Service's 2023 data:

    --Of those who died, 77 per cent were male.
    --70 per cent were aged 30 to 59.
    --Fentanyl was detected in 85.3 per cent of toxic drug death investigations, followed by meth and amphetamines at 46.9 per cent, and benzodiazepines at 40.2 per cent.
    --Vancouver, Surrey, and Greater Victoria had the highest number of deaths.
    --Northern Health was the region with the highest rate of deaths at 67 per 100,000 people.
    --80 per cent of the unregulated drug deaths occurred inside.
    --Smoking was the most common form of consumption at 65 per cent, compared to injection and snorting, both at 14 per cent.
    --One death occurred at an overdose prevention site.

    On social media, B.C. United leader Kevin Falcon said the 2,511 deaths are an indictment of the B.C. NDP's policies, including the "reckless decriminalization" of small amounts of certain illicit drugs.

    Lapointe said Wednesday that "decriminalization is not responsible for these deaths, illicit fentanyl is."

    continued below

  14. She said almost 14,000 people have died since the province declared toxic drugs a public health emergency in April 2016.

    An estimated 225,000 people in B.C. use unregulated drugs, according to Lapointe. Of those, 100,000 have an opioid disorder.

    "Given the unpredictability of illicit drugs, each of these 225,000 people is at risk of death," she said.

    Instead of "watching people die by the thousands," Lapointe restated her calls for a meaningful continuum of care, including expanded harm reduction services like safer supply in addition to evidence-based accessible treatment and recovery programs.

    "What if, instead of continuing to revert to policing and punishing in the guise of public safety, we focused instead on the underlying issues: that people use substances or become dependent on substances because of pain, trauma, physical or mental health challenges," she said.

    A recent coroners service death review panel report that recommended providing controlled drugs to people without prescriptions was rejected by B.C.'s mental health and addictions minister this past November.

    The report said about 5,000 people have access to provincially-regulated prescribed safer supply.

    Advocacy group Moms Stop the Harm said politicians need to stop playing politics with the toxic drug crisis and listen to experts.

    "The B.C. NDP, B.C. United and the B.C. Conservative parties have all demonstrated a shocking lack of understanding of substance use and addiction," said the group in an emailed statement.

    "Courageous and bold action must be taken, and instead politicians posture for their own gains."

    see the photos, charts and links embedded in this article at:

  15. More than 2,500 people died of toxic drugs in B.C. in 2023, driven by fentanyl

    By Elizabeth McSheffrey, Global News January 24, 2024

    More than 2,500 people died from unregulated, toxic drugs in B.C. last year, with fentanyl continuing to be a major driver.

    The powerful opioid has been detected in 86 per cent of deaths each year between 2017 and 2023, according to B.C. Chief Coroner Lisa Lapointe, who provided an update on the public health emergency on Wednesday.

    “Your child, brother, sister, mom dad friend or colleague did not deserve to die this way. Their death was preventable. Their loss — your loss — is our collective loss,” Lapointe said. “How many more families will join these statistics next year?”

    Since the crisis was declared in April 2016, she said 13,794 lives have been lost. The province’s experts estimate some 225,000 British Columbians are currently accessing the drugs through the illicit market, Lapointe added.

    Last year was the third in a row that more than 2,000 people died in B.C. from unregulated, toxic drugs. Seventy-seven per cent of them were men, and 70 per cent were between the ages of 30 and 59, according to the coroner’s office.

    The highest rates of death were in Vancouver in the area that includes the Downtown Eastside, along with Hope, Port Alberni and the Clayoquot area, Terrace, and Greater Campbell River.

    Eighty per cent of unregulated deaths took place indoors and 19 per cent occurred outside. A single death occurred at an overdose prevention site — the first one on record.

    For many months, unregulated drug toxicity has been the leading cause of death in B.C. for people between the ages of 10 and 59, surpassing murders, suicides, natural diseases and accidents.

    It takes an average of six to seven lives in the province each day.

    In December, her office’s expert death review panel vouched for expanded access to safer supply as the “fastest way to reduce deaths” amid the crisis. That panel said a prescription-free model is the most viable, scalable short-term option to save lives, as an estimated 225,000 British Columbians are currently at risk of drug injury or death.

    As it stands, prescribed safer supply is only accessed by about 5,000 people in B.C. each month. There continues to be “no indication” that prescribed safer supply is contributed to unregulated drug deaths.

    In 2023, the coroner’s office said hydromorphone — a prescribed alternative also known under the brand name Dilaudid — was only detected in three per cent of unregulated drug deaths that underwent expedited toxicology testing.

    Lapointe said that’s not statistically significant when considering what factors drive toxic drug deaths.

    Lapointe has been a fierce public advocate for safer supply in the province and echoed the panel’s concerns on Wednesday.

    “Prescribed safer supply is simply not able to address the scale of the public health emergency in which we find ourselves,” she said. “One million people in our province don’t have access to a family doctor, never mind the focused and specialized expertise needed to address a public health emergency of this magnitude.”

    British Columbia will continue to “count the dead” without an expanded supply model, Lapointe said.

    continued below

  16. Mental Health and Addictions Minister Jennifer Whiteside has already rejected the suggestion of prescription-free substances. In her own Wednesday press conference, she said the province’s working to address the “spectrum of need,” including housing, treatment and recovery.

    “I want to assure British Columbians that my commitment to ending this crisis is unwavering,” Whiteside said.

    “We know that when someone makes the brave decision to seek help, they need to be met with access to the services that they need and they need care that is specific to their own unique needs. We do know that we are making a difference.”
    Click to play video: 'Some BC MLAs receive illicit drugs gift package'

    Whiteside referenced recent research published in the British Medical Journal that found people with an opioid-use disorder who were prescribed a day or more’s worth of opioids in B.C. were 61-per cent less likely to die the following week than those who did not.

    Pressed on her rejection of the coroner’s recommendation on adopting a prescription-free safer supply model, the minister referenced the study again. Work is underway to improve access to prescribed safer supply, she added.

    In its 2023 budget, the province committed $1 billion to addressing the crisis over the next three years. The province has pointed to new investments in addictions beds and recovery care, an expanded scope of practice for nurses, and the expansion of 24/7 substance-use and mental health supports as examples of its action to combat the crisis.
    Click to play video: 'B.C. premier sticking with drug decriminalization program'

    In a news release, Whiteside said the province has made “significant progress” last year in that regard.

    “We have opened hundreds of treatment and recovery beds. We are scaling up access to virtual care and outpatient care,” she said. “All of those measures are critical in our goal to ensure we can connect people to the care and support that they need.”

    British Columbia almost a year into its experiment with decriminalization, which allows adults to possess small amounts of certain drugs — opioids, crack, cocaine, methamphetamine and MDMA — for personal use.

    On Wednesday, BC United Leader Kevin Falcon called that pilot program “disastrous,” having “recklessly endangered lives,” in a post on social media.

    Whiteside accused Falcon of “spreading misinformation that will not help to save a single life in this crisis.”

    In the context of decriminalization, Lapointe said the use of the toxic drug crisis for “political fodder is extremely disappointing.”

    Lapointe is preparing to retire on Feb. 18 after many years of public service, making Wednesday her final public event. Asked if she had advice for her successor, she emphasized the importance of collaboration.

    “Those relationships across public health, across law enforcement, across the criminal justice system, across health authorities — critical,” Lapointe said. “We need to talk to each other. We cannot be polarized and we are not.”

    The chief coroner also pointed to the value of good data collection, so that when questions come up about the diversion of prescribed safer supply, for example, there’s a body of information to work with.

    In her Wednesday address, Whiteside thanked Lapointe for her years of service and support during some of the toughest health crises the province has ever faced.

    see the links, videos and photos embedded in this article at:

  17. Eby underscores 'fundamental' disagreement with B.C. chief coroner on safe supply

    Last year saw a record 2,511 toxic drug deaths in B.C.

    The Canadian Press · January 26, 2024

    B.C. Premier David Eby has rebuffed the province's retiring chief coroner's swansong pleas for non-prescription safe supply of drugs, calling it a "fundamental issue'' of disagreement on how to curb the toxic drug crisis.

    "I do not believe that the distribution of incredibly toxic opioid drugs without the supervision of a medical professional in British Columbia is the way forward and the way out of the toxic drug crisis,'' Eby told a news conference.

    Eby said Thursday that he appreciated Lisa Lapointe for her "important and profoundly challenging work,'' a day after she used her final press conference to announce a record 2,511 people had died of suspected illicit drug poisoning last year.

    Lapointe had said that asking doctors to prescribe a safer supply of drugs would not address the crisis that has claimed almost 14,000 lives since the province declared a public health emergency in April 2016, noting that only about 5,000 people had access to prescribed safer supply.

    Eby said he believed the only way out of the crisis was to prevent people from using toxic street drugs and help them rebuild their lives, such as opening more detox spaces.

    "Our vision is that no person should have to wait for detox. No person should have to wait for treatment,'' said Eby.

    He said he was disturbed that a record number of people died in the province last year of illicit drug overdoses, saying he recognized that more needed to be done to stop it.

    But he said the addition of 180 publicly-funded treatment and recovery beds across the province was a step toward saving lives.

    Listen | Why B.C.'s chief coroner is angry at 'lackadaisical' response to toxic drugs crisis:

    The province said nearly 100 of these beds are already open and available to British Columbians in several communities while the rest are expected to be launched by summer.

    continued below

  18. Eby told the news conference that most of these were previously private beds, and only available to people who paid thousands of dollars, but now they are freely available to the public.

    He said the move would allow more people with addictions to access high-quality treatment "close to where they live, without worrying about how to pay for it.''

    The government says there are currently 3,596 publicly-funded adult and youth addiction treatment beds in B.C.
    No 'cookie-cutter' solution: minister

    Brenda Plant, executive director of Turning Point Recovery Society, said the new beds would help remove barriers for people who can't afford services and reduce wait times for them.

    "We are decreasing the burden on our health-care system by getting people into treatment sooner,'' she said.

    "We're also providing hope for families who live with the devastating impacts of having family members with addiction issues by getting their loved ones into treatment sooner.''

    Eby said the record death toll reported by Lapointe was "disturbing,'' underscoring the importance of the work they need to do to support people amid the public health crisis.

    "Our goal is ultimately to get to a system [in which] when somebody's ready for care, that high-quality care is ready for them when they are, and there is not a barrier of cost, of wait — that's what we're working toward.

    "We're not there yet, but we're going to continue that important work,'' said Eby.

    Mental Health and Addictions Minister Jennifer Whiteside said there was no "cookie-cutter'' approach to the crisis, and the delivery of these beds is one of many pathways to support people in need.

    Lapointe's views on the crisis echo a recent coroners service death review panel report that recommended providing controlled drugs to people without prescriptions.

    But the proposal was immediately rejected by the government in November, moments before Lapointe had an opportunity to present the conclusions at a press conference.

    Eby said Thursday that there was common ground, however.

    "The coroner, myself, Minister Whiteside, and all British Columbians have the same goal of ensuring that treatments are available for people when they need it and that the treatment that's available is of the highest possible quality,'' he said.

  19. Backlash against drug decriminalization and safe supply 'terrifies' B.C.'s exiting chief coroner

    Lisa Lapointe says significant policy change at all levels of government is needed to save lives

    CBC News · February 01, 2024

    Since she became B.C.'s chief coroner in February 2011, Lisa Lapointe has seen a lot change.

    In 2016, the province declared a public health emergency over drug poisoning deaths. In 2023, B.C. decriminalized the possession of up to 2.5 grams of some illicit drugs for personal use.

    Changes have also been made to allow people who use drugs to be prescribed regulated alternatives to street drugs in what is termed safe supply.

    And yet, the number of people dying of toxic drug deaths continues to climb — a record high of 2,511 in 2023, for a total of more than 14,000 deaths since 2016.

    Through the years Lapointe has tracked each of those deaths, releasing regular, data-driven reports on the public health emergency.

    Through it all, she says, the evidence is clear that keeping people alive must be a priority. She says to do that, efforts at destigmatization, decriminalization and prescription must continue, despite the sense from some that these changes are doing more harm than good.

    In a year-end interview back in December, B.C. Conservative Party Leader John Rustad argued prescribed drugs are "not safe," and an emphasis should be put on arresting and prosecuting dealers. Similar sentiments have been expressed by members of the federal Conservatives.

    B.C.'s NDP government says it is committed to moving forward with a three-year decriminalization pilot project.

    Premier David Eby, meanwhile, said last week that he has a "fundamental" disagreement with Lapointe, who has called for non-prescription safe supply of drugs.

    The growing backlash in some corners "terrifies" Lapointe, who says toxicology reports make it clear that illicit drugs are responsible for the vast majority — roughly 85 per cent — of toxic drug deaths, not diverted safe supply.

    She says she is worried there is a move toward once again driving users into "back corners, basement suites [and] back alleys ... where people die alone."

    Lapointe spoke to CBC host Gloria Macarenko on CBC's The Early Edition.

    The following transcript has been edited for length and clarity.

    continued below

  20. What are you reflecting most on right now?

    I'm certainly reflecting on the genesis of this crisis. In 2012 when we first saw illicit fentanyl show up in post-mortem toxicology results and had absolutely no idea that that would result in the devastation and the death that we've seen over the past seven-and-a-half years. The number of families that have been impacted.

    And I will leave knowing that as a coroner service, we have done our very best to bring forward information, to provide the data, the evidence, to support meaningful responses.

    But I also leave with a real sense of sadness knowing that unless we see some significant policy change at all levels of government, the death toll will continue to climb. And that makes me very sad and very worried.

    Why do you think David Eby is having such a hard time accepting the recommendation [of expanding safe supply]?

    I think it's very difficult for politicians [to encourage] something that, for the public, feels radical.

    It feels radical to give substances to people who are already suffering from the effects of those substances.

    But when we explain to people ... The idea behind the prescribed or non-prescribed model of safer supply is to keep [people] alive.

    Let's stop supporting the organized crime-driven illicit drug market, provide a safer supply to those at risk ... and then have, in the background, building that prevention, treatment, recovery [infrastructure] that currently just doesn't exist.

    Where is the data?

    The decriminalization pilot — while incredibly important — [it's] really difficult to get meaningful data at this stage.

    I think there are critics of decrim who say, 'Well look, it's been in place a year, the deaths didn't go down.'

    Well, decriminalization is one year into a three-year pilot after decades of criminalization and policies that have supported – sadly, unknowingly or without meaning to — the illicit drug trade.

    So where people say, 'Decrim's a failure,' we can't measure one year of decriminalization against decades of criminalization. That's where this problem started.

    And I don't think we can measure the success of decriminalization until we address the toxic supply because people are still dying every day because the supply is toxic.

    But politicians are attacking this whole process.

    It's funny how we want to revert back to what is familiar.

    Criminalization is what we did for decades. It wasn't effective, but somehow we feel like that's got to be the better way.

    It didn't work and that's where we need to have that separation of politics and medical evidence and look at what actually works.

    To abandon that, to go backwards to a system that was never effective, has led us to the crisis where we are today ... That's a knee-jerk reaction. It's an emotional reaction and it isn't driven by science.

    It's unfortunate.

    But we rely on the science, and then hopefully over time the public and the politicians will see that, and we will see that meaningful change.

    Because if we don't, and I'm going to be really honest, if we don't see wide-scale change, then next year the new chief coroner will be standing up and saying there were another 2,500 deaths.

    see the links, charts and photos embedded in this article at:

  21. B.C. should expand safer-supply program despite drug diversion risks: provincial health officer

    Dr. Bonnie Henry says other drugs should be included in program, while acknowledging it carries societal risks

    by David P. Ball · CBC News · February 01, 2024

    A new report from Dr. Bonnie Henry has called on the B.C. government to broaden the availability and types of drugs that can be prescribed under the province's controversial safer-supply program.

    But the provincial health officer also acknowledged Thursday that the pioneering program carries some societal risks, and urged B.C. to create a scientific and clinical committee to address concerns and evidence arising from it.

    B.C. is the first province to have a safer-supply program, which allows medical prescribers to give substance users regulated versions of some opioids.

    "This policy, in its intent, is an important part of the spectrum of medical care we are providing — and need to continue to provide — for people who use drugs in the province," Henry told media Thursday on the release of her report, titled A Review of Prescribed Safer Supply Programs Across British Columbia.

    "The program does not go far enough in terms of the medical model to meet those needs … The medical model must be expanded."

    Henry said she was asked by the province last spring to scrutinize any risks and benefits of the initiative and to issue recommendations.

    Her report comes amid growing controversy around prescribed safer supply, which B.C. launched in March 2020.

    Last year, a record 2,511 British Columbians died as a result of unregulated drugs, the equivalent of nearly seven deaths a day. That represents a five per cent increase compared with the previous high of 2,383 deaths recorded in 2022.

    B.C.'s mental health and addictions minister said the provincial government will continue to offer a broad range of support for substance users — including treatment and recovery, harm reduction, housing and employment programs — not just prescribed safer supply.

    "This program is one part of a comprehensive approach to saving lives," Jennifer Whiteside told reporters following Henry's news conference. "We are going to continue to work all across that continuum … to keep people alive and connect them to the care they need.

    "Our focus now is to look at improving the current model that we have."

    Whiteside called prescribed safer supply an important step to helping people accessing opioid replacement therapy, as well as treatment services.

    Asked about concerns over the scarcity of definitive scientific evidence for safer supply, she said Henry's proposal for a scientific and clinical committee is "under consideration" by the province.

    Critics have expressed concerns that some of the regulated drugs may be making their way to unintended substance users without a prescription, known as diversion.

    "Emerging evidence indicates diversion of prescribed substance(s) is occurring and may be causing harms," Henry's report states.

    However, she said there is no evidence that more youth are being diagnosed with opioid use disorder since the province launched its prescribed supply program — in fact, she found the opposite.

    continued below

  22. But she acknowledged that issues surrounding "diversion and diversion mitigation result in moral distress for some prescribers."

    "We need to understand that better," Henry said on Thursday. "Clearly, for the unmet needs, we need expanded access to medications that do meet people's needs, so you don't need to sell the drugs you have."

    She added that B.C. must ensure officials have a "better understanding of whether or how" youth are accessing prescribed opioids.

    Chris Dunham, who receives methadone treatment, told CBC News he often sold his previous prescription of hydromorphone (also known as Dilaudid) and diazepam (also known as Valium) on the streets because he found them ineffective.

    "To get other drugs [to] get high on, like fentanyl ... I sold them all the time," the 54-year-old said. "I think the heroin program is probably good but ... don't take it home so it can't be diverted.

    "All these dilaudids are going to the streets and addicting other people ... I don't want other people to have to go live the life I've lived."

    On the other side, substance users and some health providers have said it is too difficult to access the prescriptions for users at greatest risk of dying from toxic, illicit drugs.

    Henry therefore called on the province to expand its prescription program to include more commonly used forms of drugs including diacetylmorphine — or pharmaceutical heroin — and powdered fentanyl.

    For one patient who receives prescribed heroin in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside, the program has been a life-saver as she watched many of her peers die of overdoses (ODs).

    "Everyone was OD-ing and dying," Claudia West said. "I haven't touched street drugs since I joined the program ... It's been helping me keep clean from street drugs for over two years now.

    "It saved my life, because I was doing fentanyl."

    Currently most of the prescribed supply under the program has been hydromorphone in tablet form, said Dr. Alexis Crabtree, the B.C. Centre for Disease Control's medical lead of harm reduction and substance use services.

    "Hydromorphone tablets are not a substance that is working for everyone," she told reporters on Thursday.

    Additionally, she said, there's not yet strong enough research to definitively say prescribed safer supply is an effective "evidence-based intervention."

    But what little data there is suggests the program is worthwhile, if it can be expanded to more substances, she argued.

    "The research is largely positive regarding prescribed safer supply," said Crabtree, who is also a clinical instructor at UBC's School of Population and Public Health.

    On Jan. 24, Chief Coroner Lisa Lapointe renewed her plea for an expansion of safer supply and a "systems change" that treats substance use as a health issue, not a criminal problem.

    Following Lapointe's remarks, B.C. United leader Kevin Falcon said on social media that the grim death toll was an indictment of the B.C. NDP's policies, including the "reckless decriminalization" of small amounts of certain illicit drugs.

    According to the province, 4,265 people were prescribed an opioid alternative under the $184-million program in November 2023.

    see the links and photos embedded in this article at:

  23. Documentary: Drug User Liberation and the fight for safe supply

    This short documentary follows the late 2023 raids and arrests against the Drug User Liberation Front (DULF) and the Medicinal Mushroom Dispensary in Vancouver, Canada.

    Meet the brave activists creating a safer drug supply - leading and protecting their communities despite threats from politicians and attacks from the cops.

  24. What’s Behind the Right-Wing Backlash Against Harm Reduction?

    Ideology and money are driving a campaign against measures that could save lives.

    by Carlyn Zwarenstein, he Tyee August 2023

    To harm reductionists in the United States, Canada can sound like a bastion of progressive, evidence-based drug policies. Naloxone is available over-the-counter at pharmacies, sometimes for free; cannabis is legal everywhere and widely available; a growing number of safe supply programs provide opioids of known dosage and composition; safe consumption sites exist across the country.

    The harm reduction gains are real, even if programs don’t reach nearly enough people and far more remains to be done. Each has only been won through painstaking activism, often civil disobedience or legal challenges, by people who use drugs and their allies.

    But Canada’s gains also face — increasingly, perhaps — an organized, ideologically right-wing backlash. Opponents of harm reduction vigorously seek to link progressive drug policy with social strife, stoking moral panics that translate to votes and then to deaths, as life-saving interventions are weakened or eliminated altogether.

    Benjamin Perrin should know. A conservative from his early teens, he rose through party ranks to become advisor on public safety issues for former Conservative prime minister Stephen Harper in 2012, just as the toxic drug supply saw a dramatic surge in overdose deaths.

    He’s not the first person to become more progressive upon leaving their position of leadership or influence (the pro-decriminalization Global Commission on Drug Policy is full of former presidents who upheld prohibitionist or punitive policies while in office).

    But Perrin’s change of heart was a bit more like a transplant. After close personal encounters with the lived realities of intergenerational trauma, addiction, disability and mental health challenges, he “found freedom and peace in Jesus Christ,” according to his website. And he began to take an interest in the impact of poverty and other forms of marginalization on people he once saw as the problem.

    Perrin now speaks across the country about the need for compassionate, evidence-based policies, and wrote a progressive-minded, if not radical, book on the subject. But he doesn’t believe more evidence is likely to change people’s opinions.

    “Ideology is firmly in the driver’s seat,” he told me. In fact, it’s not an old-fashioned conservative ideology that he describes — although he draws links to the traditionally conservative idea that people should “pull themselves up by the bootstraps” — but moralism, what he calls “moral panic.”

    Most worrying, drug policy has joined other hot-button issues as the subject of massive misinformation campaigns, which Perrin describes as mob-like and fear-based.

    “Substance use has become enmeshed in right-wing narratives such as homelessness,” he said.

    This has played out most recently in relation to safe supply, in stories that illustrate complicated connections between anti-harm reduction rhetoric, people making money from unregulated addiction treatment and the right wing in Canada and beyond.

    In January, Last Door Recovery Society, a private, abstinence-only addiction treatment centre in Vancouver, provoked a national-level debate with an inflammatory press release alleging “diversion” of safe supply hydromorphone in the city.

    Although these allegations have been debunked, Conservative party Leader Pierre Poilievre seized on the issue. In doing so, he aped U.S. global warming apologist Michael Shellenberger’s argument in his 2021 book, San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities that unhoused people and permissive drug policies are to blame for urban problems.

    continued below

  25. This draws liberally from the playbook of right-wing activist and journalist Aaron Gunn, whose incendiary documentary, Vancouver Is Dying, came out in October. The film takes direct aim at the federal government and politicians who have promoted harm reduction policies. It interviews cops, people with histories of addiction and victims of crime to advance the debatable view that crime in that city is out of control, and the baseless assertions that it results from harm reduction policies and is perpetuated by unhoused people who use drugs (but not by policies that result in homelessness).

    A frequent, nonsensical analogy made in the film — which has garnered millions of views — is that providing opioid safe supply is like encouraging people with alcohol use disorder to drink and drive.

    On the back of the Last Door tempest, a swarm of poorly informed articles flooded Canada’s mainstream right-wing media. In May, the National Post dedicated 10,000 words to an opinionated investigation of safe supply “diversion” that was deeply careless with the facts. On the further reaches of far-right media that have spread in recent years, the trifecta of violent crime/homeless encampments/harm reduction has become an almost constant bugaboo.

    Meanwhile, Alberta’s United Conservative Party has been vociferously opposed to safe consumption sites; defies the evidence by promoting abstinence-based treatment for opioid use disorder; and has thrown lives into chaos with its recent reduction of access to an existing safe supply program.

    April was Alberta’s worst month on record for overdose deaths. Yet in May, instead of rethinking her attacks on harm reduction, Premier Danielle Smith — selective in her libertarian opposition to government overreach — promised to legislate forced addiction treatment. She stated, without evidence, that this “will allow us to save the lives of addicts who are at risk of dying from an overdose and protect those who are at risk of being randomly attacked in our communities.”

    It’s not clear, however, that anti-harm reduction positioning reflects the views of the average Canadian.

    “I think that generally speaking, the Canadian public tends to be fairly supportive of harm reduction,” said Elaine Hyshka, an associate professor at the University of Alberta’s school of public health. “I think for most people it is becoming increasingly, like, common sense that in order to reduce the harms of substances in society, we need to take multiple different approaches. And one of those approaches is harm reduction.”

    In support of this, Hyshka cited her recent work on public opinion about safe supply. Even in Alberta and Saskatchewan, the relatively conservative provinces she polled, Canadian public opinion didn’t follow anti-harm reduction rhetoric: in Alberta in 2021, for example, a full 63.5 per cent of respondents were in favour of programs that replace illegal drugs with pharmaceutical alternatives for people who haven’t been able to stop using.

    “We found that the majority of people were supporting the idea of prescribing pharmaceutical alternatives or providing pharmaceutical-grade alternatives to illegal drugs for people who are dependent on the illegal drug supply,” Hyshka said.

    Nonetheless, Canada’s right-wing backlash to harm reduction is loud, determined and politically powerful. Perrin now looks at the movement a bit like someone who has escaped a cult — even as it goes further in a direction set by the government he served.

    continued below

  26. To understand the appeal of that cult to at least a significant proportion of Canadians, consider the “right-wing authoritarian personality,” as defined by Canadian-American social psychologist Robert Altemeyer. He describes a personality type submissive to authority, highly adherent to social conventions endorsed by authorities and quick to condemn, and aggressively punish, supposed enemies identified by assertive leaders. Typically these “enemies” are outsiders, or people perceived as morally degenerate.

    “One kind of theory is that Canadian drug policy is very dictated by these oscillating moments, of panic and then indifference,” Alex Betsos noted. A PhD student studying Canadian drug history at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, he’s also an international working group member for the harm reduction organization Youth RISE.

    Betsos pointed to the wave of limited but progressive initiatives that governments got behind for a couple of years, as a result of panic about surging overdose deaths around 2016. Over this period, increasing public understanding of the evidence supporting safe consumption sites and other harm reduction interventions was evident, as borne out in polls like Hyshka’s.

    Since then, though, many Canadians have returned to the indifference part of Betsos’ cycle, the COVID-19 pandemic having seized everyone’s attention (and severely worsened the overdose crisis).

    Perhaps this sense of comparative indifference created a vacuum into which right-wing advocates of prohibitionist, punitive drug policy could step, gathering up a mob of vocal followers to unleash a pattern of online, often transnational mobilizing, with right-wing media outlets stoking local and in-person outrage — seen around everything from safe consumption sites and immigration to the use of gas stoves.

    “Regardless of what crime statistics say, people’s feelings about the city and crime go up and down,” Garth Mullins told me. A longtime drug-user activist and member of the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users and the British Columbia Association for People on Methadone, he also hosts and produces the award-winning drug-war podcast Crackdown.

    And then, when those feelings take a downward turn, he continued, “drug users or people without housing get the blame for it. And we’re seeing one of those cycles happening.”

    “You know, if people are feeling unsafe, then it starts with a genuine feeling,” Mullins said. “And then it pivots to blame new enemies. And that’s how right-wing and far-right propaganda often works.... When there’s a complicated situation, to find enemies you can point to — like Pierre Poilievre, you can just point to ‘Look, look here, these people on the street who are completely visible, that’s what’s causing the problem,’ instead of something like the price of food or the inequality in the system or the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.”

    Betsos noted that attribution of “urban blight” and visible homelessness to failed progressive drug policy isn’t a new thing. But, he said, it wasn’t until recently that it gained new traction. “It’s taken a while to get off the ground, I think, and that’s maybe why we’ve been really caught off guard.”

    What seem like spontaneous reactions and inadequate education — and what harm reductionists have typically countered, in good faith, as such — are increasingly arising from the larger anti-progressive movement that specializes in disinformation and is eager to find a way to be partisan about everything.

    continued below

  27. “People can have views about things, but if they’re not organized, they haven’t found each other and co-ordinated their messaging and actions, [it’s] not very effective,” Mullins said. “But now, right-wing politicians and commentators in the media have all found each other, and they’re co-ordinating their action. And so they’re being very effective about it.”

    “This is all [rooted in] a sort of nationwide or continent-wide law-and-order backlash,” he added. “When it first came to my attention that this is a continent-wide thing that was gonna affect us was when that Shellenberger guy was getting ready to write his book.”

    When he saw how San Fransicko fuelled pundit and public outrage — by attributing public homelessness, similar to Vancouver’s, to compassionate drug policy — Mullins knew that this argument would have a lot of currency in Canada.

    Another line of thinking: At the bottom of this, it isn’t really a debate about the pros and cons of harm reduction at all. Some Canadian harm reductionists have begun looking into the links between would-be privatizers of Canada’s public health-care systems, right-wing influencers and movements across North America, and government or political party workers on the Canadian right who benefit financially from private addiction clinics and services.

    Bringing such connections to light clarifies narratives that benefit those for whom deaths and suffering among certain groups of people who use drugs are the cost of doing business. In this case, it’s not really views on harm reduction that are driving policy, but right-wing ideology acting as a justification of profiteering.

    Last Door — the residential addiction treatment facility that set off a storm in Canadian politics — is, as various harm reductionists have carefully traced, deeply enmeshed in a network of anti-harm reduction advocates who are also entrenched in U.S. right-wing movements. And, in contrast to publicly accountable harm reduction programs, unregulated treatment centres like Last Door take public funding but make private profits.

    Euan Thomson, executive director of Each + Every: Businesses for Harm Reduction, a coalition of small businesses promoting evidence-based responses to the overdose crisis, points out in his newsletter that Last Door’s director of community development is the chair of Recovery Capital Conference of Canada, which runs the influential and prohibitionist Alberta Recovery Conference.

    This annual conference, open to those who can pay $500 to attend, draws speakers from among the most outspoken North American opponents of harm reduction. These have included U.S. doctors Keith Humphreys and Anna Lembke; Julian Somers, a British Columbia psychiatrist known for his conflation of homelessness, addiction, drug use and crime; and Marshall Smith, chief of staff to Danielle Smith and an advisor to the United Conservative Party on addiction and recovery.

    Smith, who comes from B.C., experienced homelessness and addiction to methamphetamine and alcohol in the early 2000s. Shortly after receiving residential treatment himself, he became the director of a private treatment centre. Later, he was a senior staffer in an abstinence-based “therapeutic community.”

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  28. Since leaving B.C., he’s parlayed his combination of political influence and experience into a career as a driving force for the so-called "Alberta Model." U.S.-based pundit Sean Speer, a fan of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan’s “coherent and intellectually rooted policy agenda,” is another former Stephen Harper advisor who has praised the Alberta model.

    Thomson additionally flags a network of public and governmental organizations in Alberta that provide massive funding to Last Door — for example, a 2021 contract worth over $1.2 million to create a phone app. Another sponsor of the conference, Edgewood Health Network, was awarded tens of millions of public money by Alberta’s UCP government to open residential “therapeutic communities.”

    The inaugural ARC sponsor, meanwhile, was Our Collective Journey — a UCP-funded, Medicine Hat-based recovery coaching organization. Our Collective Journey is a member of North America Recovers, a transnational organization that has run ads in Washington, D.C., calling on President Joe Biden to shut down safe consumption sites.

    First established in Seattle just this year with the aim of also shutting down encampments of unhoused people, North America Recovers promotes abstinence-based treatment, with a distinctly right-wing philosophy that draws on ideas similar to San Fransicko.

    Like the UCP, North America Recovers advocates mandatory medication for mental health issues and forced treatment for addiction — including treatment known to increase the risk of death, relative to other options, for people with opioid use disorder.

    In this vision of the world, encampments should be razed and unhoused people forced into emergency shelters even at risk of disease, overdose or other harm. Human rights like safe shelter should be conditional on abstinence or compliance with mental health and addiction treatment. And drugs should remain illegal, even as the lucrative treatment industry lines its proponents’ pockets.

    During an earlier overdose crisis in the 1990s, drug-user activists who had argued for a range of solutions, including decriminalization — which might have prevented the later rise of illicit fentanyl — were forced to compromise on their demands. They wound up with a single safe consumption site in Vancouver.

    A single site was deeply inadequate given that prohibition was already worsening overdose risk in an illicit drug market centred in the Downtown Eastside. The site also bought into a medical model many drug-user activists would prefer to avoid. Yet it was better than nothing, and viewed as a first step. And so, despite these concessions, they later had to defend it, and other imperfect responses, from attacks by Stephen Harper’s Conservative government.

    “When Harper came to shut it down, we had to defend it,” Mullins recalled. “And there was a whole bunch of myths fabricated around the safe injection site as well. And we had to clarify those myths.”

    While Harper’s former advisor Perrin tries to convert Christians to the harm reduction cause, those in the harm reduction trenches and others see it as less about cajoling compassion and more about claiming rights.

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  29. Betsos, for example, argues that while harm reduction initiatives are falsely characterized as not working because they are too radical, in fact, the reason they don’t work as well as they could is that they don’t go far enough.

    “We’re always... trying not to step on toes,” he said, “and so we’re making all these compromises.”

    Hyshka believes the same. In her research, she’s found that while generic harm reduction rhetoric is often used by governments, there are still relatively few substantial harm reduction policies in any of the provinces or territories.

    “I actually think that in some cases, the fact that these programs have been implemented incrementally [is] providing critics an opportunity to say, well, we’ve tried that and it doesn’t work,” she said. “They have not been scaled to the size that they need to be.”

    Like Hyshka, Betsos points to the backlash against very restricted hydromorphone programs, which were developed in response to some evidence that some people can’t distinguish hydromorphone from heroin under certain conditions. Critics of such programs say sarcastically that you might as well give everyone heroin, or fentanyl. In fact, Betsos agrees.

    While hydromorphone, like methadone, works very well for those for whom it works, it was yet another compromise for drug-user activists and harm reductionists. It was simply easier to seek approval for hydromorphone than the less politically palatable diacetylmorphine, the pharmaceutical version of heroin.

    “We’ve been kind of stymied by the potential for conservative backlash,” Betsos said.

    Harm reductionists know that many people who use opioids now seek not heroin, but more potent, shorter-acting fentanyl. As a direct substitution, prescription fentanyl programs — some isolated examples are emerging — would be more likely to retain people and help them stabilize their lives.

    Perhaps, Betsos suggests, harm reduction advocates need to go not smaller in their demands, but bigger — lining up more squarely behind evidence and a holistic grasp of the dynamics in which people are suffering.

    “One point is [the potential of] meeting the political moment as a moment to open up possibilities,” he said.

    Mullins is focusing on building coalitions to make common cause with labour movements, civil rights groups and others against the right-wing momentum across North America. These efforts seek to bring drug-user voices into the conversation, and to educate the public — including his fellow VANDU members, whose lives are directly affected by the rhetoric — to see through right-wing talking points.

    At a recent VANDU meeting, Mullins played video clips from the House of Commons debate on Poilievre’s (eventually defeated) motion seeking to defund nationally funded harm reduction programs like safe supply.

    “Everyone is like, booing [Poilievre], but also kind of shocked to see our issues being lied about in the most powerful room in the country,” he said.

    It’s not easy countering the lies, though. “The problem is, we have to explain the system, and they have to just point to a scapegoat… so our job is a little harder,” Mullins explained. “That’s the great thing about the invisible hand of the market. It’s invisible… so those market forces that are making everybody’s lives so much more difficult are hard to just point to directly.”

  30. Study Finds DULF Reduced Overdoses by Distributing Tested Drugs

    Researcher Thomas Kerr says it’s important to follow the peer-reviewed science instead of politicized opinions on safe supply.

    by Michelle Gamage The Tyee March 05, 2024

    Research first published informally by Vancouver’s Drug User Liberation Front has now been published in a peer-reviewed international journal.

    DULF bought heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine from online sources known to sell purer forms of these drugs, rigorously tested the drugs and then sold them at cost to its 47 compassion club members. Members lived in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside neighbourhood, were 19 years old and up, were members of a drug user group in Vancouver and were at high risk of overdose.

    The study, published recently in the International Journal of Drug Policy, found the 47 compassion club members were less likely to die from overdose while they were able to access this safer supply.

    Shortly after DULF published its preliminary findings, Vancouver police arrested and raided the workplaces and homes of DULF co-founders Eris Nyx and Jeremy Kalicum. This effectively ended the compassion club. The pair have not been charged.

    “What these guys were doing was trying to save lives and it appears to have had that benefit,” said Thomas Kerr, a professor and head of the division of social medicine in the department of medicine at the University of British Columbia and director of research with the BC Centre on Substance Use.

    Kerr produced the study alongside DULF co-founders Eris Nyx and Jeremy Kalicum, and Canada Research Chair in substance use policy and practice research Mary Clare Kennedy.

    DULF was loosely formed in the spring of 2020 when Nyx and Kalicum banded together and started buying unregulated cocaine so they could test it and hand it out for free to people who were at high risk of overdose because they were accessing the unregulated drug supply.

    The idea was that if people who use drugs could know the potency and combination of substances they were using, they would be less likely to overdose and die.

    At that time, it was just a theory that giving people tested street drugs “wouldn’t make the sky fall down,” Kalicum told The Tyee when DULF informally published the research in October 2023.

    The increasing toxicity of street drugs

    In B.C. the toxicity of street drugs has been on the rise since 2012, when fentanyl first entered the unregulated supply.

    Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is regularly used in health care in controlled settings, for example colonoscopies and surgeries where a patient is sedated for a very short period of time.

    Fentanyl is more powerful than heroin and can be cheaply produced in unregulated local laboratories. As it started being added to B.C.’s street drug supply, overdose deaths started to climb. It increased the potency of street drugs and meant someone could take what they thought was their normal dose but have taken a toxic amount.

    B.C. declared a public health emergency in the spring of 2016, after 529 people died from overdose in 2015.

    Tragically, the street drug supply has only grown more toxic since then.

    Fentanyl analogues, which can be hundreds of times more powerful than fentanyl (and 10,000 times more potent than morphine), and other drug classes like benzodiazepines and xylazine have been added to the supply too. Benzodiazepines can make the effects of opioids more powerful, which can put people at a higher risk of overdosing.

    Overdose fatalities were nearly five times higher last year than in 2015, reaching 2,539 deaths.

    B.C. has had a provincial safer supply program since March 2020, in which people who use unregulated opioids can talk to their doctor about getting a prescription for pharmaceutical-grade opioids. But only about five per cent of the estimated 100,000 people with opioid use disorder in B.C. are accessing this program.

    continued below

  31. Opioid use disorder is defined by the BC Centre on Substance Use as a chronic relapsing illness associated with high risk of death.

    B.C.’s chief coroner and provincial health officer have both publicly called for the province to look at expanding how many people can access safer supply by exploring non-medical models, such as compassion clubs.

    The harm reduction initiative of distributing naloxone kits, which can temporarily reverse an opioid overdose, is becoming less effective because more naloxone is required to counteract the more powerful opioids, and naloxone doesn’t reverse benzodiazepine toxicity.

    This and many other factors such as poverty and homelessness are feeding into a catastrophic loss of life due to unregulated drug poisonings, with annual death counts steadily increasing since 2019. Unregulated drugs are now the leading cause of death for everyone in B.C. aged 10 to 59, according to the BC Coroners Service.

    This is the horror Nyx, a harm reduction worker at the Downtown Eastside SRO Collaborative and a musician, and Kalicum, a drug-checking technician at Substance, a drug-checking project on Vancouver Island, were staring down when they decided to start buying and supplying people with a tested supply of drugs.

    Peer-reviewed science over politics

    While DULF was occasionally handing out tested substances, it was also applying to the federal government for an exemption to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. In August 2022, DULF was informed that it would not be given this exemption.

    In that same month, 190 British Columbians died from toxic overdose, and B.C. had one of the highest per capita unregulated drug death rates in the world, with 44.8 deaths per 100,000, according to the study. The Downtown Eastside had 557 deaths per 100,000, and the rest of Canada had 19.3 per 100,000. Scotland, which has one of the highest toxic drug death rates in Europe, had 16.8 deaths per 100,000 from 2018 to 2022.

    And so Nyx and Kalicum kicked off an unsanctioned compassion club and invited Kerr and Kennedy to help with the research.

    “As far as we know there has never been a compassion club of this kind anywhere in the world,” Kerr said.

    Club members could purchase at cost up to 14 grams of cocaine, heroin or methamphetamine per week that had been tested using four different methods to ensure quality and check for potentially fatal contaminants. The DULF storefront, located in the DTES, was open four days a week for a total of 24 hours, and included an overdose prevention site.

    Data for the research was collected by surveying the 47 compassion club members every three months between August 2022 and October 2023. Survey questions were adapted from several DTES studies and administered by trained research assistants.

    With an average of five surveys done by each participant, the study collected 225 observations and a collective 44.4 years of data. The majority (62 per cent) identified as male and white, and 49 per cent as Indigenous. Participants could choose multiple ethnicities if more than one applied. Most (78 per cent) had also been incarcerated and nearly half said they were unstably housed.

    continued below

  32. During the study, almost half of the participants experienced at least one non-fatal overdose and 38 per cent had an overdose where naloxone was administered. None of these overdoses happened at the DULF club. Being enrolled in the compassion club reduced a participant’s odds of any type of non-fatal overdose and non-fatal overdose involving naloxone administration.

    Forty-seven participants who began the study completed the study, meaning none experienced a fatal overdose during the study period. One person enrolled in the study but died before they could access the compassion club.

    This suggests compassion clubs can help reduce the pressure on overwhelmed health-care systems, the study notes. A similar 2022 study from Ontario also found that when people can access safer supply, they require fewer hospital visits, saving on health-care costs.

    At the rate people are dying, Kerr said, “it’s obvious what we’re doing is not enough.”

    Kerr is critical of the recovery and treatment industry because treatment is often offered by private providers with financial interests. Opioid agonist therapy is great if you can keep people in the program, but the majority stop using it before it can have long-lasting positive impacts, he added. And people struggle to access safer supply because doctors are hesitant to prescribe, people can’t access a doctor or the medications or hours don’t work for them.

    “We need innovation in this area, and I think this was a particularly potent intervention,” he said.

    Compassion clubs are “a way of elevating drug checking up the supply chain and ensuring a safer supply for people until we get to where we need to be, which is a fully regulated system just like we have for alcohol,” Kerr said.

    He notes how all other consumables, such as food, alcohol and cigarettes, are regulated to promote consumer safety.

    DULF was “a consumer safety initiative in the midst of the worst public health crisis in recent history,” he said.

    Drug policy has gotten very politicized recently, and it’s important for everyone to listen to peer-reviewed science instead of “armchair academics,” Kerr said. Other Canadian researchers have offered similar warnings.

    You can identify these “armchair academics” because they mainly publish on social media, Kerr said.

    “It’s easier to offer a critique via Twitter than it is to submit something at a journal and have five anonymous reviewers determine whether it’s worthy of publication and dissemination,” he added.

    As an example, he pointed to a report commissioned by the Alberta Health Ministry in 2022 that found there were no documented benefits of safer supply.

    More than 50 research scientists, doctors and people who use drugs said the report was “remarkably low quality and would probably not have been published in a peer-reviewed journal,” Kerr said. “But still, it gets cited by policymakers as somehow proof that safe supply doesn’t work.”

    see the links embedded in this article at:

  33. A Conservative MP Helped Spread Misinformation about Safe Injection Sites

    Advocate Sarah Blyth says politicians need to ensure accuracy before sharing false, slanted or ‘rage-farming’ social media content.

    by Jen St. Denis The Tyee March 14, 2024

    The founder of an overdose prevention site in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside says she’s disappointed to see a Conservative politician spreading misinformation about safe injection sites during a crisis that has killed over 40,000 Canadians.

    Sarah Blyth is urging politicians to verify online posts after Todd Doherty, Conservative MP for Cariboo-Prince George, shared a video taken by a former homeless outreach worker from Oregon who is currently facing 19 charges of theft, identity theft and official misconduct related to his job.

    “It’s really important for every politician, from every party, to make sure what they put out there is accurate information,” she said.

    The video Kevin Dahlgren shared on X on Sunday shows the interior of what Dahlgren said was a safe injection site, but later acknowledged was a homeless shelter in Vancouver. The video shows several men using drugs or incapacitated.

    Doherty shared the post and said the video shows “an inside look into a ‘safe’ injection site in Vancouver.”

    He went on to call out Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and B.C. Premier David Eby for their poor handling of the overdose crisis.

    “There’s a lot of misinformation out there,” Blyth told The Tyee. “I think the politics is scary for me, in the sense that we save people every day. We see hundreds of people, and we help them — we’re a frontline emergency service and it’s not being depicted [accurately], the way that we operate.”

    As the overdose crisis has worsened, right-wing parties in Canada have pushed back against harm reduction approaches like overdose prevention sites, safe supply and even clean needle programs.

    Those parties say they want to focus on treatment and recovery from drugs, rather than harm reduction.

    Dahlgren’s Sunday post came as Conservative politicians, including Doherty, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre and Alberta Premier Danielle Smith, were raising the alarm about a March 8 statement from the Prince George RCMP that drugs prescribed under safer supply programs were being diverted and resold by organized crime groups.

    But three days later John Brewer, the assistant RCMP commissioner in B.C., refuted that claim, saying “there is currently no evidence to support a widespread diversion of safer supply drugs in the illicit market in B.C. or Canada.”

    Doherty’s staff told The Tyee the MP would not do an interview about his social media post or whether he knew about the criminal charges against Dahlgren.

    continued below

  34. Those charges are related “to multiple incidents of theft and misuse of his official position as a homeless services specialist for the City of Gresham,” according to the Multnomah County District Attorney. Gresham is a suburb of Portland.

    Dahlgren has pleaded not guilty, according to news reports.

    Blyth said it’s important to understand that the scene shown in the video was not a safe injection site or an overdose prevention site, where people who use drugs can quickly get medical attention to reverse an overdose.

    Insite, Canada’s oldest safe injection site, is staffed by nurses, while overdose prevention sites are generally staffed by workers who are trained to reverse overdoses and provide other types of support, like wound care for infected limbs.

    Because opening a safe injection site involves bureaucratic hurdles and takes a long time, Blyth and other activists started running overdose prevention sites in 2016 as the powerful synthetic opioid fentanyl was causing a sharp rise in fatal overdoses.

    While overdose prevention sites initially operated illegally, the B.C. government quickly recognized they were needed to save lives and moved to sanction them.

    The Tyee was not able to verify which shelter Dahlgren’s video depicts.

    When The Tyee contacted PHS Community Services Society, the operator of several Downtown Eastside shelters as well as the safe injection site InSite, staff declined to comment, saying the video was “rage farming” and the organization did not want to give Dahlgren more publicity.

    The Tyee was also unable to verify when the video that was posted on X on March 10 was actually filmed. Dylan Lerch, the police detective in charge of the identify theft case, said Dahlgren is known to recycle his video clips. He is supposed to have surrendered his passport since the charges were approved in October 2023, so he shouldn’t be able to travel to Canada, Lerch told The Tyee.

    While Dahlgren acknowledged in a followup post that he’s been told he filmed a homeless shelter, not a safe injection site, his original March 10 post remains on X. The followup post with the correction received 3,600 impressions, while the original post received 331,000.

    The Tyee reached out to Dahlgren through his X and Instagram accounts but did not hear back by publication time.

    Dahlgren previously worked with a YouTuber called Tyler Oliveira to make a documentary-style video about drug policy in Vancouver that was posted on Nov. 2. Similar footage from a homeless shelter — again misidentified as a safe injection site — also appears in that video, titled “I Investigated the Country Where Every Drug Is Legal.” (Many drugs continue to be illegal to possess or sell in Canada.)

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  35. Oliveira’s YouTube page is filled with documentary-style videos with titles like “I Investigated NYC’s Illegal Immigrant Invasion,” “I Investigated the City That Pays You to do Drugs” and “I Investigated the City That Burns Homeless People Alive,” each with over one million views.

    Videos posted to his Instagram account, where he has over 300,000 followers, focus on issues like illegal immigration, crime in cities, homelessness and drug use in impoverished regions of the United States.

    Blyth and other advocates have called these types of videos “poverty tourism” and say they’re harmful to vulnerable communities.

    Elenore Sturko, a BC United MLA who was interviewed by Dahlgren, appears in the video about Vancouver made by Dahlgren and Oliveira. Repeatedly using footage of people incapacitated by drugs, the video takes aim at policies like decriminalization of the possession of small amounts of drugs, blaming those policies for rampant drug use in the Downtown Eastside.

    But after the video appeared on YouTube, Sturko distanced herself from the pair of video-makers.

    “I currently appear in a YouTube video that I believe is inaccurate and exploitative. I can confirm that I did not agree to participate in the video and was recorded by the filmmakers without my consent,” she wrote in a social media post. “Although I stand by my own comments, I do not agree with characterizations of B.C. made in the video nor the premise of ambushing people on the street as clickbait.”

    In response, Oliveira called Sturko “spineless.”

    According to news reports from Oregon, Dahlgren is a former homeless shelter worker who was hired by the City of Gresham in 2018 as a homeless services specialist.

    Dahlgren also became a prolific poster on social media, making videos of homeless people being interviewed about their lives — but also using those videos to share his views that low-barrier housing and permissive drug policies were hurting, not helping, homeless people. He has frequently asked for donations to support his work.

    Blyth has tried to push back against the misinformation in Dahlgren and Oliveira’s video. She made her own TikTok post and appeared in a video made by local filmmaker Nathaniel Canuel that tried to raise awareness of the harms done by filming people in distress without their consent.

    Blyth said she’s open to having a conversation with any politician to talk about solutions to the overdose crisis and said she doesn’t see harm reduction as being in opposition to recovery.

    Blyth said her staff frequently refer people who use the overdose prevention site to drug treatment programs.

    But Blyth acknowledged the current trend in politics is to focus on stoking outrage.

    “It’s the style of politics [now] to be dramatic and crazy... without real concern for the people that are suffering the most,” Blyth said. “We really could use some leadership to come together to try to find solutions for people.”

    see the links, photos and video embedded in this article at:

  36. Outlaw Compassion Club Argues It Merited Health Canada's Support

    Lawyers for a group that gave out safety-tested heroin, cocaine and meth without federal approval defended the project in court.

    by Michelle Gamage The Tyee March 14, 2024

    A Vancouver-based compassion club that was buying unregulated drugs, testing and then distributing them to people at high risk of injury or death got its day in court last week to argue why Health Canada should have worked with it to help save lives during the ongoing toxic drug crisis.

    In 2021 the Drug User Liberation Front applied to Health Canada for an exemption from the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, which would have allowed it to buy, handle and distribute heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine.

    Health Canada denied that request. The compassion club went ahead anyway. Its co-founders have previously told The Tyee they had to do something to reduce harm during the crisis, even if it means breaking the law.

    Last week lawyers for DULF and the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users got two days in court to argue Health Canada was unreasonable and unconstitutional when it denied the request for an exemption from the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act.

    Denying DULF’s exemption request violated the Charter rights of people who use drugs because it impeded their right to life and liberty, and punished people who are addicted to unregulated substances, which could be considered a disability, argued Tim Dickson, a partner with JFK Law LLP and Stephanie Dickson, associate council with Pender Litigation along with Kaelan Unrau, an associate at JKF Law.

    Tim Dickson told the court in its rejection letter, issued July 2022, that Health Canada said it wouldn’t grant an exemption because DULF would be buying unregulated drugs which would support organized crime and breach international drug control conventions. Health Canada was worried this goes against the objectives of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, he added.

    Tim Dickson said DULF’s compassion club would actually have no overall effect on crime because people who buy unregulated drugs are already buying from illicit drug dealers and therefore supporting organized crime. Compassion clubs can even reduce crime and violence because they help separate people from violent drug dealers and reduce people’s reliance on crime to support their drug use, he added.

    DULF co-founder Jeremy Kalicum previously told The Tyee buying drugs from the dark web was relatively safe because you could find regular distributors you trusted and then send money and make orders online. The drugs would be shipped in discreet packaging through the mail, reducing any face-to-face interactions, he said.

    The goal of the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act is to protect public health and safety, Tim Dickson said. DULF’s compassion club would support those goals too, he added, because a compassion club could provide a safe supply of substances to people at high risk of injury or death due to the toxicity of unregulated drugs and reduce crime by separating people from the violence of the trade of street drugs.

    DULF was working towards finding ways to source drugs from regulated, licensed sources and had a tentative agreement to source diacetylmorphine, or pharmaceutical-grade heroin with Fair Price Pharma, a non-profit pharmaceutical company, Tim Dickson said. This showed DULF’s reliance on illicit sources would be temporary until it was able to find legal providers. However, none existed at the time of the application.

    continued below

  37. In its exemption application to Health Canada DULF asked for permission to buy unregulated cocaine, methamphetamine and heroin so it could test and distribute a safer drug supply of drugs to compassion club members. Kalicum and co-founder Eris Nyx submitted the application in August 2021 and were denied the exemption 11 months later in July 2022.

    Nyx and Kalicum went on to form a compassion club without the exemption, enrolling 47 adults who lived in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside and were at high risk of toxic drug overdose.

    The compassion club was effectively shut down in October 2023 when Vancouver Police raised Nyx and Kalicum’s homes and workplaces and arrested the pair. Police have not yet laid charges.

    Last week’s federal court hearing was for a judicial review of Health Canada’s decision to not grant DULF an exemption under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. A judicial review asks a federal justice to decide if a decision was fair.

    Representing the attorney general was Adrienne Copithorne and Matthew Morawski who work as counsel for Justice Canada. The Tyee asked for an interview but was told they were not allowed to give comment.

    In court Copithorne disagreed with Dickson’s allegations and emphasized Health Canada’s reason for rejecting DULF’s request: because it didn’t support buying heroin, cocaine and methamphetamines from illegal sources and distributing the drugs without any medical supervision.

    Copithorne also said Health Canada considered the Charter rights of people who use drugs even though it wasn’t explicitly said in the rejection letter and that there is no precedent for allowing an organization to buy drugs from an illegal source.

    Tim Dickson says the Judge Denis Gascon, who oversaw the judicial review, will likely make his ruling within two to four months.

    To make the case for why denying the exemption violated a person who uses drugs’ right to life and liberty, Tim Dickson gave some background on the toxic drug overdose crisis.

    In B.C. — and in much of North America — the unregulated drug supply is considered toxic because the drugs are so potent and contain a potentially deadly combination of substances like opioids and benzodiazepines, which can make the effects of opioids more powerful and make a person more likely to overdose.

    Street drugs often contain the synthetic opioid fentanyl or its analogs which can be 10,000 times more potent than morphine, which means someone can take what they think is a normal dose and have it be a toxic amount.

    This has led to unregulated drugs being recognized as the leading cause of death for people ages 10 to 59 in B.C., according to the BC Coroners Service.

    B.C. currently has a safer supply program, where people who use drugs can talk to their doctor about getting a prescription for a pharmaceutical alternative to street drugs. These alternatives are often distributed at a pharmacy and are taken while supervised by a pharmacist.

    Tim Dickson noted that the BC Centre for Disease Control says only five per cent of the total 100,000 people in B.C. estimated to have a diagnosable opioid use disorder have been able to access the prescription-based safer supply model since it was introduced in 2020.

    continued below

  38. The BC Coroners Service estimates 225,000 people in B.C. use unregulated drugs of any kind and are at risk of harm or death due to the unpredictability of unregulated substances.

    Because only a fraction of people at risk have been able to access the existing safer supply program, B.C.’s former chief coroner and current provincial health officer have called for the province to expand its safer supply program and consider using a non-medical model as well, which many have been interpreted to mean compassion clubs like the one DULF was running.

    Safer supply’s critics come from a variety of perspectives.

    Clinicians who support harm reduction can be critical of safer supply because they don’t want to be “gatekeeping” people’s access to the service. This could be solved by expanding B.C.’s safer supply programs to include a non-medical prescription model, experts say.

    Others raise concerns that hydromorphone prescribed through safer supply is not being taken by the person it is prescribed to and it is being sold on the street in a process known as diversion.

    The BC Coroners Service has said it is keeping an eye out for this but so far there has not been a spike in overdose fatalities involving hydromorphone. The Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research previously told The Tyee the majority of hydromorphone prescribed in B.C. is for pain management, not safer supply.

    Earlier this week B.C.’s solicitor general made a statement noting there is “no evidence" of widespread diversion from safer supply programs.

    Considering the high toxicity of the unregulated drug supply and the fact that there are no accessible alternatives, Health Canada should have considered how DULF’s compassion club could have offered a life-saving intervention for people who use drugs, Tim Dickson said. In its application DULF noted how the compassion club would protect a person’s Charter right to life and liberty, he added.

    Tim Dickson alleges Health Canada didn’t respond directly in its rejection letter to how the compassion club could protect Charter rights. This is grounds to throw the decision out and make Health Canada reconsider the exemption request or for the justice to order Health Canada to grant an exemption, he said.

    Copithorne argued Health Canada indirectly acknowledged DULF’s claims around Charter rights in its response which, she said, was an adequate response in this case.

    Tim Dickson also said Health Canada acted unfairly when it granted a Controlled Drugs and Substances exemption for B.C.’s decriminalization pilot project, which allows people to carry less than 2.5 grams of otherwise illegal substances for personal use, and for overdose prevention sites, where people can use unregulated drugs while being supervised so that someone can step in if there’s an overdose, but not for DULF’s compassion club.

    If Health Canada can allow exemptions for an untold number of people who use drugs sourced from organized crime for those programs, it can’t deny DULF an exemption because it could similarly source drugs from organized crime, Tim Dickson said.

    see the links embedded in this article at:

  39. In Ontario, 7-10 people are killed every day by toxic unregulated drugs.

    The Canadian Drug Policy Coalition hosted a briefing on Supervised Consumption Service (SCS) closures in Ontario, an informative online briefing discussing the recent closures of supervised consumption sites in Ontario due to funding issues from the Ministry of Health. Learn about the impact of these closures in diverse communities across Ontario and what actions can be taken to address this critical issue. You can watch the recording of that event at

    The Canadian Drug Policy Coalition also sent the Ontario government an open letter signed by 51 groups from across Ontario, calling for immediate funding for SCS. If the province does not act, the Timmins and Sudbury sites will be forced to close.

    Here is the text of that letter:

    OPEN LETTER: Supervised Consumption Services site closures due to lack of funding from Ministry of Health
    March 5, 2024 (March 5, 2024)
    By Canadian Drug Policy Coalition

    March 4 2024

    The Honourable Sylvia Jones
    Ministry of Health |
    777 Bay Street, 5th Floor
    Toronto, ON M7A 2J3

    The Honourable Michael Tibollo
    Ministry of Health |
    7 Queen’s Park Crescent
    Toronto, ON M7A 1Y7

    Dear Minister Jones and Associate Minister Tibollo,

    RE: Supervised Consumption Services site closures due to lack of funding from Ministry of Health

    We write to you with grave concern regarding the Ontario government’s inaction in ensuring the provision of urgently needed supervised consumption services (SCS) amidst a worsening public health emergency caused by the toxic unregulated drug supply. We are calling on you to immediately provide direct emergency funding on or before March 29 to SCS sites that have submitted their applications to the province and are under imminent threat of closure or have closed due to lack of funding, eliminate the Consumption and Treatment Services (CTS) approach to funding SCS and urgently provide, improve, and sustain uninterrupted provincial funding for SCS that includes inhalation services.

    Unregulated drugs of unknown contents and potency are driving increased deaths, hospitalizations, injuries and trauma across Ontario, with an estimated 3,644 drug-related deaths in 2023. Several communities in Ontario have declared a state of emergency due to drug toxicity deaths. SCS, and particularly low-barrier overdose prevention sites, are a necessary emergency response to this crisis and must be immediately scaled up. In 2018, the Ontario government arbitrarily capped funding to only 21 CTS. Six years later, the government has still not delivered on funding 21 sites. Despite overwhelming need and local support, the Ontario government has approved and funded only 17 CTS locations across the entire province. Only one of these is located in northern Ontario (NorWest Community Health Centre in Thunder Bay). Meanwhile, the toxic unregulated drug crisis has taken far too many lives since 2018 – nearly 20,000 and rising, with many more family and friends left grieving.

    continued below

  40. In the context of this preventable public health emergency, urgent action is required. There are at least five submitted applications for CTS sites that have been inordinately delayed by the Ontario government in Sudbury (30 months since application was submitted), Barrie (28 months), Windsor (19 months), Timmins (13 months), and Hamilton, where the application was withdrawn in October 2023 after two years, in part due to the Ontario government’s delays and lack of transparency in providing the necessary approvals and funding to sustain the site. These delays are unacceptable and deadly.

    The tragedy of an isolated instance of gun violence in Toronto must not prevent people in diverse locations across the province from accessing vital health services any longer. The Ontario government’s decision to stop processing applications altogether for more than seven months is punitive and irresponsible. After the significant years of work and investment in each community to prepare the onerous applications under the provincial CTS model, to secure a suitable location and community support, and – in the case of Sudbury, Windsor and Timmins where the sites have been established with municipal stopgap funding – to hire and train staff and build trust and service uptake amongst people who use drugs, these sites are at imminent risk of closure or have been forced to close due to a lack of provincial funding. It should not fall to municipalities to fund healthcare services, which are a provincial responsibility. Moreover, management of these sites is extremely challenged by the Ontario government’s lack of transparency and accountability regarding site funding and approval timelines. In the case of Windsor, lacking the much-needed provincial support, the site has been forced to close.

    Of the regions with submitted, pending CTS applications, data released in 2024 from the Office of the Chief Coroner indicates that three of these regions have amongst the ten highest mortality rates in the province: Timmins, Windsor and Sudbury each have an opioid toxicity mortality rate that is nearly three times the provincial average. Further, inhalation now accounts for significantly more overdose deaths than injection in Ontario, according to data from the Office of the Chief Coroner, yet the current CTS model continues to prohibit inhalation services. Services must be designed and supported to reflect the magnitude of the crisis and the data regarding regional need and modalities of drug use.

    continued below

  41. Failure to equitably provide for lifesaving health services like SCS is discriminatory and violates the right to life and security of the person for people who use drugs. The inordinate delays in processing applications, onerous requirements and lack of inhalation services under the provincial CTS model are also fiscally irresponsible, unsustainable and ineffective for the provision of a service that is fundamentally necessary amidst the worsening public health emergency that is the toxic unregulated drug crisis.

    SCS are evidence-based, highly effective, and must be recognized as an integral part of Ontario’s publicly funded healthcare system. As such, these services must be universally available wherever there is need. These sites relieve the burden from overtaxed emergency first responders and are not complex to implement; they require an accessible location, oxygen, naloxone, sterile medical and first aid supplies, and supervising staff. It is indefensible as a matter of public health and fiscal policy that we currently have a two-tiered healthcare system where SCS are available in some southern Ontario communities and not in northern Ontario. It is a violation of the fundamental rights to equality and security of the person.

    We call for urgent action from the province, commensurate with the magnitude of the crisis our communities are facing. It is vital that the Ontario government embrace a harm reduction approach to substance use, which centres the dignity, health and safety of people who use drugs while providing pathways to care, services, and community.

    We are calling on the Ontario government to:

    Immediately provide direct emergency funding on or before March 29 to supervised consumption services (SCS) sites that have submitted their Consumption and Treatment Services (CTS) applications to the province and are under imminent threat of closure or have closed due to lack of funding.

    Urgently provide, improve, and sustain uninterrupted provincial funding for SCS, including inhalation, and ensure equity in regional service availability, particularly in northern communities.

    Phase out the Consumption and Treatment Services (CTS) approach to funding SCS, which requires additional and overly stringent conditions over and above Health Canada’s requirements.

    In the interim, immediately remove the cap on the number of funded SCS sites and the prohibition on inhalation services under the provincial CTS model.

    In the interim, introduce transparency and an expedited 30-day timeline for responding to applications under the provincial CTS model.

    Introduce a low-barrier process by which community organizations can seek provincial funding for SCS.

    Integrate SCS into Ontario’s core funded healthcare system with ongoing, integrated funding and resources.

    Meet with us by March 13.

    We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible on this urgent matter.

    Signed by: see list of signers and endorsers at:

  42. 8 years and 14,000 deaths later, B.C.'s drug emergency rages on

    More than 14,000 people have died since emergency declared in 2016, largely due to the potent opioid fentanyl

    Darryl Greer · The Canadian Press · April 14, 2024

    In the dozen years she's worked with the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users, executive director Brittany Graham has lost count of the people she's seen succumb to toxic, illicit drugs.

    Sunday marked eight years to the day since British Columbia declared a public health emergency related to the drug crisis, and Graham said it's a sombre anniversary as she and others in public health reflect on the thousands of deaths.

    "Last time I did a count it was somewhere in the 65 to 75 person range of people, and to give that perspective to people, that's more than a yellow school bus full," Graham said in an interview Sunday, referring to deaths of people she's known in her dozen years working with the support network.

    "That's a lot of people that no longer exist, who were kind and thoughtful and just really lovely people."

    The B.C. government and public health officer declared the emergency on April 14, 2016, and since then more than 14,000 people have died, most of them from the highly potent opioid fentanyl.

    Toxic drugs are now the leading cause of death for people aged 10-59 in B.C., according to the B.C. Coroners Service, accounting for more deaths than homicides, suicides, accidents and natural disease combined.

    Three First Nations have declared local states of emergency over drug poisoning deaths in the last several weeks, with the First Nations Health Authority warning that First Nations people are dying at nearly six times the rate of other B.C. residents.

    In a statement released Sunday, Premier David Eby said the toxic drug crisis has had a "catastrophic impact" on families and communities.

    "There is much more to do," Eby said. "And together, we can end a crisis that has taken far too many of our neighbours, friends and family members."

    On Sunday, the family of Curtis Tablotney held a "Drive to Destigmatize" car rally in Richmond to fight the stigma around drug use and urge governments to increase support for substance users and mental health.

    Tablotney died of an overdose in September 2022. His family said he struggled to get support for his substance use and schizo-affective disorder.

    "My brother died playing PlayStation in his bedroom. He went to work that day. He went home. He did drugs and he died," said Trevor Tablotney, Curtis' brother and founder of the Curtis Dream Society.

    "One of the reasons people are hiding their consumption and their drug use is because we stigmatize people [and] we villainize them."

    continued below

  43. Advocates ask for regulations similar to alcohol

    Graham said a community town hall on the anniversary of the declaration will allow members of Vancouver's Downtown Eastside community to "grieve collectively" and discuss how to "build their way forward."

    But with both provincial and federal elections looming, Graham fears "the toxic politics is what's going to be killing people next," as politicians vie to win votes touting what she says are ineffective solutions to the deadly crisis.

    She said what's needed are regulations for drugs that are similar to those for alcohol.

    "In many ways, alcohol is one of the most toxic substances you can consume," she said.

    "But because we give people education, we have minimum pricing standards because we have regulations on where you can access it and where you can drink it, those are all ways in which harm reduction and public health are being utilized towards that specific substance," she added.

    "We don't have any of that happening towards illicit substances at the moment. This is a toxic drug crisis, so unless we have regulation, we're always going to have a higher and higher amount of drug deaths.''

    Eby noted that toxic drug deaths have taken a toll on friends and loved ones of those who've been lost, and also on front-line workers who deal with the ongoing damage done by addiction and drug deaths.

    He said the situation needs to be recognized as a "health crisis," adding his government is trying to build and improve the province's mental health and addictions care systems.

    Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said in the province's statement that drug users come from "all walks of life," often dealing with trauma, and those who try to free themselves from addiction have to go through a recovery process that isn't "linear" or hinged upon total abstinence, she said.

    "We must continue to have courage and to be innovative in our approach to this public health crisis that continues taking the lives of our friends and families in B.C. daily," Henry said.

    Graham said all governments need to rethink their approach to drug users by recognizing the ways support systems fall short and leave those seeking help unable to get treatment when they decide to seek it.

    At the same time, she said many city governments have pushed for laws to ban public drug use, pushing users further to the margins with nowhere to go.

    "In the middle of this overdose crisis, we've decided to have public use legislation to say, 'now you can't be outside,''' she said.

    "These municipalities do not want to fix anything. They just want people to go away — and these are real people with real families, with real lives, with real jobs," she added. "The further you push people away, the bigger this crisis will get."

    see links, chart and photos embedded in this article at:

  44. 240 new complex care units to be built across B.C.

    by Brittany Webster, Vancouver Island Free Daily April 15, 2024

    Phase two of the province’s Complex Care Housing was announced in Kelowna on April 15, an addition of 240 new complex care units across B.C.

    Minister of Mental Health and Addictions Jennifer Whiteside addressed the crowd from 1144 Pacific Avenue, currently an empty field.

    “I have to acknowledge that yesterday we marked eight years since the province declared a public health emergency in response to the toxic drug crisis, and in British Columbia, we have lost more than 14,000 members of our communities, our loved ones, people who were our brothers, sisters, uncles, aunties, friends, neighbours, and there is no community in British Columbia, or indeed across our country, that has not been touched by this crisis. That is why we are working so urgently to provide the services that people need when and where they need them.”

    The new units will support people with significant mental health and addictions challenges and on the verge of homelessness.

    “Today’s announcement is a celebrated and much-needed investment in our community, as we strive to provide dignified and compassionate care and housing for our most vulnerable residents,” said Kelowna Mayor Tom Dyas. “We are proud to have contributed municipal land for this new site and to have worked closely with government and agency partners on finding solutions for complex challenges of social, health, housing and safety issues. This project will have a significant impact on the health and safety of our community as we continue to grow.”

    On the site of the announcement, 1144 Pacific Avenue, there will be 20 new units constructed and includes at least 20 supportive housing units. The project will soon move into the design phase and will be looking to the public for input.

    Other communities benefiting from the announcement are Abbotsford, Burnaby, Kamloops, Nanaimo, New Westminster, Prince George, Sechelt, Surrey, Vancouver, and Victoria. Forty of the units will be Indigenous-lead.

    Complex Care Housing was first announced in 2022 and has provided services to 443 individuals in B.C.

    Complex-care housing is a part of the Province’s Safer Communities Action Plan, which is taking action to address the challenges to keep people safe and communities strong. This initiative is supported by Budget 2023, which committed $266 million to fund these services, including $169 million in capital funding to build new homes in the province.

  45. B.C. United says Island Health actively supporting hospital drug use

    by Wolf Depner, Vancouver Island Free Daily April 24, 2024

    B.C. United is renewing its calls to end decriminalization after the release of what it calls an Island Health memo “actively” directing drug use in hospitals.

    Dated March 12, the document says it is “intended for acute care staff to help guide interactions with people who use substances” while admitted to health care facilities.

    The release comes after the release of a July 2023 document from Northern Health providing guidance staff following what it calls an “increase in admissions of patients with possession of substances and using substances while in hospital.”

    B.C. United’s Renee Merrifeld, MLA for Kelowna-Mission, said this second document is as “shocking as the first” in noting that it directs “acute care staff to not only accommodate but actively support drug use in health facilities.”

    ‘“Instead of requiring patients to stop using substances when they access care, staff must work collaboratively with patients,’” Merrifeld said, quoting parts of the memo.

    Shirley Bond, MLA for Prince George-Valemount, said the document is even worse than the Northern Health document.

    ‘“If a patient has an IV or catheter, provide education on injecting into lines,’” she said, quoting a line from the document.

    Health Minister Adrian Dix responded that staff has engage with patients, and with the health issues they face.

    “Staff will continue to do that, to provide the utmost possible care to everyone in our hospital,” he said.

    He added everyone admitted to an acute care hospital deserves the best possible care.

    “Everyone needs to have their interests protected,” he said. “Many people, of course, the vast majority, enter with no substance abuse issues but serious health issues. Their interests need to be protected. If someone has a car accident and ends up in hospital, their interest (has to) be protected. Everyone’s interests needs to be protected.”

    Looming behind this exchange are the related questions of work safety for nurses and decriminalization.

    Dix recently formed a task force to help create province-wide standards in response to reports of illicit substances being used in hospitals and nurses being exposed to drugs. Dix told reporters Tuesday the task force will soon report out, while confirming reports of the weekend that hospitals won’t have designated spaces for illicit drug use.

    continued below

  46. He also said during Question Period Tuesday B.C. will take all steps necessary to protect patients, pointing to the recent addition of 320 relational security staff to support health care workers.

    The B.C. Nurses Union said in a statement to Black Press Media that it supports harm reduction measures supporting individuals experience substance use disorders.

    “Exposure to illicit drugs while being consumed in hospital settings is a concern for many of our members,” it reads.”Ultimately, it is the responsibility of health employers to support harm reduction strategies and ensure the occupational health and safety of nurses, health care staff and other patients.”

    Island Health said in a statement that the document is neither a “memo” nor “policy” but rather a “resource document to support and promote both patient and staff safety” while providing care to patients using substances, “including care management and harm reduction strategies.”

    It adds substance use disorder is a medical condition and “proactive conversations with patients about their substance use is a critical part” of health and safety planning.

    The statement also addresses comments around injecting into IV lines.

    “Staff will not physically administer any medication or substance to a patient that is not prescribed and the resource document does not direct them to do so,” it said.

    “Through experience and learning, we understand that patients will sometimes inject unregulated substances into their IVs, if they have them,” it reads, adding that this practice carries many significant risks.

    “That is why it is important to educate patients on safety, if the provider’s assessment indicates that there is a risk that the patient may inject through an existing IV line,” it reads. “We know through learned experience that not providing education is not a patient-centred approach.”

    see links embedded in this article at:

  47. British Columbia to recriminalize use of drugs in public spaces

    Province says people who don't pose threat to public safety will not be charged for mere possession

    CBC News · April 26, 2024

    After weeks of troubling stories about problematic street drug use in hospitals, parks and at bus stops, the province of British Columbia announced plans to recriminalize the use of drugs in public places Friday — radically altering a pilot program aimed at addressing the toxic drug crisis.

    In a statement, Premier David Eby insisted that his government is "caring and compassionate for those struggling with addiction," but that patience for disorder only goes so far.

    "Keeping people safe is our highest priority," said Eby.

    "We're taking action to make sure police have the tools they need to ensure safe and comfortable communities for everyone as we expand treatment options so people can stay alive and get better," he said.

    With an election looming, Eby's NDP government has been bombarded with a string of headlines about concerns with decriminalization — a pilot program introduced in January 2023 allowed adult drug users in B.C. to carry up to 2.5 grams of drugs for personal use without facing criminal charges.

    The program was possible through an exemption granted by Health Canada under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act which allowed for open drug use in some public spaces.

    Eby's political opponents have seized on concerns from hospital workers and patients about illegal drug use and trafficking in the hallways of hospitals.

    And last week, Vancouver Police Deputy Chief Fiona Wilson testified at a House of Commons health committee hearing about the struggles police are having responding to public complaints involving disturbances related to public drug consumption.

    In a release, the province says it is "working with Health Canada to urgently change the decriminalization policy to stop drug use in public and has requested an amendment to its … exemption to exclude all public places."

    "When police are called to a scene where illegal and dangerous drug use is taking place, they will have the ability to compel the person to leave the area, seize the drugs when necessary or arrest the person, if required," the province said in a statement.

    "This change would not recriminalize drug possession in a private residence or place where someone is legally sheltering or at overdose prevention sites and drug checking locations."

    B.C. Health Minister Adrian Dix said the province is also introducing specific measures aimed at curbing illicit drug use in health care facilities — including the prohibition of street drug possession or use.

    "We are taking immediate action to make hospitals safer and ensuring policies are consistent and strictly enforced through additional security, public communication and staff supports," Dix said in a statement.

    "The action plan launching today will improve how patients with addictions are supported while they need hospital care, while preventing others from being exposed to the secondhand effects of illicit drug use."

    continued below

  48. The province said it is working with police to come up with guidance to ensure that people who merely possess drugs are not arrested unless they're threatening public safety or causing a disturbance.

    Vancouver Police Deputy Chief Fiona Wilson said at the announcement that decriminalization has to be part of a broader strategy to address the province's drug crisis.

    "We've heard loud and clear from the front-line police officers who continue to see the unintended ramifications that unchecked public drug use has on the safety and well-being of neighbourhoods," she said.

    "And the feedback has been unequivocal — public consumption is a significant issue that needs to be addressed and major changes are required."

    14,000 lives lost

    The decriminalization pilot was introduced in January 2023 and allows adult drug users in B.C. to carry up to 2.5 grams of opioids, cocaine, methamphetamine and ecstasy for personal use without facing criminal charges.

    Relying on an exemption granted by Health Canada under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, it also allows for open drug use in some public spaces.

    The pilot is part of a government response to the public health emergency declared eight years ago due to a rise in deaths from toxic, illicit drugs.

    More than 14,000 people have died since the emergency was declared in 2016, largely due to the opioid fentanyl.

    By reducing stigma associated with drug use, officials say they hope to provide better access to lifesaving care along with a less deadly safe supply.

    But it has come with criticism about a lack of guardrails.

    On April 15, Vancouver Police Deputy Chief Fiona Wilson testified at a House of Commons health committee hearing about how the pilot is limiting police response to problematic public drug use, including inside hospitals and at bus stops.

    "In the wake of decriminalization, there are many of those locations where we have absolutely no authority to address that problematic drug use, because the person appears to be in possession of less than 2.5 grams," Wilson said.

    "So, if you have someone who is with their family at the beach, and there's a person next to them smoking crack cocaine, it's not a police matter."
    Courts previously stopped legislation

    Friday's announcement is the government's latest attempt at curbing public drug use.

    Last October, it tabled new legislation in an attempt to ban illegal drug use in many public places.

    The bill would have banned the use of illicit drugs within six metres of all building entrances and bus stops; within 15 metres of playgrounds, spray and wading pools, and skate parks; and in parks, beaches and sports fields.

    But in December, B.C. Supreme Court Chief Justice Christopher Hinkson ordered the law paused until March 31, ruling it would likely result in more deaths, displacement and criminalization of people who use drugs.

    "Irreparable harm will be caused if the act comes into force," Hinkson wrote in his ruling.

    The provincial government appealed the ruling, but it was upheld by the B.C. Court of Appeal.

    continued below

  49. Eby says he expects the changes to go through this time because he is asking them to come from Health Canada.

    "The resolution of that court issue is potentially more than a year down the road and we cannot afford to wait. We need to act now," Eby said.

    "I have talked to the prime minister about this. He assures me that the federal government will provide full support to ensure that police have the tools that they need."

    Eby said it's possible the government could face another legal challenge in response to these changes, but he thinks the risk is low.

    "In order for it to be successful, the court would have to find that the entire Controlled Drugs and Substances Act at the federal level was unconstitutional," he said.

    Eby said criminalizing drug use costs lives and taxpayer money while not making the public safer, but "police do need the tools to address extraordinary circumstances where people are compromising public safety through their drug use."
    Election looms

    Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim said in a statement that he welcomed the change.

    "Today's changes will make public drug use effectively illegal and provide the VPD with actual tools to maintain public safety. This change aligns with the critical work we have already undertaken with the federal and provincial governments to address open drug use in public areas, especially around playgrounds, splash pads, beaches, and sports fields."

    The premier said the issue has been intensely politicized as the province heads into an election.

    British Columbians go to the polls on Oct. 19.

    Opposition B.C. United Leader Kevin Falcon and his critic for mental health and addiction Elenore Sturko issued a joint statement calling the government's move a "desperate attempt to salvage a failing policy."

    "Instead of upholding their commitments to scrap the decriminalization pilot when it clearly wasn't meeting its goals, David Eby and the NDP have stubbornly persisted with this dangerous policy," the statement says.

    "From its inception, the decriminalization experiment has failed to connect drug users with any necessary treatment or recovery services."

    B.C. Conservative Leader John Rustad said in an interview that "decriminalization has been an utter failure in this province."

    "This should have never happened in the province of British Columbia," he said.

    In a statement posted online, B.C. Green Party Leader Sonia Furstenau expressed concerns about the increase in arrests that could be associated with the policy, writing, "Police discretion is especially likely to stigmatize Indigenous and racialized British Columbians."

    "This issue is intrinsically linked to the housing and affordability crisis. Rolling back decriminalization isn't going to fix that. No jurisdiction in the world has arrested their way out of this problem, and we won't either."

    see links and videos embedded in this article at:

  50. Federal addictions minister says B.C public decriminalization reversal under review

    Ottawa allowed B.C. to decriminalize small amounts of hard drugs like heroin and fentanyl starting in 2023

    by Stephanie Taylor · The Canadian Press · April 29, 2024

    The federal minister for addictions and mental health says it's too early to draw conclusions about drug decriminalization after British Columbia asked Ottawa to scale back its pilot to help curb concerns about public drug use.

    Ya'ara Saks noted Monday that the province is only a year into its three-year pilot project, which began in early 2023.

    To make it happen, Health Canada issued an exemption to federal drug laws, decriminalizing possession of small amounts of certain illegal drugs, including heroin, fentanyl, cocaine and methamphetamine.

    "We're still evaluating the data," the minister said.

    On Friday, B.C. Premier David Eby asked Health Canada to amend that exemption order to recriminalize the use of those drugs in public spaces, such as hospitals and restaurants.

    While adults would still be allowed to use such drugs in private, they could be arrested for using them in public.

    The request followed months of backlash from residents, health-care workers, police and conservative politicians about the project's effect on public safety.

    Saks said she met with her provincial counterpart on Friday and the province's amendment request is under review.

    "The overdose crisis, as I've said before and I say again, is a health crisis issue. It is not a criminal one," Saks told reporters.

    B.C. was the first jurisdiction in Canada to seek the decriminalization of small amounts of hard drugs.

    The province declared drug-related overdose deaths to be a public-health emergency in 2016, and the crisis worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Eby told reporters Monday that other jurisdictions can learn from its experience with decriminalization to date.

    He said there must be resources in place to address public drug use.

    "There are important lessons to be learned on where we are to date, that don't need to be repeated," he said.

    "Addressing the public's concern around public use is critical to having their understanding about taking a health approach to addiction. Balancing those two things is core, and I hope other jurisdictions take that lesson and don't repeat our mistakes."

    Toronto also has requested an exemption from Health Canada.

    continued below

  51. Toronto Public Health said in a statement that it is monitoring B.C.'s experience. It added that in its proposed model, public drug use would remain illegal.

    Ontario Premier Doug Ford repeated his call Monday for Toronto to drop its application.

    Ford said he's spoken to Eby about how things have gone in B.C. and said "it's turned into a nightmare."

    Saks said Toronto's request is also under review, and each request for decriminalization will be treated individually.

    "We work with jurisdictions on a case-by-case basis, making sure we have a full suite of tools available to help vulnerable populations. That includes prevention, that includes harm reduction, that includes treatment and it includes a full set of health considerations," she said.

    "It's not an apples-to-apples situation and we continue to partner and work with jurisdictions."

    The Public Health Agency of Canada says 22 people die every day from toxic drug deaths, and fentanyl is the leading cause. Most of the deaths are in B.C., Ontario and Alberta.

    Health officials and advocates for drug users warn the situation is only worsening, given an increasingly toxic supply of drugs.

    During question period on Monday, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre pressed the Liberal government on B.C.'s about-face.

    He is requesting an emergency debate on the issue in the House of Commons.

    "Until Justin Trudeau's dangerous drug decriminalization policy is entirely dismantled, it will continue to cause death, chaos and carnage across Canada," he said in a letter to House of Commons Speaker Greg Fergus.

    Poilievre has repeatedly called public drug use in cities like Vancouver a "dangerous experiment."

    He charges that it fuels addiction and pledges that a future Conservative government would pull out from harm reduction strategies and focus on recovery-oriented approaches instead.

    Advocacy groups such as Moms Stop the Harm have asked to meet with Poilievre. They say his proposal ignores evidence that harm-reduction strategies work to save lives.

    Its co-founder spoke Monday at a parliamentary committee that has been studying the opioid epidemic.

    In a statement before her appearance, Petra Schulz said it has been "upsetting and infuriating" to see loved ones' deaths politicized with "misinformation and outright lies."

    "I urge members of Parliament to stop the angry, harmful and polarizing rhetoric and social-media posts, and to listen to people who use drugs when developing drug policy."

    see the links and videos embedded in this article at:

  52. What Now for BC’s Decriminalization Test?

    Statistics show the controversial pilot reduced arrests and drug seizures. Advocates fear it’s threatened.

    by Jen St. Denis, The Tyee May 3, 2024

    B.C.’s drug decriminalization pilot is in tatters after concerns about drug use in hospitals and restaurants led Premier David Eby to ask Health Canada to make public drug use illegal again.

    The request to reimpose criminal penalties on people who use drugs in public spaces has energized political opposition to both decriminalization and safe supply from right-wing parties in Canada.

    B.C.’s Opposition party, BC United, has called for the entire decriminalization pilot to end, saying the policy is “reckless.” The B.C. Conservatives have taken the same position.

    But advocates are warning that restoring criminal penalties for users for possessing small amounts of drugs will mean they will turn to the toxic illicit drug supply.

    And the ban on public use will lead to people using substances alone and in hidden places, raising the risk of more deaths from overdoses, they warn.

    Statistics from the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions show the policy was working as intended. Drug seizures and arrests for possession of small amounts of drugs have dropped, while visits to overdose prevention sites have continued to rise.

    Criminal penalties for public use will increase danger, say advocates.

    “If you’re an unhoused drug user and you live in a community that doesn’t have a supervised consumption site or an overdose prevention site, which is the case in the vast majority of communities in B.C., your existence is effectively criminalized,” said Caitlin Shane, a lawyer with Pivot Legal Society.

    On April 26 Eby said he would ask Health Canada to remove the exemption to Canadian drug laws to allow limited public drug use. The exemption was part of B.C.’s pilot decriminalization program.

    Eby said he was concerned about reports of open drug use in hospitals and restaurants. Police needed tools “to address extraordinary circumstances where people are compromising public safety through their drug use,” he added.

    Shane pointed out that under the decriminalization pilot — which legalized possession of small quantities of opioids, cocaine, meth and MDMA — drug use was never legal in hospitals, restaurants or playgrounds.

    But Adriane Gear, president of the BC Nurses’ Union, said drug use inside some hospitals did become an issue after decriminalization came into effect at the end of January 2023.

    Those problems included nurses and other patients being exposed to illicit drug smoke and some patients acting erratically after using substances. Some nurses were also concerned about drug dealers coming into hospital rooms to sell drugs to patients.

    “Very early on, some of the health and safety concerns were certainly being noted,” Gear said. “It wasn’t everywhere, but there were pockets.”

    Gear said the blame should fall on the health employers who were failing to enforce their own policies and were “gaslighting” nurses when they raised concerns about patient and workplace safety.

    But she said Eby’s request to Health Canada will provide “clarity around where behaviour of consuming substances can happen.”

    Decriminalization pilot had a rocky start

    B.C.’s decriminalization pilot removed criminal penalties for people 18 and older, who are allowed a combined total of 2.5 grams of opioids, crack and powder cocaine, meth and MDMA for personal use. The pilot will run until Jan. 31, 2026.

    continued below

  53. But after hearing concerns from local politicians, B.C. MLAs passed an update to the decriminalization pilot project, Bill 34, last fall. The bill prohibits the possession or use of drugs within 15 metres of a playground and within six metres of the entrance to a building, the entrance of a park and bus stops, among other places.

    The Harm Reduction Nurses Association challenged that law in B.C. Supreme Court, arguing it could cause “irreparable harm” to drug users. Justice Christopher Hinkson agreed and granted an injunction that prevented Bill 34 from coming into force.

    But after media stories about patients smoking illicit drugs in hospitals and in a Tim Hortons in Maple Ridge, Eby said British Columbia residents “can’t afford to wait” until that court challenge is resolved many months from now.

    During a press conference on April 26, Eby said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau assured him that “the federal government will provide full support to ensure the police have the tools that they need.” Eby said decriminalization will still apply inside private homes, overdose prevention sites and homeless shelters, but using drugs in any other location would be illegal.

    Eby also said the court injunction that prevented Bill 34 from coming into effect was “a challenging and frustrating moment.”

    Shane said the debate hasn’t been based on facts.

    “It’s frustrating to see politicians talking about use in playgrounds, hospitals and restaurants as somehow being the result of either decriminalization or of HRNA legal challenge,” Shane said.

    “These things aren’t related, those activities... were already illegal under decriminalization. Hospitals have their own policies surrounding possession and use in those scenarios, and they weren’t ever to be impacted by Bill 34 or the challenge.”

    What problem was decriminalization supposed to fix?

    Right-wing politicians across Canada have been pushing back against decriminalization, safe supply and, in some cases, overdose prevention sites, saying that treatment programs to end drug use are the only viable solution to the deadly overdose crisis.

    “[Trudeau’s] extreme and radical drug policy has increased overdose deaths in British Columbia by 380 per cent,” Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre claimed in the House of Commons Monday.

    Poilievre then blamed B.C.’s rising overdose deaths on decriminalization.

    “In the year following his decriminalization of crack, heroin and other hard drugs in hospitals, transit buses, coffee shops and parks where children play, there has been a record-smashing 2,500 deaths.”

    According to the BC Coroners Service, 2,546 people died of overdoses in 2023, the highest number ever recorded and a seven per cent increase compared with 2022.

    In Alberta, a province that does not have decriminalization or safe supply programs and has closed several overdose prevention sites, the death toll rose by nine per cent between 2022 and 2023, with 1,706 deaths recorded in 2023.

    Shane said expecting decriminalization to reduce overdose deaths is using the wrong measure of success.

    “People who use drugs were really vocal during the implementation of decriminalization that the metrics have to be correct,” she said. “You have to be measuring success by decreased police interaction, decreased incarceration.”

    But according to the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions, there is a strong link between police seizures of drugs and fatal overdoses, and research has shown “that drug seizure was associated with having administered naloxone to reverse an overdose.” The ministry’s statistics show that decriminalization did result in a much lower rate of both seizures and drug possession charges.

    continued below

  54. Data from the ministry shows that the number of drug seizures dropped from 1,283 to 86 between 2022 and 2023. Drug users and advocates have said that when police seize drugs, people who use drugs often turn to risky sex work or criminal behaviour to be able to replace those lost drugs and stave off painful withdrawal symptoms.

    Since decriminalization, possession charges have dropped by 77 per cent, compared with the previous four-year average.

    In his April 26 press conference, Eby acknowledged that addiction should be treated as a health problem, not a criminal justice issue. He said that years ago as a junior prosecutor he had prosecuted a young Indigenous woman for drug offences and described the experience as “the worst day of my life.”

    “She left that courthouse worse, after taxpayers paid how much money to prosecute her,” Eby said.

    A catch-22 for drug users

    If Health Canada agrees to Eby’s request, where does that leave drug users?

    Shane said homeless people will be left with nowhere to use drugs without fear of an interaction with police.

    “You’re being told that you cannot be here or here or here or here, and you’re not given any other options in terms of where you can go,” she said.

    “The result is that people are going to default to the alleys — the hidden locations where the risk of overdose is higher and the risk of death is much higher, because you’re invisible.”

    If that homeless drug user is in the Downtown Eastside, there are numerous overdose prevention sites where they could use drugs without fear of arrest or having police confiscate their drugs.

    But if that homeless person lives in any community north of Campbell River on Vancouver Island, or in most towns in northern B.C., the Kootenays and the Okanagan, there is no other option for decriminalized drug use.

    Most other towns and cities that do have an overdose prevention site have just one location, often open for limited hours.

    Shane said the Harm Reduction Nurses Association lawsuit includes another important component: a request for a court order to force the province to fulfil a ministerial order from 2016 on overdose prevention sites.

    That ministerial order, signed by then health minister Terry Lake, “gives BC Emergency Health Services and regional health authorities the ability to provide overdose prevention services as necessary on an emergency basis.” The order says it is the responsibility of each individual health authority to assess the need for such sites in their region.

    But eight years after that order was put in place, access to overdose prevention sites across the province is spotty.

    Shane said the HRNA lawsuit will continue to proceed through the court.

    When it comes to hospitals, the B.C. government says drug use will be permitted only in “designated medically supervised addiction treatment areas.”

    But Gear said she knows of only one such treatment area, at St. Paul’s Hospital in downtown Vancouver.

    Gear said that health providers can treat patients for withdrawal symptoms for a variety of substances. But she acknowledged that if Health Canada agrees to the B.C. government’s request, patients who continue to use illicit substances would have to use drugs outside of the hospital.

    But unlike smoking a cigarette on the street in front of the hospital, patients who use illicit drugs would now be at risk of arrest.

    “That’s not really solving a problem,” Gear said. “So our role now is to ensure that there is advocacy for safe consumption sites.”

    see the links and charts embedded in this article at:

  55. 192 people in B.C. died due to toxic drugs in March: coroner

    Over 14,400 people have now lost lives to drugs in province since public health emergency declared in 2016

    CBC News · May 07, 2024

    The B.C. Coroners Service is reporting at least 192 deaths related to toxic drugs in March, bringing the total lives lost in the first three months of the year to at least 572.

    More than 14,400 people in the province have now lost their lives to toxic drugs since a public health emergency was first declared in April 2016.

    "These were people with hopes, dreams and stories cut tragically short by a crisis that continues to challenge us deeply," Mental Health and Addictions Minister Jennifer Whiteside said in a statement.

    "We remember not only those we've lost, but also their families and friends left to grieve."

    The numbers for March equate to 6.2 deaths per day. They mark an 11 per cent decrease from March 2023, when 215 people or almost seven each day died from toxic drugs.

    Unregulated drug toxicity remains the leading cause of death among British Columbians aged between 10 and 59, the coroner says — more than murders, suicides, accidents and natural causes combined.

    The service says that so far in 2024, 70 per cent of toxic drug deaths have been people between the ages of 30 and 59. Three-quarters of those lost have been men, but the coroner warns that the number of female deaths is climbing.

    So far this year, 84 per cent of toxic drug deaths have happened indoors: 47 per cent in private homes, and 37 per cent inside places like supportive housing, SROs, shelters and hostels.

    Vancouver, Surrey and Nanaimo have the highest numbers of toxic drug deaths in 2024.

    Last month, the province announced big changes to its drug decriminalization program, which was introduced in January 2023 as a three-year pilot.

    The program allowed adult drug users in B.C. to carry up to 2.5 grams of opioids, cocaine, methamphetamine and ecstasy for personal use without facing criminal charges, with the goal of reducing stigma and helping drug users access support.

    continued below

  56. The provincial government has now recriminalized the use of drugs in public places including hospitals, on transit and in parks, a request Health Canada approved on Tuesday.

    "Our communities are facing big challenges. People are dying from deadly street drugs and we see the issues with public use and disorder on our streets," Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General Mike Farnworth said in a statement on April 26.
    Stigma 'can be a killer'

    B.C. United, the province's Official Opposition, has criticized the pilot's stated goal of destigmatizing drug use in recent weeks, arguing that using criminalized substances should not be normalized in B.C. or anywhere.

    However some working in treatment and recovery services in B.C. say stigma "can be a killer."

    "It's fear — or fear of judgment that holds them back from seeking recovery," Nicole Mucci, communications manager with Union Gospel Mission, told Michelle Eliot, host of CBC's BC Today, on Tuesday.

    "Forcing shame into a conversation already laden with shame is probably not the most strategic or safe approach."

    Fear of losing housing or being unable to support a partner, children or relatives also prevents people from seeking help, according to Chatman Shaw, a board member for Trinity House, a men's recovery facility in Prince Rupert, B.C.

    "The politicians aren't looking at the underlying issues for the people who are addicted," Shaw told BC Today on Tuesday. "People aren't seeking help because they don't have the means of surviving."

    "If you lose your apartment in a place like Rupert, you are more or less destined to be homeless."

    Shaw, who also works as a longshoreman, says many people struggling with substance use can also be subjected to abstinence-based return-to-work agreements with rigorous testing programs to check their sobriety.

    "It really alienates people from the rest of the workforce," he said. "The shame, the guilt, you're remorseful, and your family suffers as a result … [it] could be a means to push you off the edge.

    "We need to be looking at ways and means of helping people survive."

  57. Feds reject Toronto's request to decriminalize simple possession of illicit drugs

    Decision comes after B.C. requested adjustment to its own decriminalization project

    by Darren Major · CBC News · May 17, 2024

    The federal government has rejected a request from Toronto to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of illegal drugs for personal use within the city.

    Mental Health and Addictions Minister Ya'ara Saks rejected the request due to lingering concerns about safety, according to a statement from Health Canada released Friday.

    "She has determined that it does not adequately protect public health and maintain public safety," the statement said.

    Toronto's Medical Officer of Health Dr. Eileen de Villa said Friday that decriminalization is "one evidence-informed policy tool" to address the opioid crisis.

    "As Minister Saks has refused Toronto Public Health's request to decriminalize personal possession of controlled drugs and substances, the need to invest in other available evidence-based interventions is all the more critical," she said in a statement.

    Toronto Public Health reported 733 suspected drug-related deaths in the city in 2023, including 523 deaths caused by, or likely caused by, opioid toxicity. At least 42,000 people have died of opioid overdoses in Canada since 2016.

    The city made a request to Health Canada in early 2022 for an exemption under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. The application was supported by the Toronto Police Service and harm reduction experts and advocates.

    Ontario's chief medical officer of health also has called on the province to decriminalize possession of unregulated drugs for personal use.

    Last week, Ontario Health Minister Sylvia Jones and provincial Solicitor General Michael Kerzner wrote a letter to Toronto's medical officer of health indicating that the province would not support Toronto's bid for decriminalization.

    "Under no circumstances will our government ever support your request, which would only add to crime and public drug use while doing nothing to support people struggling with addiction," the letter reads.

    Friday's press release from Health Canada points to the province's lack of support as one of the reasons for the rejection.

    "[The federal government has] concerns with feasibility and ability for law enforcement to implement the proposed model, protection of youth, and lack of support from key players including the province of Ontario," the statement said.

    Toronto Mayor Olivia Chow wrote to both Prime Minister Justin and Ontario Premier Doug Ford on Friday asking for a more coordinated approach to the opioid crisis.

    "We have an opportunity to change how we approach this epidemic and develop a whole-of-society framework to meet health needs in a strategic, efficient, and cost-effective way that improves the lives of all residents," she wrote.

    Chow is suggesting, among other things, a 24/7 crisis centre, expanded housing programs, new social supports and health services.

    "Shared commitment and responsibility for increased treatment demands a collaborative pilot program focusing on a broad and bold approach, one which encompasses connections to primary care, supportive housing, harm reduction and partnerships with emergency services," she wrote.

    The federal government's denial of Toronto's request comes in the wake of the recriminalization of public illicit drug use in the province of British Columbia.

    B.C. began a decriminalization pilot in January of last year, but recently requested that the federal government adjust the program.

    Last week, the federal government granted B.C.'s request. Public possession of illicit drugs is again illegal in the province, but adults won't be arrested for possessing or using drugs in private.

    to see the links and photos embedded in this article go to:

  58. Drug Compassion Club Organizers Face Criminal Charges. What Now?

    Jeremy Kalicum and Eris Nyx have been charged with trafficking. They’re fundraising for a long legal battle.

    by Jen St. Denis, The Tyee June 11, 2024

    Lawyers for Eris Nyx and Jeremy Kalicum, the founders of a compassion club supplying tested heroin, meth and cocaine to users, say they were shocked prosecutors laid drug trafficking charges against the two while a related case is before the courts.

    DULF — the Drug Users Liberation Front — had applied to Health Canada for an exemption from Canada’s Controlled Drugs and Substances Act in order to run the compassion club.

    The request was denied and DULF is challenging the decision in Federal Court.

    “We also were surprised that, given our clients’ life-saving efforts, there would be a public interest in prosecuting such efforts,” said Stephanie Dickson, lawyer for Nyx and Kalicum.

    Since 2020, Nyx and Kalicum have held protest events and supplied tested heroin, cocaine and meth to drug users, despite the risk of arrest for breaking Canada’s controlled substances laws.

    The pair ordered the drugs from sellers on the dark web, then tested them before distributing them to a small group of people who are addicted and at high risk of death from illicit toxic drugs.

    Nyx and Kalicum previously told The Tyee they were driven to start the compassion club after losing friends and neighbours, and after responding to dozens of overdoses.

    They said they bought drugs from suppliers on the dark web because there was no legal source for prescription-grade heroin in Canada.

    While a few hundred participants of an experimental program operating out of Vancouver’s Crosstown Clinic continue to receive prescription heroin, that program has never been permitted to expand.

    Nyx and Kalicum were arrested in October by Vancouver police and released on conditions that prevented them from continuing to operate the compassion club.

    At the same time, a challenge was proceeding through Federal Court. DULF argued that Health Canada had improperly denied their request for an exemption from Canada’s Controlled Drugs and Substances Act in order to run the compassion club. An exemption had previously been granted to allow Canada’s first safe injection site, Insite, to operate.

    continued below

  59. The case was heard in Federal Court in March, but DULF and their lawyers are still waiting for a decision.

    Tim Dickson, who is also on DULF’s legal team, said lawyers are asking the Federal Court to order Health Canada to issue an exemption.

    “If the Federal Court were to agree and were to make that order, then the result is that the conduct with which Ms. Nyx and Mr. Kalicum are charged should have been covered by an exemption,” Dickson said.

    Nyx and Kalicum have been a focus of an intense backlash against safe supply programs.

    Elenore Sturko, BC United’s shadow minister for mental health and addictions until she defected to the B.C. Conservatives, and federal Conservative MP Laila Goodridge have repeatedly painted Nyx and Kalicum as criminals. Both Sturko and Goodridge have said they welcome the charges and were impatient that it took so long.

    Neither Nyx, 33, nor Kalicum, 28, has been charged with any other crime in British Columbia. Nyx has worked in homeless shelters and has done overdose prevention work in supportive housing. As a university student in Nanaimo, Kalicum supported an overdose prevention site and later worked as a drug checker.

    “If you consider what this was about, what this is motivated by, which is entirely about saving lives, helping people avoid serious injury and death — by people who are living in that area of the city, who are living and working there, whose friends are down there, who see the crisis up close,” said Tim Dickson.

    “Their motives are so proper in this case, and to hear those calls for incarceration is very disturbing.”

    Supporters of DULF are now raising funds for what everyone involved in the case assumes will be a lengthy legal battle.

    While some supporters have said that criminal charges are an important step in a legal battle to challenge the constitutionality of Canada’s drug laws, Stephanie Dickson says the criminal charges were definitely not what Nyx, Kalicum or their legal team wanted.

    “It’s our clients’ individual liberty... at stake here, and the blunt instrument of the criminal law is not something we were hoping for them to navigate,” Dickson said.

    “Our hope was that the charges would not be approved.”

    Nyx and Kalicum’s first court appearance is scheduled for July 2.

    to see the links embedded in this article go to:

  60. Prohibition Is Killing People. Regulating Drugs Is the Way Out

    The evidence is clear on how we can end the toxic drug disaster.

    Kora DeBeck and Perry Kendall TodayThe Conversation

    Kora DeBeck is a distinguished associate professor in the school of public policy at Simon Fraser University. Perry Kendall is a clinical professor in the faculty of medicine and school of population and public health at the University of British Columbia. This article was originally published by the Conversation. This article was co-authored by Lisa Lapointe. She was B.C.’s chief coroner from 2011 to 2024 and led the BC Coroners Service to receive the inaugural Premier’s Award for Evidence-Based Design for its analysis and timely reporting of data on illicit drug overdose deaths.

    Should heroin and cocaine be legally available to people who need and want them? If we are serious about stopping the crisis of drug overdose deaths, that is exactly the kind of profound change we need. Yes, extensive regulations would be necessary. In fact, the whole point of regulating drug production and sales is that we can better control what is being sold and to whom.

    After British Columbia’s provincial health officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, testified to the all-party health committee in Ottawa in May that regulating these controlled drugs would minimize harms, B.C. Premier David Eby said he disagreed. He is quoted saying “in a reality-based, real-world level, [it] doesn’t make any sense.”

    But does our current approach of drug prohibition “make sense”?

    Since the overdose crisis was declared in 2016, illicit drug toxicity deaths have become the leading cause of unnatural death in B.C. and the leading cause of death from all causes for those aged 10 to 59. More than 44,000 people have died from drug poisoning in Canada since 2016, and more than one-third of those were in B.C. An average of 22 people are dying every day in Canada because the illicit supply of drugs is toxic.

    Toxic drug supply

    Why is the drug supply so toxic? Because we are letting organized crime manufacture drugs instead of regulated licensed industries that are required to follow health and safety standards.

    In the context of drug prohibition, organized crime and drug cartels are incentivized to make highly potent products because it is cheaper and hence more profitable. This is what happened during alcohol prohibition in the 1920s. Organized crime ran rampant, and people were poisoned because there were no health and safety standards for production.

    The failure of alcohol prohibition in meeting its key objectives of eliminating the supply and demand of alcohol are the same failures of drug prohibition. Illegal drugs are easy to find regardless of their illegal status. Reliable estimates are that 225,000 people are using illegal substances in B.C.

    What is the way out? Our knowledge of research evidence and decades of collective experience — including as a researcher (Kora DeBeck), a B.C. provincial health officer (Perry Kendall) and chief coroner (Lisa Lapointe) during the overdose crisis — brings us to drug regulation. When we regulate a substance, we have the most control over its production, distribution and consumption.

    Lessons from tobacco

    Some may argue that regulating drugs sends the “wrong message” and will encourage drug use, most concerningly among young people. However, if we look to lessons from tobacco regulation, we can see that public health-based regulations can actually be strong and effective substance-use deterrents.

    continued below

  61. By strictly controlling tobacco marketing, packaging, purchase price, purchase age and consumption locations, alongside educating people about the health risks, tobacco consumption and associated health harms have been significantly reduced without all the additional risks of banning tobacco products (for example, criminal black markets controlling production and sales).

    The same kinds of regulatory tools would be available to control the use of currently illegal drugs if we moved from prohibition to regulation.

    Addiction treatment is important, but not enough

    But what about addiction treatment? Isn’t that what we really need? While it’s true that eliminating wait times and increasing access to effective, evidence-based treatment are critically important and much needed, the reality is that many people who use drugs don’t have an addiction and many others are not currently seeking treatment. Yet all people who use drugs face the deadly consequences of an unregulated toxic drug supply.

    It is also important to remember that addiction recovery is complex and relapse is common in the recovery journey. In today’s toxic drug environment, people who relapse after a period of abstinence face a significantly higher risk of death due to their reduced tolerance.

    We also know that substance treatment is not regulated or standardized, and treatment outcomes are not reported.

    While supporting people to recovery is important and can be life-saving, addiction treatment is not the straightforward solution many believe it should be. Thousands of lives remain at risk every day.

    A regulated drug supply

    Taking the production and sale of currently illegal drugs away from organized crime and drug cartels is the most promising way to keep our kids and communities safe. With strict health and safety standards for the production of these drugs and stringent public health-based regulations on their distribution and sale, we have the best shot at reversing the carnage of overdose fatalities and managing drug-related harms.

    Regulating drugs may seem to some like a radical proposition, but governments regulate the production and distribution of potentially dangerous goods all the time. The regulation of firearms in Canada includes licensing that requires passing a firearms safety course. Mandatory ingredient lists that disclose the amount of sugar, sodium and fat in the foods we eat is another example of a government regulation that is designed to protect the public and provide information that may shape consumption patterns and reduce health risks.

    Implementing an effective regulatory framework for currently illegal drugs will be a complex undertaking requiring close monitoring and evaluation and inevitably corrections and revisions along the way. While the task may appear daunting, allowing overdose deaths to continue at the current rate is unconscionable.

    Transformational and life-saving drug regulation is urgently required because, borrowing terminology from Premier Eby, at the “reality-based, real-world level,” our current approach is a catastrophic failure.

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  62. B.C. should consider non-prescribed drug alternatives: top doctor

    Addictions minister swiftly rejects Dr. Bonnie Henry's call for access to opioids without a prescription

    by Katie DeRosa · CBC News · July 11, 2024

    The B.C. NDP government has swiftly rejected a recommendation from the province's top doctor that B.C. expand its safer supply program and allow people to obtain opioids without a prescription, including at compassion clubs and even retail stores.

    In her latest report on the overdose crisis, released Thursday, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry called for an end to the prohibition on hard drugs, which she says has caused people to rely on unregulated, toxic drugs that are killing an average of seven people a day in B.C.

    However, just over an hour after the report was published, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions Jennifer Whiteside rejected the recommendations.

    Whiteside said in a statement that while the province respects Henry's advice, "the province will not go in the direction of compassion clubs and other non-medical models of distributing medications."

    In her report, Henry says a system to allow access to safer, regulated alternatives to fentanyl and other drugs is necessary because a significant number of people who died from the unregulated drug supply did not have substance-use disorders and cannot be protected by "medicalized approaches."

    She said the province can look to the approach taken with cannabis, where people were initially able to access the drug through compassion clubs and now through government-run and private retail stores.

    "We have to take evidence from other types of initiatives, for example, related to cannabis use in the past," Henry said during an online news conference Thursday.

    Henry said the current safer supply program, which requires people to obtain a prescription for hydromorphone or other opioids that are dispensed at a pharmacy, has too many barriers and is not available to people in rural and remote communities.

    "Are there ways that we don't have to link somebody to an individual prescriber? That's been one of the barriers," she said.

    According to an earlier safe supply report, which Henry released in February, 4,331 people were given prescribed opioid alternatives, which is less than four per cent of the estimated 150,000 people with a substance use disorder.

    The latest report says 225,000 or more people in B.C. are accessing unregulated drugs and fentanyl continues to be the main killer, with 83 per cent of illicit drug deaths linked to the opioid.
    'Compassion club' model

    Elenore Sturko, a B.C. Conservative MLA who has long been critical of the province's safe supply program, said Henry's recommendations are dangerous. Sturko called for her to be fired.

    "This was my suspicion all along, that we would see another report from Dr. Henry that's pushing for the legalization of hard drugs in British Columbia," Sturko, a former RCMP officer, told CBC News.

    "One of the scenarios that they're proposing is that illicit drugs find their way onto store shelves [and] be accessible to people through retail; not medically managed, not a requirement for individuals to have any interaction with the health care system to obtain these drugs, which I think is not only irresponsible but, frankly, I think it's dangerous."

    continued below

  63. Henry's report says community-based "compassion clubs," such as the one operated by the Drug User Liberation Front (DULF), could be potential models for safer-supply access without prescriptions.

    She made clear that her report "is not an endorsement of DULF," but she said it's one of the few opioid compassion club programs on which there's some academic research.

    DULF co-founders Jeremy Kalicum and Eris Nyx were arrested last October, closing the "compassion club" service after about a year in operation.

    They were charged in June with three counts each of possession for the purpose of trafficking.

    Premier David Eby said at the time that DULF was providing "life-saving work" but was also breaking the law, which could not be tolerated.

    Vancouver police said at the time of their arrest that while it acknowledged DULF had been operating in an attempt to reduce "impacts of the toxic drug supply," the authorities have to uphold and enforce existing laws.
    Diversion concerns

    B.C.'s current prescribed safer-supply policy has been intensely debated within the province and beyond, with federal Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre and Alberta Premier Danielle Smith both claiming that drugs from the program were being diverted into the rest of Canada.
    Solicitor General Mike Farnworth has said there's no evidence of widespread diversion of safe-supply drugs, and Henry says in the latest report that "anecdotes may not reflect the experience of most people who are prescribed alternatives to unregulated drugs."

    Henry's report echoes the findings from former chief coroner Lisa Lapointe, who said in January before leaving her post that prescribed safer-supply drugs would not solve the crisis, which has claimed more than 14,000 lives in B.C. since 2016.

    At the time, Eby rejected Lapointe's pleas, saying he did not believe distribution of opioid drugs should happen without the supervision of medical professionals.

    Henry seemed to anticipate that the government would not back her position, but told reporters: "My role is to provide my best advice on health issues ... regardless of who is in political power."

    "Ultimately, we cannot prescribe our way out of this crisis," Henry says in the report.

    "Finding new ways to enable access to alternatives to unregulated drugs will require bold conversations, system-level changes, and thinking outside of the constraints that have so far failed to turn this crisis around."

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  64. 'Zero' chance B.C. ups access to "non-prescribed" drugs: Eby

    by Wolf Depner, Vancouver Island Free Daily, July 12, 2024

    "Zero." That is how Premier David Eby rated the chances of B.C. implementing a recommendation from provincial health officer Bonnie Henry to expand access to "non-prescribed alternatives to unregulated drugs."

    Henry made the recommendation in a report tabled Thursday. Such a system would essentially involve the public providing people who use drugs with products of known quality as an alternative to the illegal market. While B.C. already has a limited system of prescribed 'safe supply,' Henry's recommendation would expand government's role in making alternatives available. Her recommendation rests in part on the argument that unregulated drugs available through the illegal market have become increasingly unsafe and potent.

    Speaking Friday at an unrelated event at Simon Fraser University's Burnaby campus, Eby rejected the recommendation.

    "I have been clear with Dr. Henry, clear with the public in B.C. We are not moving to a model where there are no medical professionals directly involved when people are using harmful and toxic drugs. It's just non-negotiable."

    Eby praised Henry's expertise and work during the COVID-19 pandemic, adding it is "okay for us to disagree from time to time" on public health issues.

    "She needs to have her independence," he said. "She needs to do the work that she feels is important to bring up issues that she feels reporting on without government interference and I encourage her to do that work. But on this issue, it's very straightforward. There is a zero per cent chance of that recommendation being implemented."

    Eby added that government needs to balance the advice of public health officials with political realities.

    "I respect and appreciate Dr. Henry's advice always," he said. "It doesn't mean we always take it."

    Eby also used to occasion to criticize a B.C. Conservative promise to fire Henry should they win office in the fall. Part of the Conservatives' argument rests on her recent recommendation, but mainly on the vaccine mandate for health care professionals. Provincial Conservatives also plan to compensate health care workers who lost their jobs because of their refusal to get vaccinated.

    "I think it's completely bizarre that he (Rustad) would want to get rid of someone who did such amazing work for us during the pandemic and led us through that and instead reward the people who refuse to get vaccinated," Eby said. "There is a very different and distinct position from ours."

    Eby also touched on a looming disagreement with what could be a future federal Conservative government. Federal Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre Friday said his government would shut supervised injections near schools, playgrounds and "anywhere else that they endanger the public."

    Eby said B.C. is in the middle of a toxic drug crisis that has killed thousands. He added that supervised injections keep people alive by connecting them to the medical system at large and prevent the spread of diseases like HIV/AIDS as well as street disorder.

    "I'm hopeful that I can make the case to any administration that closing these sites would be a real mistake, both in terms of quality of life in the broader community, but also in terms of our efforts to keep people alive."

  65. Pierre Poilievre calls supervised consumption sites 'drug dens'

    Former health minister rejects Conservative leader's claims, says sites have saved lives amid drug crisis

    The Canadian Press · July 12, 2024

    Supervised consumption sites are "drug dens" that a future Conservative government would not fund and seek to close, party leader Pierre Poilievre said Friday.

    During a visit to a park near such a site in Montreal, Poilievre said he would shutter all locations near schools, playgrounds and "anywhere else that they endanger the public."

    "Radical bureaucrats don't have the right to open these drug dens anywhere they want," he said.

    The first supervised injection site opened in Vancouver more than 20 years ago.

    The sites are intended to prevent overdoses by allowing people to bring their drugs to use under the observation of trained staff.

    They also provide access to clean supplies to reduce rates of HIV and other diseases, as well as offer referrals to users seeking treatment options.

    Health Canada says more than 40,000 people have died from using toxic drugs since 2016, when the agency began tracking these figures. In 2023, British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario led the country in terms of the number of deaths. Most who died were men.

    A 2011 Supreme Court ruling said closing the Vancouver operation would deprive users of their Charter rights.

    Poilievre said Friday that landmark decision does not mean supervised drug sites can operate anywhere without any restrictions.

    He said he believes "reasonable restrictions" can be put in place to prevent them from opening "in locations that endanger the community, or where there is community opposition."

    In an exchange with a reporter, Poilievre repeatedly referred to the sites as "drug dens."

    "Wacko politicians and the Liberals and the NDP and their supporters in the media want to make it sounds like there's a constitutional obligation that we allow these drug dens anywhere they want to go up. That is not true," he said.

    He suggested the federal government has the power to close existing sites under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, under which it grants them an exemption to operate.

    Poilievre's office did not divulge specifics when asked how he would go about shuttering sites.

    However, he did sit as a member of the Conservative government of Stephen Harper, which passed the Respect for Communities Act in the years following the Supreme Court's decision.

    The controversial law required prospective supervised consumption sites to meet 26 criteria in order to open, such as tracking crime rates and providing medical evidence, along with handing in letters from provincial health ministers, local police and other stakeholders.

    continued below

  66. 39 sites in Canada

    That law was panned by opposition parties and health groups for essentially blocking sites from opening. They said it bogged down the application process with paperwork and created unnecessary barriers.

    But the Conservatives argued the law was needed to strike a balance between public health and public safety.

    Rona Ambrose, the health minister at the time, said their intention was to allow police and parents to have their say before supervised consumption could happen in their neighbourhoods.

    After they were elected in 2015, the Liberals passed their own law allowing facilities to open with more ease, citing the need to better respond to the overdose crisis.

    There are now 39 supervised consumption sites, according to Health Canada, and another 10 open applications.

    'They save lives': former minister

    Jane Philpott, the former Liberal health minister who ushered in the current government's amendments to the law, rejected Poilievre's assertions.

    "These are not 'drug dens,' they are health centres," said Philpott, now the dean of health sciences at Queen's University, in a post on X.

    "They save lives. In fact, the staff have attended to about 50,000 overdoses [and] medical emergencies since 2017, with no reported fatalities on site," she wrote, adding thousands are alive because of access to such facilities.

    Gord Johns, the NDP's critic in Parliament on the issue, suggests shutting down supervised consumption sites would only lead to people using drugs elsewhere.

    "It becomes an absolute disaster in the bathrooms of small businesses, in our parks, in our school yards, in the back alleys, in the backyards of people's in the community," he said.

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  67. Concerns raised over Poilievre's promise to close supervised consumption sites

    Conservative leader described sites as 'drug dens' while speaking to reporters last week

    by Courtney Dickson · CBC News · July 16, 2024

    Concerns are being raised about federal Conservative Party Leader Pierre Poilievre's promise to close supervised consumption sites should the party win the next election.

    Last week, Poilievre told reporters that a future Conservative government would shutter supervised consumption sites "next to schools, playgrounds, anywhere else that they endanger the public and take lives."

    He also characterized the sites as "drug dens."

    "These are not drug dens," said Helen Jennens, who lost both her sons to overdoses in 2011 and 2016. "It's actually more of a medical facility than a drug den."

    Supervised consumption sites are intended to prevent overdoses by allowing people to bring their drugs to use under the observation of trained staff. They also provide access to clean supplies to reduce rates of HIV and other diseases, as well as offer referrals to users seeking treatment options.

    "It's frightening for me to think that his leadership will actually close these sites and make our vulnerable population even more vulnerable," Jennens said.

    Health Canada says more than 40,000 people have died from using toxic drugs since 2016. More than 14,000 of those have been in B.C., according to provincial data.

    More money for treatment: MP

    In an interview on CBC's Daybreak South, Conservative MP Dan Albas, who represents the Central Okanagan-Similkameen-Nicola riding, said that if the Conservatives win the next federal election, Poilievre would put money that is being used for those sites toward treatment programs.

    Albas said constituents are asking why the government is giving people drugs. Supervised consumption sites do not provide drugs to drug users. Those kinds of concerns would fall under the safe supply program.

    "Everyone understands that people that have deep addictions need help. Giving them more drugs, taxpayer-funded drugs, does not make sense to the people that I spoke with," Albas told CBC's Chris Walker.

    "It's not compassionate to say to someone who's looking for a way out … here are more drugs or here is a waiting list. It's more compassionate to give them the ability to get off drugs."

    continued below

  68. While Jennens agrees that more accessible treatment would be beneficial, she doubts it will ever come to fruition.

    "All governments have been talking about ramping [addiction treatment] up for years, and it never happens," she said.

    "If we cannot create treatment and recovery for these people, they stand no hope."

    Jennens also questions where the staff for treatment facilities would come from, given the nationwide shortage of health-care professionals.

    Closure could mean more deaths: advocates

    Jennens said she would support moving supervised consumption sites away from schools or playgrounds but suggested that closing them would result in more toxic drug deaths.

    "You're not to use in public. Where do these people go to use? They don't have homes. Where do they go to use this?" Jennens said.

    "Getting rid of safe consumption sites will increase the deaths."

    It's a concern raised by other advocates, including Garth Mullins and Guy Felicella, who shared their thoughts on X.

    Immigration Minister Marc Miller's riding includes Montreal's first supervised drug-inhalation centre, which Poilievre has called a "drug den." Miller said in an interview with CBC's The Early Edition that these sites have their challenges and that ongoing work is being done with the provincial and municipal governments.

    He said he believes in safe consumption.

    "These are sites that save lives," Miller said. "You can't treat people like disposable trash. These are people with immensely complex histories that need help just staying alive."

    Jane Philpott, the former Liberal health minister who ushered in the current government's amendments to the law, has also weighed in on Poilievre's plan.

    "[Supervised consumption sites] save lives," she wrote on social media, adding thousands are alive because of access to such facilities.

    Gord Johns, the NDP's critic in Parliament on the issue, suggests shutting down supervised consumption sites would only lead to people using drugs elsewhere.

    "It becomes an absolute disaster in the bathrooms of small businesses, in our parks, in our school yards, in the back alleys, in the backyards of people in the community," he said.

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  69. Calling supervised consumption sites ‘drug dens’ is inflammatory, unhelpful rhetoric

    by André Picard, Globe and Mail July 16, 2024

    “Justin Trudeau must immediately close this hard-drug injection site to protect our families,” Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre said Friday in a playground beside the Maison Benôit Labre shelter in Montreal’s working-class Saint-Henri district.

    It was a politically savvy move. The community drop-in centre for homeless people and transitional-housing project has been in the local news a lot lately, and none of the coverage has been flattering: open drug use, violence and encampments, all in close proximity to a playground and elementary school.

    During the news conference, Mr. Poilievre was, naturally enough, asked about his party’s policy on “safe injection sites” more broadly.

    “We will close safe injection sites next to schools, playgrounds, anywhere else that they endanger the public and take lives,” he said.

    But then the Conservative Leader paused and corrected himself. “By the way, they’re not safe injection sites. I’m sorry I used your dishonest language,” he replied to a reporter, before launching into a tirade about the “radical Liberal-NDP activists, lobbyists and bureaucracy” who have created the “drug dens” that his government will defund.

    “There will not be a single taxpayer dollar from the Poilievre government going to drug dens. Every single penny will go to treatment and recovery services to bring our loved ones home drug-free.”

    Mr. Poilievre makes some good points. The public is indeed fed up with the chaos and disorder that the toxic drug crisis has wrought on cities and neighbourhoods.

    He is also correct that while the Supreme Court of Canada rebuffed an attempt by Stephen Harper’s government to close supervised (not “safe”) consumption sites, the court said restrictions on their locations are allowed. The activities around these facilities are not meant to be a free-for-all.

    People defecating, having sex, or injecting drugs in schoolyards or playgrounds or other public spaces is not acceptable.

    But Mr. Poilievre is not served well by his inflammatory language and over-the-top rhetoric.

    Supervised consumption sites like the one at Maison Benôit Labre are facilities where drug users can consume drugs (that they bring themselves) under the supervision of health professionals such as nurses. These sites offer clean needles (to reduce the risk of disease transmission) and overdose prevention and treatment (to reduce the burden on first responders), and they are a key conduit to getting users into detox and treatment.

    continued below

  70. To call health centres that practice harm reduction “drug dens” is insulting to those who do great work there. There are 39 supervised consumption sites across Canada and they have overseen 4.6 million visits and treated 55,693 overdoses to date (and counting).

    (There is another common form of supervised consumption site called bars, where people consume the drug alcohol. Should we, for consistency’s sake, call them “gin mills” and shut them down?)

    To say, as Mr. Poilievre did, that safe consumption sites are “drug dens and they’ve made everything worse” is patently untrue.

    The promise (or threat) to cut federal funding is also a hollow one, as the federal government does not provide core funding to supervised consumption sites. What it does is provide exemptions from drug laws that allow them to operate

    “Bringing our loved ones home drug-free” is an admirable goal, but we need to keep people alive if they’re going to have any hope of treatment and recovery, and that’s the goal of harm-reduction services.

    It’s disingenuous to suggest that closing supervised consumption sites, stopping decriminalization pilot projects, ending safer supply programs or any other singular measure will magically clean up the streets, or that we can solve this complex problem with more addiction treatment alone.

    The encampments that have mushroomed in North American cities in recent years have a multitude of causes that include a profound lack of affordable housing, a lack of mental-health services and an ever-worsening toxic drug crisis.

    More than ever, we need to embrace the “four pillars” strategy: Prevention, harm reduction, enforcement and treatment.

    In recent years, we have probably focused too much on the harm-reduction part of the puzzle, and not enough on enforcement and treatment.

    No one benefits from city streets that are a combination of open-air drug markets, encampments and garbage dumps. We need to recognize that these problems are sometimes more acute where services such as supervised consumption sites operate.

    But we also have to recognize that if supervised consumption sites are closed, drug use won’t end. It will simply move, to an even greater extent, into more streets, alleyways, parks and other public spaces.

    Ultimately, we need to tackle public disorder and the toxic drug crisis simultaneously. And these complex problems require sophisticated solutions, not just colourful catchphrases.

  71. How Programs for Youth Could Stem the Tide of Toxic Drug Deaths

    School-based interventions hold the potential to save lives, researchers say.

    Charlotte Waddell, Christine Schwartz, Jen Barican and Nicole Catherine Yesterday, The Conversation. Charlotte Waddell is a professor emerita of health sciences at Simon Fraser University, where Christine Schwartz is an adjunct professor and Nicole L.A. Catherine is a professor. Jen Barican is a senior research manager at SFU. This article was originally published by the Conversation.

    Can a program for Grade 7 students help end the opioid crisis? The answer is yes, according to compelling research findings on school-based primary prevention interventions.

    As noted by the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction, the opioid crisis is “a complex public health issue devastating the lives of many Canadians and their families who are experiencing accidental overdose or death from opioids.”

    To address this crisis, many of Canada’s responses to the opioid crisis still focus downstream on adults, after problems have started or become entrenched.

    In contrast, primary prevention operates upstream in childhood — before most young people start engaging in substance use, misuse or experimentation.

    As researchers concerned with helping children avoid opioid misuse, we conducted a systematic review of prevention programs designed for this purpose.

    We found two programs that stood out for their success in preventing opioid misuse. Both were delivered to children in middle school and tested using rigorous evaluation methods, namely, randomized controlled trials.

    Interventions that could save lives

    The program Strengthening Families significantly reduced prescription opioid misuse among young people in Iowa and Pennsylvania, with benefits lasting up to 14 years after the program ended.

    The impact was also large, reducing misuse by 65 per cent.

    Project PATHS, the other successful program, which was delivered in Hong Kong, significantly reduced heroin use with benefits lasting up to two years later. And each time these programs prevented a young person from misusing opioids, they potentially saved a life.

    Beyond intervening early, both of these successful programs shared other similarities. Children learned enduring skills such as resisting peer pressure, managing stress and cultivating positive friendships.

    Teaching multiple skills that children could apply throughout their development likely played a role in the programs’ long-term success — and likely contributed to other positive outcomes including reducing cannabis and ecstasy use.

    Both program evaluations also highlighted the ability to reach very large numbers of children, using school delivery. These numbers were about 12,000 for Strengthening Families and about 8,000 for Project PATHS.

    These numbers suggest that new Canadian school-based prevention efforts could potentially reach thousands of young people. With such a substantial population impact, these programs hold great promise to reduce many harms associated with the opioid crisis — including not only deaths but also criminal activity and distress for individuals misusing opioids and their families.

    These two school-based programs have another significant feature adding to their appeal for delivery in Canada. Training for facilitators is very brief — only two days for Strengthening Families and three days for Project PATHS.

    continued below

  72. The short training time also helps reduce delivery costs, further increasing the appeal for policymakers and school administrators.

    In Canada, we need such programs. And evaluations

    Yet program benefits do not always translate between countries. So Canadian evaluations would be an important component to accompany implementation of either or both programs.

    PreVenture, a school-based program developed by a clinical psychologist and researcher at the University of Montreal, is a good example of expanding both prevention and evaluation efforts.

    Researchers from across Canada are currently assessing whether this program can avert opioid use with youth in British Columbia, Ontario and Nova Scotia — building on its success with decreasing alcohol problems as well as the number of drugs that youth used in an RCT in the United Kingdom.

    If successful, PreVenture could also be expanded so that fewer Canadian children experience the devastating effects of the opioid crisis.

    Research has highlighted important gains that Canadians can achieve by investing in school-based prevention programs.

    To realize these benefits, however, leadership is needed at the provincial and territorial levels given that schools fall within these jurisdictions.

    Yet the federal government can also take strong leadership, for example, encouraging these types of primary prevention efforts across the country — as they have done with previous important child health problems.

    Prevention needs to be central to the approach

    The federal government has committed more than a billion dollars since 2017 to address the toxic drug problem — paralleled by provincial and territorial funding.

    But a policy shift towards meaningful prevention also requires tackling the realities of current Canadian health spending priorities. While last November, the federal government called for proposals for “projects aimed at helping prevent and decrease substance use-related harms among young people,” such efforts need to be backed by rigorous evaluation methods such as RCTs.

    And the programs we describe above have RCT support — suggesting that these are a place to start.

    In addition, only 6.1 per cent of health spending in 2023 went towards public health including prevention, a long-standing pattern. So concerted, co-ordinated and collaborative efforts are needed within and across every policy level and jurisdiction.

    Devastation from the opioid crisis is obviously continuing. Efforts to respond to the acute crisis must therefore also continue — including ensuring access to effective treatments for all in need and curtailing the supply of toxic substances.

    But primary prevention also needs to be central in the public health responses, given that continuing increases in treatment spending have not been enough and will likely never be enough on their own. Primary prevention is a crucial but underused component of a comprehensive public health approach.

    Most importantly, new primary prevention efforts can increase the chances of more young people experiencing the healthy development that they deserve, in turn precluding much suffering and many costs later in life — while meeting the collective duty of care that all Canadians share for all children.

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  73. Ontario bans drug consumption sites near schools, child-care centres

    Health minister announces new 'HART Hub' model without 'safer' consumption

    CBC News · August 20, 2024

    Ontario has banned supervised drug consumption sites within 200 metres of schools and child-care centres.

    Ten facilities across the province will be forced to stop providing safe consumption services by March 2025, and they will be given the option to transition into "treatment hubs."

    Health Minister Sylvia Jones announced the decision Tuesday afternoon when she addressed the Association of Municipalities of Ontario conference in Ottawa.

    Of the 10 sites that will be affected by the new rules, five are in Toronto while one each are in Ottawa, Kitchener, Thunder Bay, Hamilton and Guelph. The Government of Canada lists 23 safe consumption sites in Ontario on its website.

    Supervised consumption sites allow people to inject, snort or otherwise take drugs under supervision to reduce the risk of overdose.

    Province offers 'HART Hubs' instead

    Jones said the province is investing $378 million in 19 of the new Homelessness and Addiction Recovery Treatment (HART) Hubs. If the old consumption sites choose to apply to become a HART Hub, the province said they will be "prioritized."

    "Continuing to enable people to use drugs is not a pathway to treatment," said Jones, adding her plan would lead to more people choosing treatment, "not just enabling drug use."

    HART Hubs will not offer "safer" supply, supervised drug consumption or needle exchange programs. Instead, they will offer other forms of support such as supportive housing, employment help and addiction care.

    Jones said there is no one prescriptive formula, so communities can personalize the hubs to suit their needs. She said the province will not fund any new consumption sites to replace any that will close.

    Asked whether the province had estimated the number of deaths that would result from closing existing consumption sites, based on the number of overdoses prevented there, Jones denied that would be an issue.

    "People are not going to die," she said. "They are going to get access to service."

    continued below

  74. Jody Jollimore, executive director of CATIE, a Toronto-based organization spreading information and awareness about HIV and hepatitis C, disagreed.

    "If these sites close down, people will use their drugs elsewhere — in parks, public washrooms or at home, where they will die if they overdose alone," he wrote in an email to CBC. "We need to see a plan for new supervised consumption sites to meet the need."

    Organizations including the existing consumption sites that are affected by the 200-metre ban will have until October 2024 to apply to become a HART Hub.

    Opposition parties react

    In a statement, Ontario Liberal Leader Bonnie Crombie agreed that "these sites should not be next to schools," while calling for "smart, compassionate solutions" to the addiction and mental health crisis.

    "Doug Ford is taking away more services," she said. "He needs to be clear on how they will maintain the capacity required to provide treatment to those who need it."

    The Ontario NDP released a statement faulting the provincial government for taking away "critical public health supports from communities amidst an ongoing homelessness and addictions crisis."

    "Doug Ford has made the callous decision to take away a vital tool that saves lives," said Windsor West MPP Lisa Gretzky, the party's critic for mental health and addictions.

    Nurses' association calls move 'a disaster'

    Justin Piché, a professor of criminology at the University of Ottawa, welcomed expanded access to treatment, but he called the consumption site closures a short-sighted decision.

    "Drug toxicity deaths will increase, and that's the bottom line," he said. "The province is making a big mistake that is going to cost people their lives."

    The Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario also criticized the closures, which its CEO warned would result in more overdoses and more discarded needles in the street, while also spreading infectious diseases.

    "This is actually a death sentence for people that use substances," said Doris Grinspun. "It's a disaster."

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  75. B.C. to expand involuntary care for those with addiction issues

    Premier David Eby made a public safety pitch Sunday, announcing mental health units at correctional facilities

    by Akshay Kulkarni · CBC News · September 15, 2024

    The B.C. government has announced it will expand involuntary care for those with mental health and addictions issues, and will open "highly secure" facilities to house people detained under the Mental Health Act throughout the province.

    Premier David Eby announced Sunday that the government would open mental health units at correctional facilities throughout the province, as well as regional facilities that would provide long-term care and housing for those with mental health needs.

    The first dedicated mental health unit will be set up at Surrey Pretrial Centre, according to the province. The first regional mental health facility will be built on the grounds of the Alouette Correctional Centre in Maple Ridge.

    As part of his public safety pitch, one week before the official start of B.C.'s election period, Eby said the moves would help those with brain injuries, mental illnesses and severe addiction.
    "We're going to respond to people struggling like any family member would," Eby said in a statement to media. "We are taking action to get them the care they need to keep them safe, and in doing so, keep our communities safe, too."

    As part of the announcement, the province said that many people with mental health and addictions issues are in and out of the correctional and health-care systems without getting appropriate care.

    Eby, who was joined by representatives of the Musqueam Indian Band and Squamish Nation and Vancouver Mayor Ken Sim, said that the province would be adding more mental health treatment beds in hospitals as part of their approach.

    The premier's promise comes three months after he appointed Dr. Daniel Vigo as B.C.'s first chief scientific adviser for psychiatry, toxic drugs and concurrent disorders.

    The government says it will be releasing "clarifications" from Vigo on how he believes the Mental Health Act can be used to provide voluntary and involuntary care when people have disorders alongside addiction.

    Advocates say involuntary treatment ineffective

    continued below

  76. Involuntary treatment is allowed under B.C.'s Mental Health Act; a person can be detained in a psychiatric facility if a doctor deems it necessary for their health and safety, as well as the safety of others.

    However, advocates have said that involuntary care for those with drug addictions is often not helpful, with one study showing that people were at a higher risk of drug overdose after being discharged from compulsory treatment.

    "Involuntary treatment or forced care [is] not effective and does not help people, and is an extremely traumatic experience, which actually drives people away from the health care system," said Tyson Singh Kelsall, an outreach worker in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside and a PhD candidate in Simon Fraser University's faculty of health sciences.

    In an interview before the Sunday announcement, Kelsall said that the building of new facilities to house those detained under involuntary care was distracting from a health-care crisis in the province.

    He said that the province should be focused on interventions like affordable housing, regulating the drug supply and increasing welfare rates instead.

    "We need to ask if we're starting something new, if we're doing a new policy, if we're building new facilities, why don't we start with something that people actually want ... that we benefit from?" Kelsall said.

    In previous comments, Eby said there's still a place for involuntary care in B.C., but "warehousing people" isn't enough without adequate support that "hopefully helps them get back on their own feet."

    Province mulls developing Riverview site

    As part of his public safety pitch, Eby said that the province was in discussions with the Kwikwetlem First Nation over its claim to the land on which the former Riverview Hospital for those with mental health issues sits.

    The government says that it is working on plans for a future redevelopment of the Riverview site as part of those discussions, which could potentially settle the nation's claim to the land.

    The controversial mental health facility in Coquitlam was closed in 2012 after numerous scandals, including allegations of forced sterilization and electroshock therapy.

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  77. Eby and Rustad Agree on Involuntary Treatment. Experts Say They’re Wrong

    Both leading parties propose to hold people with addictions and mental health problems.

    by Michelle Gamage, The Tyee September 16, 2024

    Conservative Party of BC Leader John Rustad and NDP Leader David Eby both say they will introduce involuntary treatment for people who use drugs or have mental health issues.

    Rustad made his announcement last Wednesday, shortly after news broke about the tragic death of Brianna MacDonald, a 13-year-old who died while living unhoused in Abbotsford and using drugs from the unregulated toxic supply, also known as street drugs.

    Eby made a similar promise Sunday, saying work would start immediately.

    Brianna’s family told CTV News that she used unregulated substances to self-medicate her mental illness and that she was placed in youth care but ran away before ending up in a homeless encampment, where she died.

    In a statement published on its website, the Conservative Party of BC said it would commit to “involuntary treatment for individuals, especially children, suffering from severe addiction” and there is an “urgent need to protect vulnerable British Columbians from the devastating effects of addiction.”

    The statement then makes three commitments.

    First, to introduce a law to allow for involuntary treatment for all ages if a person is at “serious risk due to addiction.”

    Second, to build low-security facilities for “individuals who pose a risk to themselves or others, ensuring they receive the proper care in a safe environment.”

    And third, to “establish units to provide targeted care for those experiencing severe addiction or mental health crises.” This will improve patient care and reduce emergency room pressure, the statement continues.

    Eby’s plans were announced Sunday in a government news release.

    “People with addiction challenges, brain injuries and mental-health issues need compassionate care and direct and assertive intervention to help them stabilize and rebuild a meaningful life,” Eby said in the release.

    The release said people with “long-term concurrent mental-health and addiction challenges” would “get secure and dignified care by opening highly secure facilities for people under the Mental Health Act throughout the province, as well as secure treatment within BC Corrections.”

    The first facility will open in Maple Ridge in “coming months,” it said, with plans to expand across the province and use existing mental health beds in hospital.

    It also promised “a designated mental-health unit in a B.C. correctional centre to provide rapid treatment for people with mental-health and addiction challenges being held on remand or sentenced to custody,” starting with a 10-bed facility at the Surrey Pretrial Services Centre.

    The Tyee spoke with experts about how involuntary detention would work in practice.

    None of the parties’ calls to action address the toxic drug supply, which is the reason more than six people per day are dying in B.C., said Gillian Kolla, assistant professor of population health and applied health sciences at Memorial University of Newfoundland, and collaborating scientist at the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research at the University of Victoria.

    continued below

  78. The prevalence of substance use disorder has remained steady over the last decade, according to Health Canada, so it’s not that more people are using drugs today but that more people are dying when they use drugs because the unregulated supply is so toxic, she said.

    “Severe addiction” is not a medical term, she added — substance use disorder and opioid use disorder are, and it’s important to use official terms when talking about policy.

    Ultimately, what’s really needed is to invest in affordable housing and mental health services, Kolla added.

    When we give people housing, Kolla said, their “health and social outcomes and mental health improves dramatically.”

    There doesn’t appear to be a single party in Canada prepared to make the investment necessary to actually tackle the housing shortage across the country, she added.

    Involuntary treatment for substance use disorder

    Involuntary treatment is “putting the cart before the horse,” Kolla told The Tyee.

    B.C. doesn’t have enough spaces in voluntary, trauma-informed, evidence-based treatment programs as it is, she said. The province first needs to build out a comprehensive and accessible system of evidence-based harm reduction and evidence-based treatment supports so that it can provide people with the intervention they want at the time they ask for it.

    Residential treatment doesn’t have stronger outcomes than community-based treatment, and abstinence-based approaches can increase a person’s risk of overdose and death because a person’s tolerance drops quickly, Kolla added.

    This puts them at a higher risk of overdose because the next time they use substances, they might use them in isolation instead of accessing harm reduction services like supervised consumption sites and their tolerance will be lower.

    Involuntary treatment has lower success rates than voluntary treatment, Kolla said.

    “We have very, very strong research that it doesn’t work,” she said.

    Kolla said the gold standard of evidence-based treatment for opioid use disorder is opioid agonist treatment, and there is a growing and strong evidence base for prescribed safer supply. OAT prescribes people with opioid use disorder methadone and/or buprenorphine, which helps them stabilize and reduce their risk of overdose.

    Prescribed safer supply provides people at high risk of overdose with a prescription for opioids or stimulants to separate them from the unregulated toxic drug supply.

    Kenneth Fung, a clinical associate professor at the University of British Columbia’s school of population and public health, said involuntary treatment could be subjected to a constitutional challenge if a government tried to enact legislation around it, “but medically it is the norm in many non-western-culture countries.”

    Indefinitely apprehending people ‘who pose a risk’

    Last week’s commitment to “creating secure facilities designed for treatment of individuals who pose a risk to themselves or others” wasn’t the first time Rustad proposed apprehending people on mental health grounds.

    In June Rustad told the Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce he also wants “indefinite apprehension of permanently brain-damaged habitual offenders... on mental health grounds. That could include invoking the notwithstanding clause in the Charter of Rights to bypass constitutional concerns if need be.”

    However, provinces and territories already have legislation that can do this, Kolla said.

    She pointed to B.C.’s Mental Health Act, which allows police to apprehend people against their will and physicians to detain people indefinitely if they are determined to be a risk to themselves or others, or are at risk of deteriorating if they leave medical care.

    continued below

  79. The Mental Health Act applies to all people in B.C. and doesn’t require a law to be broken to be applied.

    There’s also forensic law, where a crime is committed but there is reason to believe mental illness impacted a person’s ability to understand what they were doing. Under forensic law, people can be determined to be not criminally responsible or unfit to stand trial.

    If someone is unfit to stand trial, they may be admitted to the Forensic Psychiatric Hospital in Coquitlam or a Forensic Psychiatric Regional Clinic, where they will receive treatment until they are well enough to take part in court proceedings, according to a BC Mental Health and Substance Use Services page about court-referred mental health assessment and treatment.

    People can already be indefinitely detained under B.C.’s Mental Health Act or the mental disorder provisions of the Criminal Code, said Kevin Love, a lawyer with the non-profit law firm the Community Legal Assistance Society.

    There is no automatic release date as there is with a criminal sentence, Love said. A person detained under the Mental Health Act will be released when a director of the hospital or expert panel determines they no longer meet the criteria for ongoing detention. People detained under the mental disorder provisions of the Criminal Code will be held until an expert panel says it is safe for them to reintegrate into the community, he added.

    “We need to tread very, very carefully any time we’re talking about removing people’s rights like their basic right to freedom and autonomy,” Kolla said. Apprehending someone under the vague terminology of brain injury would not pass muster within the courts, she added.

    However, Kolla said she appreciates Rustad raising awareness about how people can suffer a brain injury when they overdose.

    Kolla also said more supports are needed for people who have suffered overdose-related brain injury that centre on compassion, care and meeting people where they’re at.

    It takes only four minutes of reduced breathing during an overdose to start doing damage to the brain, which can lead to injury if oxygen is cut off or reduced for long enough, or if a person overdoses multiple times.

    This can impact a person’s ability to control their movement, and affect decision-making, impulse control or interactions with other people and can, for example, make someone more likely to get into a fight if they have lower impulse control.

    The Tyee previously reported that it’s possible more than 600,000 Canadians have an overdose-related brain injury.

    It’s important to understand that it’s the overdose, not the substance use itself, that is causing injury, Kolla said. A person who uses substances and/or has a brain injury still has the right to make decisions about their own care, she added.

    The BC NDP introduced a program to support people with brain injury related to substance use in May 2023.

    More mental health facilities

    Last week’s Conservative commitment to “establish units to provide targeted care for those experiencing severe addiction or mental health crises” seems to fit with an item on the Conservative Party of BC website “ideas” page that calls to “reopen and revitalize mental health facilities.”

    When people see someone in mental distress, who may also be experiencing homelessness, poverty or substance use, they want to help but don’t know how, Kolla said.

    continued below

  80. Building mental health facilities might sound like a tidy solution, because the person in distress can go there and receive treatment, care and housing, but opening these facilities is a costly proposal that would open very few beds to meet a very large need, she said.

    But involuntary treatment, or the threat of involuntary treatment, creates mistrust in the health-care system, can prevent people from calling 911 during an overdose and further alienates people who need help, according to signatories of a 2023 public letter from Pivot Legal Society that critiqued the NDP’s interest in expanding involuntary care.

    Involuntary care can be quite traumatizing and can increase a person’s risk of overdose when they exit treatment, Kolla said.

    People have very complex reasons for why they use drugs, Kolla said, adding that trauma and negative past experiences are common reasons for substance use. Cutting off someone’s access to substances doesn’t treat a person’s trauma, she added.

    Kolla said there isn’t strong evidence that providing mental health care within a facility has better outcomes than community-based treatment, which can be provided in a more cost-effective way. Canada is also struggling with health-care staffing shortages, Kolla said, so calls to open more facilities raise questions of where the staff will come from.

    More people detained today than at the height of Riverview

    Today, there are more than 33 times as many people detained annually under the Mental Health Act than there were patients in 2002 at Riverview psychiatric hospital, a decade before the facility finally closed its doors.

    Riverview is the facility that generally gets pointed to when politicians speak about reopening mental health facilities.

    Riverview Hospital operated from 1913 until 2012, treating patients for mental health and substance use-related health issues. According to a May 2022 article in the Health Law in Canada journal, Riverview was closed gradually in a decade-long process, starting in 2002 and concluding in 2012.

    In 2002 there were 850 patients at the facility detained under the Mental Health Act, and all 850 were transferred to other Mental Health Act-designated facilities when Riverview closed, according to the article.

    The Office of the Ombudsperson said the number of people detained under the Mental Health Act has steadily increased since then.

    A 2019 report found that in 2014-15 there were just under 20,500 involuntary admissions to facilities in B.C. under the Mental Health Act, with 15,000 people detained in facilities across the province.

    In 2020-21 there were 28,386 involuntary admissions and almost 20,000 people detained, according to previous reporting by The Tyee.

    The Riverview Lands were renamed səmiq̓ʷəʔelə in 2021, after being given the name by the kʷikʷəƛ̓əm First Nation, or Kwikwetlem First Nation.

    Today, there are two facilities on site and several refurbished buildings run by Coast Mental Health where 289 people are receiving treatment for mental health, addictions or both, according to CTV News.

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  81. Following Backlash, BC Removes Harm Reduction Vending Machines

    The province says it’s conducting a review. Experts say the machines should not be used as a ‘political tool.’

    by Michelle Gamage, The Tyee September 11, 2024

    Harm reduction vending machines are being closed across British Columbia while the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions reviews the low-barrier distribution model.

    In late August Conservative candidate Gwen O’Mahony and party leader John Rustad critiqued the Care and Connection Kiosks, alleging low barrier access to harm reduction supplies like sterile injection and snorting kits “enabled addiction,” calling the machines “appalling and irresponsible,” respectively.

    The Tyee ran a fact-checking article where experts debunked these claims, citing research, evidence and best practices.

    The vending machines also distribute naloxone kits, which can be used to temporarily reverse an overdose; testing strips to check drugs for fentanyl or benzodiazepine contamination; and safer sex supplies and sharps containers.

    Following the Conservatives’ criticism, on Aug. 27 Premier David Eby asked for the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions to review Health Authority programs where “harm reduction services are distributed without involving the direct contact between a service provider or peer support worker with somebody struggling with addiction,” the Premier’s Office told The Tyee in an emailed statement.

    Health Authorities have removed the kiosks while this review is taking place, the statement continued. Harm reduction supplies continue to be available through emergency departments.

    “It’s very concerning that these interventions, these machines, are being closed for review,” said Thomas Kerr, head of the division of social medicine in the department of medicine at the University of British Columbia and director of research with the BC Centre on Substance Use.

    “They should clearly stay open while a review takes place. There’s no clear argument for these machines being harmful.”

    Vancouver has a long history of distributing harm reduction supplies. The first needle exchange program opened in Vancouver in 1989. It was later replaced by a free needle distribution program in 2002.

    A 2002 study in the International Journal of Drug Policy found that limited access to sterile syringes increased people’s likelihood of sharing needles, and a 2010 study in the American Journal of Public Health found that free needle distribution was more effective than needle exchanges at reducing needle sharing and HIV rates.

    Many of the people at the highest risk of overdose, death and infectious disease acquisition experience an “immense amount of stigma and discrimination in society at large and within health-care settings,” Kerr said.

    “By making these supplies available in a more private, anonymous format, we actually increase the coverage of these interventions because more people will be able to access them,” he said.

    BC Green Party Leader Sonia Furstenau told The Tyee in an emailed statement her party is “deeply concerned” about the removal of “an evidence-based solution to fill a service gap,” such as for people who needed to access harm reduction supplies outside of a hospital or medical clinic’s operating hours.

    “When these kiosks were launched, the province committed to monitoring their use,” Furstenau said. “If they’ve been removed, we want to see data justifying the decision and details on any consultations with those impacted — people who use drugs, drug policy advocates and frontline workers.”

    continued below

  82. The Tyee asked the Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions how many vending machines have been closed, where they were located and how many people this could impact.

    The Tyee also asked what evidence the ministry is basing this decision on. The Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions did not respond to The Tyee’s questions and instead provided an emailed statement that said it is working to “increase both the access to these supplies and connection with health-care workers and peers” for people who use drugs.

    Fraser Health said it did not have any kiosks and would continue to distribute harm reduction supplies at public health units and other harm reduction sites. Interior Health said it closed one kiosk in Princeton on Sept. 5. Northern Health and Vancouver Coastal Health did not respond to The Tyee’s media request by press time.

    Kiosks were set up on Vancouver Island last fall and collectively dispensed 18,253 items, Island Health said. The kiosk at the Nanaimo hospital dispensed 8,580 items.

    Island Health said there was also a vending machine at Victoria General Hospital which was closed in mid-December “due to challenges with the location related to constrained space and fire alarm activity.”

    In-person interactions “provide contact, and those conversations are important, but low-barrier harm reduction supplies are also helpful, and we need to be able to do both,” said Mark Haden, a UBC adjunct professor in the faculty of medicine, at the school of population and public health.

    Accessing harm reduction supplies in-person requires a person to admit they use drugs and that barrier will prevent some people from using harm reduction altogether, Haden said.

    “Saving lives is important, and that’s what harm reduction does. For those who say, ‘I don’t support harm reduction, I support treatment,’ the answer is that dead people don’t seek treatment,” Haden said.

    In addition, limiting access to naloxone during an overdose crisis that is killing more than six British Columbians per day is “reckless,” Kerr said.

    “We know that, even with the widespread distribution efforts we have now, some people still have difficulty accessing naloxone when they need it,” Kerr said. “We should be doing absolutely everything we can to ensure access.”

    Naloxone kits are available for free in many pharmacies and health care facilities across B.C. If you don’t know how to administer naloxone, a health-care provider can give a free tutorial in around five minutes.

    Haden criticized politicians for using the toxic drug crisis as a political tool and called for leaders to let health authorities “navigate these complex issues based on the evidence.”

    “That’s not what’s happening here,” he added. “What’s happening here is it’s becoming a political tool, and that’s unfortunate.”

    The Office of the Premier told The Tyee “the review is looking at ways to improve connection to the health-care system, including treatment options, through in-person interactions at the point of distribution. We want to make sure people are talking to a doctor, a nurse or a social worker to get them connected to the system.”

    Kerr said there is nothing about a face-to-face interaction that improved the efficacy of a naloxone kit when reversing an overdose, or the efficacy of a sterile injection kit in preventing HIV or hepatitis C infections.

    The Tyee contacted the Conservative Party of BC for comment but did not hear back by press time. [Tyee]

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  83. Drug Policy Alliance

    We just released a new report: “The Drug Treatment Debate: Why Accessible and Voluntary Treatment Wins Out Over Forced.”

    Most Americans understand that drug treatment is a needed support for people struggling with addiction. What’s not as clear is what treatment actually means and what it should look like.

    At its core, treatment should meet the needs of the person who is struggling and should be offered quickly and compassionately. But many people who want treatment can’t get it. There are long lines for treatment, or treatment programs do not exist at the level needed for those seeking help.

    Instead of addressing the longstanding need for better, more accessible treatment options, some elected leaders are focused on pushing forward policy that forces people into very limited, often ineffective treatment options.

    Forced “treatment” is rejected by scientific and health researchers for being ineffective or harmful. It increases overdose risk and can cause dangerous withdrawals from forced detoxification. One study found that one-third of drug court participants with opioid use disorder (OUD) relapsed on the day of program completion, and 50% by two months after completion.

    At the Drug Policy Alliance, we’re advocating for evidence-based treatment that people can easily access when they need and want it. People shouldn’t have to wait in long lines. They shouldn’t be denied treatment for inability to pay, or because it’s just not available. Substance use disorder treatment should be voluntary, effective, affordable, accessible, and appealing. And we need more of it.

    Together, let’s advocate for treatment that actually helps people.

    We all want people living with addiction to get the help they need. At the Drug Policy Alliance, we believe that everyone should have access to the substance use disorder supports that they choose to improve their physical and mental health. Effective services should be available when and where people are ready for them, without hurdles like cost or preconditions to get help.

    Instead of addressing the longstanding need for better, more accessible treatment options, some elected leaders are focused on pushing forward policy that forces people into very limited, often ineffective treatment options. Forced “treatment” is rejected by scientific and health researchers for being ineffective or harmful. It increases overdose risk, it can cause dangerous withdrawals from forced detoxification, and people often relapse after completion.

    Substance use disorder treatment should be voluntary, effective, affordable, accessible, and appealing.

    Report: “The Drug Treatment Debate: Why Accessible and Voluntary Treatment Wins Out Over Forced.”

    Download/read the summary.

    Download/read the full report.

  84. Founders of B.C. drug 'compassion club' file Charter challenge

    Co-founders argue their rights and rights of users were violated when the club was shut and they were arrested

    by Darryl Greer · The Canadian Press · October 15, 2024

    Lawyers for the founders of Vancouver's Drug User Liberation Front (DULF) say their clients are being wrongfully criminalized for operating a club that provided untainted drugs to people who would otherwise be at the mercy of a toxic and deadly illicit drug supply.

    Lawyers Tim Dickson and Stephanie Dickson outlined a constitutional challenge of Canada's Controlled Drugs and Substances Act on Tuesday, filed in B.C. Supreme Court on behalf of DULF co-founders Jeremy Kalicum and Eris Nyx.

    The pair had operated a "compassion club" that sold heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine bought on the dark web and tested for contaminants.

    In October 2023, Vancouver police said two people were arrested after raids at the DULF office at East Hastings and Columbia streets, and at two East Vancouver homes.

    Police said at the time that suspected cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine were seized, and Nyx and Kalicum have since been charged with drug possession for the purpose of trafficking.

    Their trial is set for October 2025, but they claim their Charter rights and the rights of users were violated when the club was shut down and they were arrested.

    "We want to demonstrate how deeply unfair and discriminatory it is to prevent drug users from saving lives, from saving the lives of the people they care about the most," Nyx said during a news conference.

    The Charter challenge argues that denying compassion club members access to a predictable supply of drugs they depend on, while exposing them to the severe risks of the street supply is "grossly disproportionate" to any benefits of shutting down the club.

    Nyx and Kalicum say in their legal claim that preventing the initiative infringes on their right to liberty and the right to life and security of the person of the compassion club's members.

    The legal action claims its members with serious addictions are compelled to turn to the toxic street supply for substances they depend on, making it discriminatory to shut down the club and a violation of the right to equality.

    Nyx said the only way to save lives is to see "some type of regulation of the illicit drug market."

    "Organized crime thrives on this market and generates money from prohibition, and organized crime does not care about regulating the potency of drugs," Nyx said.

    The B.C. Supreme Court filing also says the pair should not have been charged because the club's site had been given the authority by Vancouver Coastal Heath to collect, store and transport illicit drug samples for drug checking or analysis.

    Tim Dickson said it was disappointing that there's been a "shift in the political discourse on drug policy in B.C. in recent months."

    "But the advantage of the court case is that it's an opportunity to have these issues decided on the basis of evidence and of logic by an independent and impartial judge," he said. "It will be a very different process than the political debate that's been going on in recent months, which is more about soundbites than facts."

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  85. Forcing people into drug treatment is on the political agenda. Here's what the evidence says

    by Mike Crawley · CBC News · November 10, 2024

    As the toxic drug crisis continues to claim thousands of lives each year — fuelling perceptions that existing measures are failing — the notion of involuntary treatment is gaining political traction.

    Across Canada, there's a growing number of political leaders proposing to force people into treatment for drug addiction, even though a recent research review found inconclusive evidence about whether it's effective.

    Some experts in addiction medicine warn against seizing on forced treatment as an easy answer to a complex health and social problem.

    "It's a response to seeing pain and suffering in front of you and saying, 'I don't want to have to see this, so let's just make sure that this is out of the way,'" said Dr. Anita Srivastava, medical director of addiction medicine for Unity Health in Toronto.

    "I think it's a frustrated response to a problem that [people] perceive as having no real solution," said Srivastava in an interview. "I don't think it will work, but I can understand where it might be coming from."

    Others think involuntary treatment needs to be one of the available options, given the urgency of the crisis. More than 47,000 Canadians have died from toxic opioids since 2016, according to the latest federal figures published in September.

    A task force created by the Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine recently reviewed worldwide research into the effectiveness of involuntary treatment. The task force looked at 42 studies from around the globe and published its report in 2023 in the Canadian Journal of Addiction.

    Of the 22 studies it found that compared involuntary to voluntary treatments, 10 reported negative outcomes from involuntary treatments, five found no significant differences, and seven found improvements, mainly in retention in treatment. Only one of those seven found a post-treatment reduction in substance use, and that was not sustained long-term.

    "There is a lack of high-quality evidence to support or refute involuntary treatment for [substance use disorders]," the report concluded. "More research is needed to inform health policy."

    The review also noted the difficulty drawing conclusions about what worked, since the quality and types of treatments offered — mostly in U.S., China and Canada — varied widely.

    Despite that lack of evidence and the call for more research, there is no shortage of politicians suggesting involuntary treatment as a policy option.

    Forcing people into addiction treatment was floated by various parties in the recent British Columbia and New Brunswick provincial election campaigns.

    In Ontario, the mayor of Brampton, Patrick Brown, is calling on the provincial government to launch a pilot project that would allow for involuntary treatment of drug addiction in his community.

    The province that's closest to moving ahead on forced treatment is Alberta, where the government of Premier Danielle Smith has promised legislation.

    Under the Criminal Code, the courts cannot force anyone into drug treatment, but can in certain cases offer it as an alternative to a sentence in custody, with the threat of jail time if the person fails to complete treatment.

    Provincial mental health legislation across Canada generally allows for involuntary psychiatric treatment if a doctor deems a person to be a danger to themselves or others. Forcing people into addiction treatment would require a province to amend its health-care consent legislation.

    Keith Humphreys, a professor of psychiatry at Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif., who chaired Alberta's expert advisory panel on addiction recovery, believes involuntary treatment needs to be part of the arsenal of responding to the drug crisis.

    "We have to be realistic about the fact that addiction is a chronic disorder," said Humphreys in an interview.

    cont'd below

  86. "When we talk [about] forcing people into treatment, we should remember there aren't really many people who would be just spontaneously waking up in a tent and saying, 'I don't want ever to use fentanyl ever again.'"

    The calls for forced treatment are gaining momentum in part because of perceptions that the current harm-reduction approach to the drug crisis is failing .

    However, opponents of forced treatment argue that what's really to blame is the growing potency and toxicity of the illicit drug supply – the drugs have become stronger, more addictive and deadlier than when heroin dominated the street trade.

    Dan Werb, executive director of the Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, says those who advocate for forced treatment assume that the fault lies with the person who is addicted.

    "The scientific evidence to support [involuntary treatment] as an effective approach just simply isn't there," he said in an interview.

    Werb was the lead author of a 2015 review of research into the effectiveness of compulsory drug treatment, published in the International Journal of Drug Policy. Of the nine studies reviewed at that time, only two showed that compulsory treatment had a positive impact on criminal reoffending and drug use.

    Werb and his fellow authors concluded that policymakers should prioritize investments in voluntary treatment programs. However, he says governments in Canada are not putting enough resources into such programs.

    "We have this massive disparity between the number of people who are referred to treatment and the capacity of the treatment system to meet that demand," he said.

    Dr. Katie Dorman, a family physician at the Sumac Creek Health Centre in Toronto who has worked in addiction medicine through much of her career, says there are far too many barriers to voluntary treatment, including long waits and restrictive criteria.

    "I think it's absurd that we're talking about involuntary treatment when there's so many people who want care who can't access it," Dorman said in an interview.

    For intensive residential treatment programs – designed for people with chronic substance use – statistics provided by Ontario's Ministry of Health show the average wait time is 16 days for assessment then another 72 days for admission.

    In Alberta, the comparable wait time to begin residential treatment ranges from 20 to 37 days, according to figures from the province's Ministry of Mental Health and Addiction

    The Alberta government has dramatically ramped up its publicly funded drug treatment program since 2019, adding 7,700 detox spaces and more than 2,700 residential treatment and recovery beds, an overall capacity increase of more than 55 per cent.

    "Everything about the Alberta model is really geared towards getting people off of drugs," said Marshall Smith, former chief of staff (but no relation) to the premier, in an interview in October at a newly opened recovery facility in Gunn, Alta., about 90 kilometres northwest of Edmonton.

    While Smith says it's crucial to make voluntary drug treatment easily available, he also believes there's a role for forcing people into treatment.

    "Is it better to have involuntary care or to allow somebody to languish in a tent shooting fentanyl in their neck under an overpass with the threat of dying?" said Smith. "I would say it's more effective than that any day of the week."

    His perspective is informed by personal experience. Smith has spoken publicly of how he spent four years homeless in Vancouver addicted to methamphetamines. He traces his recovery to an ultimatum he got from the police.

    "They essentially told me, 'Go to treatment or go to jail,'" he said in his interview with CBC News. "I picked treatment and I haven't looked back since."

    to see the links, photos and videos embedded in this article go to:

  87. Doctors met by security as they set up unsanctioned overdose prevention sites at Vancouver Island hospitals

    Addictions physician says her work has been mired in 'controversy and politicization'

    The Canadian Press · November 18, 2024

    An attempt by doctors to set up overdose prevention sites on hospital property in Nanaimo and Victoria was shut down Monday by the Island health authority, forcing the volunteers to move their operations across the street.

    Doctors and other volunteers tried to set up sites on the grounds of Nanaimo General and Royal Jubilee hospitals over frustration that the B.C. government hasn't lived up to its promise to set aside space for overdose prevention at the health-care facilities.

    Dr. Jess Wilder, an addictions and family medicine practitioner in Nanaimo, said her work has been mired in "controversy and politicization" lately, and setting up overdose prevention sites is "about saving lives."

    Wilder said the B.C. government pledged to open sites at every hospital in the province in April, but they never materialized.

    She said she and other health-care professionals are donating their own funds and time to set up and run the "pop-up" sites at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital and Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria throughout the week, starting Monday.

    She said volunteers in Nanaimo were met by police and hospital security, who told organizers they weren't allowed on hospital grounds and could be physically removed and arrested for trespassing.

    Wilder said volunteers then established the overdose prevention site across the street from the hospital.

    Dr. Réka Gustafson, Island Health's chief medical health officer, said in a statement Monday that the health authority "is focused on enhancing care and connecting people to health services wherever they are in their journey, particularly in the face of the enduring toxic drug crisis."

    "Ensuring the safety of our staff, medical staff, patients, volunteers and visitors is of paramount importance. Operating an unapproved clinical service or demonstration on Island Health property cannot be supported, the statement said. "That is why our protection services teams worked respectfully with organizers to ensure their planned activities did not occur on Island Health property."

    Wilder said the country is in the middle of the biggest public health crisis it has ever seen, and the B.C. government has had a ministerial order that dictates that "overdose prevention sites can and should and must be set up in any place where they are needed."

    continued below

  88. Wilder said seeing patients needlessly die has caused doctors much "moral distress," while expert voices like hers have been sidelined when politicians seize upon addiction services with harmful narratives.

    She pointed to how a candidate in the recent provincial election posted a TikTok video opposing a harm-reduction vending machine at a hospital, and it was removed days later.

    Premier David Eby ordered a review of the vending machine program in late August after the B.C. Conservative candidate for the Nanaimo-Lantzville riding, Gwen O'Mahony, posted a video to social media highlighting her concerns about the vending machines.

    The Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions told CBC News, prior to its dissolution in Monday's new cabinet announcement, that while its review is underway, health authorities were suspending "harm reduction measures that do not offer an opportunity for an in-person connection with a peer or health- care worker who can provide a connection to the system of care."

    The provincial government said Monday mental health and addictions-related matters will now fall under the Ministry of Health.

    "We have been fighting for interventions like that, for such a simple thing as a machine that can give somebody a condom or a clean needle if they're going to do the harmful thing anyway," Wilder said.

    "We've been fighting for that for years, and the fact that somebody who has no medical expertise can post a video on social media and have that be more impactful on the services that I'm able to provide my patients than anything that I've been doing for years is pretty devastating."

    Dr. Ryan Herriot, who has a family and addictions medicine practice in Victoria, said they're setting up the sites on the day when welfare recipients get their cheques — which he described as "the most lethal day every month" for drug users.

    He said dissatisfaction among people in his field has been "percolating slowly."

    "A decision was taken that we need to put our voices in the public sphere," Herriot said. "I think what's happened over the last couple of years is experts have been reticent to speak out, to kind of step out of their clinical role and that has allowed non-experts to fill that void, unfortunately."

    In an email to CBC News, the Ministry of Health said Monday many major hospital sites, including several sites in Island Health, have Addictions Medicine and Substance Use teams that work closely with patients to develop tailored care plans "that protect the safety of staff and other patients and align with provincial policies."

    The minister did not comment on the "pop-up" overdose prevention sites

    to see the links and photos embedded in this article go to:

  89. Doctors Open Two Pop-up Overdose Prevention Sites at Island Hospitals

    The solution to patients using illicit drugs in unsafe ways is to offer safer alternatives, advocates say.

    by Michelle Gamage, The Tyee November 18, 2024

    Two temporary overdose prevention sites run by independent doctors and supported by harm reduction organizations have opened this week just outside Nanaimo Regional General Hospital and Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria.

    The sites will be open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. from Nov. 18 to Nov. 22 and will be staffed with physicians and volunteers trained in overdose prevention. The sites will provide harm reduction supplies, such as sterile needles and alcohol swabs, connect patients with referrals to treatment and detox, and allow people to consume drugs while supervised by someone who can intervene if a person overdoses.

    The sites will not provide illicit drugs.

    The sites will be operating under the 2016 Order of the Minister of Health, which calls for overdose prevention sites to be set up “for the purpose of monitoring persons who are at risk of overdose, and providing rapid intervention as and when necessary… in any place there is a need for these services.”

    Experts say there is a strong need for these services in B.C. On any given day six British Columbians are killed by the unregulated toxic drug supply, according to the BC Coroners Service.

    More than 16,721 unregulated drug deaths have been recorded between January 2016 to September 2024 in the province, with annual deaths steadily climbing since 2016. Numbers for October have not yet been released.

    “We’re currently in the middle of the biggest public health crisis that Canada has ever seen and we’re about to go into our ninth year of it,” Dr. Jess Wilder, a family and addictions medicine doctor in Nanaimo, told The Tyee. “As a physician I took an oath, which means I have to advocate for life-saving services when they’re needed and I have to provide those services for my patients whenever I can.”

    The pop-up overdose prevention sites at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital and Royal Jubilee Hospital were conceptualized by Wilder and organized by Doctors for Safer Drug Policy, an independent group of physicians from across Vancouver Island who work with people who use substances, advocating for compassionate, inclusive and evidence-based care for all. They are being supported by harm reduction organizations including Moms Stop the Harm, the Nanaimo Area Network of Drug Users and the Harm Reduction Nurses Association. Around 60 people have volunteered their time to establish the pop-ups, Wilder said.

    Between 25 to 50 patients at any given major hospital in B.C. will have a substance use disorder marked on their medical chart and could benefit from an overdose prevention site, Wilder said.

    “We have, as practice community, noticed a stark increase in unwitnessed overdoses in hospital buildings or on hospital grounds resulting in code blues being called,” says Dr. Ryan Herriot, a family and addictions medicine doctor in Victoria who is volunteering at the pop-up sites. A code blue is a cardiac arrest.

    Herriot says he hopes the pop-up sites will nudge the provincial government and health authorities to open their own permanent, publicly funded sites at major hospitals.

    continued below

  90. Confusion about supervised consumptions sites at hospitals

    In April the Globe and Mail reported that Health Minister Adrian Dix had said all B.C. hospitals would be required to provide a supervised consumption site for patients with substance use disorders.

    Shortly after the Globe and Mail’s article was published, the province clarified its stance by saying drug use in hospitals was not allowed and that police had the authority to forcibly remove someone from an area if they were caught using or possessing drugs.

    If a hospital had an overdose prevention site an inpatient would only be allowed to access it if their doctor said they could as part of their care plan, the province said.

    In November a Health Ministry spokesperson told The Tyee that Dix misspoke during that April press conference and that B.C. would not require overdose prevention sites at all hospitals.

    Wilder expressed frustration with the shift in position between what Dix initially said at the press conference and the province’s assertion he’d misspoke.

    Wilder and Herriot say there’s a need for low barrier government-organized supervised consumptions sites at Vancouver Island’s two biggest hospitals.

    The pop-up sites are being funded by the independent group of doctors who are paying out of pocket for supplies and taking time off work to help out, Herriot said.

    The sites will be open for just one week because “there’s a limit to how much you can sustain something with no funds and volunteer labour,” Herriot said. The group is opening the sites to line up with “cheque week,” when welfare cheques are distributed and overdose rates spike, he added.

    “Ultimately this should be a robust, publicly funded paid staff service,” Herriot said.

    When The Tyee asked the Ministry of Health if overdose prevention sites would be built at hospitals it replied with an emailed statement that noted how a new overdose prevention site was opened at St. Paul’s in May 2024.

    An overdose prevention site has been operating at St. Paul’s since May 2018, starting as a walled tent before moving to the hospital’s rooftop. This OPS is for hospital patients only.

    Illicit drugs being used unsupervised on hospital grounds

    Reporting this spring from various outlets alleged that the province’s decriminalization policy had led to situations where nurses were walking through “toxic plumes of fentanyl” as they went about their work. Decriminalization did not allow drug use in hospitals but it did seem to create confusion around enforcement.

    “When we first heard concerns about unintended, accidental exposure to illicit drugs in hospitals… we thought the direction was very straightforward,” Corey Ranger, president of the Harm Reduction Nurses Association, told The Tyee.

    Ranger says the clear solution was to provide supervised consumption sites on hospital grounds, which would reduce the risk of harm and death caused by overdoses, reduce the risk of infections and disease transmission and promote the health and safety of patients and staff.

    “Instead we saw this false dichotomy that we either keep people who use drugs safe or we keep nurses safe but we can’t do both. That is not accurate,” Ranger said.

    Wilder told The Tyee that the evidence about interventions to save the lives of people who use drugs was clear, and the moral panic around the issue had simply led to people using drugs in the hospital in more secluded places, such as bathrooms.

    “The patient doesn’t want to to have to be using in a bathroom,” Wilder said. “But when their alternative is being told they have to go and use off hospital grounds and hide in a bush or hide in the shadows and risk somebody not finding them, we aren’t leaving them with very many good options.”

    continued below

  91. The new NDP cabinet, including the health minister, will be announced today. Herriot said the doctors intended to give the health minister “their first job” by showing the public support for overdose prevention sites and calling for the government to establish sites at hospitals.

    Building an outdoor overdose prevention site can be very affordable, Ranger said. At minimum, all that is needed is naloxone, staff with lived and living experience who are trained in overdose response, good lighting and heat, he said.

    “That’s really easy to do if you have the political will and courage to do what is right,” he added.

    ‘Fighting a forest fire with a water gun’

    When patients are admitted to hospital with issues such as infections, or heart failure, they are removed from their regular dealer and other harm reduction practices or support networks, Wilder said.

    Wilder said addiction medicine teams are “fighting a forest fire with a water gun” when trying to match what a patient’s body is addicted to using drugs that are available in hospitals.

    If a patient is addicted to fentanyl and has been buying from the unregulated street supply, their bodies are accustomed to a potency that is stronger than anything that is available to be prescribed in hospital, Herriot said.

    The contamination of the street supply means someone can additionally be addicted to benzodiazepines (depressants that can be prescribed medically to treat anxiety or seizures), xylazine (a tranquilizer used by veterinarians that is not approved for use in humans) or dexmedetomidine (a non-opioid based sedative) and not know it, Wilder said.

    If a patient is addicted to benzodiazepines and the addiction medicine team is not able to figure out “the right recipe” to administer, they can have withdrawal seizures that cause injury due to a lack of oxygen to the brain or other medical complications, Wilder said.

    Xylazine and dexmedetomidine sedate people and can also impact their breathing, she said.

    “I had a mom message me the other day… whose son had an overdose and she was having to monitor him for the entire day and night because of the adulterants in his supply,” Wilder said. “She was afraid her son was going to die for an entire 24-hour period.”

    Doctors will label a patient as being difficult or say because they are frequently off-site that they are not engaging in their care, Wilder said.

    If drugs are found in a patient’s room they can be kicked out, Herriot added.

    “When they decide to leave because they can no longer stand the intolerable suffering of their withdrawal symptoms we label them as being discharged against medical advice,” Wilder said.

    “This is not them discharging against medical advice. This is them staying for as long as they can tolerate to try to receive care in a system that cannot meet their needs.”

    This is a crisis that impacts everyone in B.C., Wilder said, with around one in three people directly affected either because of their own substance use or because they’ve lost someone dear to them.

    “I think a lot of Tyee readers would be surprised to know how just how many of their friends and loved ones are my patients,” she said.

    to see the links and photos embedded in this article go to:

  92. The new NDP cabinet, including the health minister, will be announced today. Herriot said the doctors intended to give the health minister “their first job” by showing the public support for overdose prevention sites and calling for the government to establish sites at hospitals.

    Building an outdoor overdose prevention site can be very affordable, Ranger said. At minimum, all that is needed is naloxone, staff with lived and living experience who are trained in overdose response, good lighting and heat, he said.

    “That’s really easy to do if you have the political will and courage to do what is right,” he added.

    ‘Fighting a forest fire with a water gun’

    When patients are admitted to hospital with issues such as infections, or heart failure, they are removed from their regular dealer and other harm reduction practices or support networks, Wilder said.

    Wilder said addiction medicine teams are “fighting a forest fire with a water gun” when trying to match what a patient’s body is addicted to using drugs that are available in hospitals.

    If a patient is addicted to fentanyl and has been buying from the unregulated street supply, their bodies are accustomed to a potency that is stronger than anything that is available to be prescribed in hospital, Herriot said.

    The contamination of the street supply means someone can additionally be addicted to benzodiazepines (depressants that can be prescribed medically to treat anxiety or seizures), xylazine (a tranquilizer used by veterinarians that is not approved for use in humans) or dexmedetomidine (a non-opioid based sedative) and not know it, Wilder said.

    If a patient is addicted to benzodiazepines and the addiction medicine team is not able to figure out “the right recipe” to administer, they can have withdrawal seizures that cause injury due to a lack of oxygen to the brain or other medical complications, Wilder said.

    Xylazine and dexmedetomidine sedate people and can also impact their breathing, she said.

    “I had a mom message me the other day… whose son had an overdose and she was having to monitor him for the entire day and night because of the adulterants in his supply,” Wilder said. “She was afraid her son was going to die for an entire 24-hour period.”

    Doctors will label a patient as being difficult or say because they are frequently off-site that they are not engaging in their care, Wilder said.

    If drugs are found in a patient’s room they can be kicked out, Herriot added.

    “When they decide to leave because they can no longer stand the intolerable suffering of their withdrawal symptoms we label them as being discharged against medical advice,” Wilder said.

    “This is not them discharging against medical advice. This is them staying for as long as they can tolerate to try to receive care in a system that cannot meet their needs.”

    This is a crisis that impacts everyone in B.C., Wilder said, with around one in three people directly affected either because of their own substance use or because they’ve lost someone dear to them.

    “I think a lot of Tyee readers would be surprised to know how just how many of their friends and loved ones are my patients,” she said.

    to see the links and photos embedded in this article go to:

  93. Emotional, Challenging Week for Unsanctioned Vancouver Island Overdose Prevention Sites

    Police cracked down in Victoria. In Nanaimo, a man died in hospital when the site was closed for the night.

    by Michelle Gamage, The Tyee November 21, 2024

    Teams of doctors say they’re exhausted and emotional after spending the week volunteering their time at two pop-up overdose prevention sites near Nanaimo Regional General Hospital and Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria.

    Volunteers with Doctors for Safer Drug Policy, an independent group of physicians from across Vancouver Island who work with people who use substances, advocating for compassionate, inclusive and evidence-based care for all, opened the sites from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., starting Monday. The Victoria site was only planned to run until Wednesday. The group intends to keep the Nanaimo site open until the end of day Friday.

    The unsanctioned overdose prevention sites have been staffed with physicians and volunteers trained in overdose prevention, and supported by harm reduction organizations including Moms Stop the Harm, the Nanaimo Area Network of Drug Users and the Harm Reduction Nurses Association.

    The sites have provided harm reduction supplies, such as sterile needles and alcohol swabs, connected patients with referrals to treatment and detox, and allowed people to consume drugs while supervised by someone who can intervene if overdose occurs.

    The sites did not provide drugs.

    As of Wednesday the Nanaimo site had witnessed 14 drug consumptions (13 hospital patients and one community member), distributed 11 harm reduction kits, connected one person with housing and community supports and helped one woman start her application for treatment, said Dr. Jess Wilder, a family and addictions medicine doctor in Nanaimo.

    The Victoria site had a slightly lower turnout but was very warmly received by community members in the area, said Dr. Ryan Herriot, a family and addictions medicine doctor in Victoria.

    Patient dies of overdose in Nanaimo hospital

    Speaking with The Tyee Wednesday, Wilder was emotional as she explained how the team wasn’t able to help a patient who died in a Nanaimo hospital bathroom after using drugs unsupervised at 4 a.m. Tuesday morning. The BC Coroners Service confirmed it is investigating this overdose death.

    The man who died had previously been a patient of Wilder’s and had even used the pop-up overdose prevention site Monday afternoon while waiting to be admitted to hospital.

    “He was declared dead in the very building he went to for care,” she said. “It’s stories like this that fuel the drive to keep doing this work. He already showed us Monday when a safe spot was available he used it, and when he didn’t have one he did something unsafe, which caused him to die unnecessarily.”

    Herriot similarly had to pause his interview with The Tyee and take a moment to gather his emotions when he spoke about support the community had given the Victoria overdose prevention site.

    “Of course I have a lot of grief, just like many people,” Herriot said. “We must be approaching the saturation point where just about every adult — or every person — in B.C. knows someone who has died from overdose.”

    continued below

  94. More than 16,721 unregulated toxic drug deaths have been recorded between January 2016 to September 2024 in the province, with annual deaths steadily climbing since 2016. Numbers for October have not yet been released.

    “When it comes to people with real decision-making power I’ve run out of tolerance for kind words,” Herriot continued. “We’re heading into our ninth year of this emergency and I fear when people read about that they will think it is because the problem is unsolvable. Like it must be so difficult to solve, otherwise we would have solved it.”

    That’s not true, Herriot said. “We know the solutions. Government knows the solution. We just have to do it,” he said.

    Herriot says solutions could include widespread overdose prevention sites, access to a regulated supply of substances of known purity and potency, more access to treatment like opioid agonist therapy and trauma therapy, and working to tackle poverty, for example by increasing social assistance and disability rates and making sure they keep up with inflation.

    Herriot says he got to speak with an eight-year-old while she was walking home from school with her parents, passing by the unsanctioned OPS, and “she gets it” and supports the site.

    “I was speaking with my own eight-year-old yesterday, and she asked me what happens when I leave, will people die?” Herriot said. “I said yes, but at some point you have to let someone else do the work.”

    The overdose prevention sites were temporary because they were funded and run by volunteers who were also taking time off work, Herriot said.

    Wilder and Herriot both told The Tyee they hoped the pop-up sites would raise awareness for the need for accessible government-run overdose prevention sites at all major hospitals across the province.

    Speaking with The Tyee for a piece published earlier this week, Wilder estimated there are between 25 to 50 patients at every major B.C. hospital right now who use unregulated drugs and who would benefit from being able to access an overdose prevention site.

    When patients who use drugs need hospital care they are put in extremely uncomfortable and dangerous positions, she said. A patient may be cut off from their regular dealer and harm reduction strategies and have to use in a bathroom or off hospital grounds, which increases their risk an overdose going unnoticed.

    In an emailed statement Dr. Réka Gustafson, Island Health Chief Medical Health Officer, said major hospitals have Addiction Medicine Consult Service teams who work with patients to create individualized care plans, “that meet the needs of patients, protect the safety of staff and other patients and align with provincial policies and regulations.” These teams help manage withdrawal symptoms and have the goal of reducing the need to use substances in hospital and supporting patient comfort, she added.

    However, the toxicity of the current unregulated drug supply means addictions medicine teams might not be able to prescribe a patient what their body needs to avoid withdrawal, Wilder said.

    Herriot said the fentanyl that people use from the unregulated supply is more powerful than what a doctor can prescribe in hospital, and Wilder added that many people are addicted to benzodiazepines, which can cause withdrawal seizures if doctors aren’t able to find the right dosage to give a patient.

    These seizures can cause injury due to a lack of oxygen to the brain or other medical complications, she added. Benzodiazepines are a drug class that were involved in 43 per cent of all unregulated drug deaths in 2023, according to the BC Coroners Service.

    continued below

  95. Not welcome on hospital grounds

    On Monday Wilder said Nanaimo RCMP and hospital security guards met the volunteers and told them they were not allowed to set up on hospital grounds.

    When The Tyee asked why the health authority did not support these overdose prevention sites, Gustafson said the sites were not supported because it had to “ensure that all services provided on Island Health property adhere to regulatory, safety and clinical standards.”

    The team instead set up across the road, within sight of the emergency room entrance. Wilder says the team is set up on private property but no one has approached them to ask them to move. If asked Wilder says she would respect the request, but would also take the time to explain what the volunteers are doing and why the service is important.

    In Victoria the team of volunteers was similarly told they could not set up on hospital grounds and had to set up a couple blocks away. Herriot said they are still across the street from the hospital, but no longer within sight of the ER.

    On Tuesday he said a Victoria Police officer told the team to take down a tent because it facilitated drug use.

    Herriot says they complied and took down the tent, but after speaking with their lawyer put it back up Wednesday.

    On Wednesday the officer once again told them to take it down.

    In a recording of police and volunteer interactions shared with The Tyee, an officer is heard explaining that possessing controlled substances is illegal under federal law, and having a tent that facilitates drug use makes the volunteers party to possession.

    This is similar to why you are not allowed to let someone use drugs in your car, the officer explained.

    The officer is then heard saying he would not arrest the person currently using drugs and being supervised by the volunteers.

    “Let him finish whatever he is doing and then when he is done just deconstruct the canopy,” the officer says.

    In an emailed statement to The Tyee, Victoria Police spokesperson Griffen Hohl said the VicPD did not ask or tell people to leave the site or remove signage and respected their right to protest peacefully.

    But the independent group of volunteers do not have the right to set up an “unsanctioned safe injection site to supervise persons who wish to possess or consume drugs,” Hohl said.

    Wilder and Herriot told The Tyee they would be opening and operating supervised consumption sites under the 2016 Order of the Minister of Health, which calls for overdose prevention sites to be set up “for the purpose of monitoring persons who are at risk of overdose, and providing rapid intervention as and when necessary… in any place there is a need for these services.”

    Hohl said the 2016 order only applies to B.C. emergency health services and regional health boards. As the group of volunteers has identified themselves as independent, the order doesn’t apply to them, he said.

    The Nanaimo RCMP told The Tyee they would not be issuing a comment.

    Herriot says he is not arguing with the law, he added he is frustrated that the police did not use more discretion in this case.

    “B.C. has a strong history of these things being allowed to operate whether government sanctioned them or not because everyone understands the crisis we’re in,” he said. “It’s surprising and disappointing.”

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  96. B.C.'s suspension of work on Vancouver Island hospital overdose prevention sites under scrutiny

    Health authority had planned to open sites at 3 hospitals, leaked documents show

    by Emily Fagan · CBC News · November 30, 2024

    Leaked internal planning documents from Island Health show that the health authority had planned to open overdose prevention centres (OPC) at three Vancouver Island hospitals — with one site to be implemented in the summer of 2024 and the others soon after.

    But all work stopped in April "on government direction," the documents say.

    It came at the same time that B.C. announced it was rolling back its decriminalization pilot in the wake of concerns, including among health-care workers, about illicit drug use in spaces such as hospitals.

    A group of Vancouver Island doctors and other health-care professionals say they're frustrated with the decision to halt the overdose prevention sites, which they say they saw as a significant step toward addressing the toxic drug crisis now nearing the end of eight years as a public health emergency.

    "When you're a physician, you're trained to provide care based on objective evidence," said family and addictions medicine doctor Jess Wilder, who is part of the group Doctors for Safer Drug Policy.

    "It creates a lot of moral distress when we have politicians who have no idea about this work and no idea what it is like to work on the frontlines of this, creating barriers to me providing the care that I need to save lives."

    An overdose prevention site aims to create a safe space for those who use drugs, with peer workers on hand to provide care and attend to any health emergencies as necessary.

    Doctors temporarily set up unsanctioned sites

    Her comments come in the wake of a protest outside of Nanaimo and Victoria hospitals last week by the group of Island-based physicians who set up unsanctioned overdose prevention sites in tents for three days to provide what it said is a vital service that needs to be included in the care provided by hospitals.

    The Island Health planning documents, first reported by Filter Magazine, detail work that began on the three OPCs in September 2023, following a "directive to move forward" from Kathy MacNeil, the president and CEO of the Vancouver Island Health Authority.

    A steering committee was created that month, with working groups initiated in November.

    Plans laid out in the documents outline how the health authority had selected Nanaimo Regional General Hospital, Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria, and Campbell River General Hospital as sites for OPCs originally anticipated to roll out in 2024.

    The Nanaimo OPC, which the documents say was scheduled to start hiring for implementation in the summer of 2024, would operate every day from 11:30 am to 6:30 pm through a tent and van set up on the grass beside the hospital's rehabilitation facility.

    "Organization-Wide Framework is 75% complete and available for review," the documents say

    Health Ministry non-committal

    Island Health refused to answer questions from the CBC for this story, directing all requests to the Ministry of Health.

    Tracy Fan, a spokesperson for the ministry, would not answer specific questions from the CBC and said Health Minister Josie Osborne was unavailable for an interview.

    Instead, Fan said in a statement that the province suspended planning on new OPC sites in April 2024, including the ones in Island Health, so it could establish "minimum service standards" that would be an operational baseline for these facilities.

    "This work is complex and is still underway," wrote Fan.

    Fan said the ministry's focus is on "continuing to expand access to addiction treatment services" such as detox, treatment and aftercare.

    continued below

  97. The ministry refused to say whether the three Vancouver Island hospital-based OPCs are still a possibility.

    Wilder pushed back on the ministry's assertion that more work is needed to establish minimum standards for OPC services, pointing to guidelines from the B.C. Centre for Disease Control, the B..C Centre for Substance Use, and other health authorities that she says already exist.

    "No other operational tool has been held to this standard that they're now claiming is the reason that this has taken so long," she said.

    St. Paul's Hospital

    Vancouver Island hospitals would not be the first to have an OPC. St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver already has one, and Wilder says its success could be a model for potential Island sites.

    She says that in 95 per cent of the cases where staff have had to medically intervene, such as in the case of an overdose, they've been able to do it without taking up emergency or other hospital services.

    Patients who use this service, Wilder said, are also able to stay in the hospital and receive the full course of their care because of it, when they may otherwise have had to leave earlier.

    Some are critical of any move to bring harm reduction services into Island hospitals.

    B.C. Conservative health critic Anna Kindy, a physician who has worked in addictions medicine, told CBC's On The Island in response to the Doctors for Safer Drug Policy protest that she is against OPCs in hospitals and feels they do not make hospitals safe spaces for patients or staff.

    "To enable people to use something that's actually killing them or injuring their brain is, to me, unethical," she said.

    Kindy's appointment as health critic has drawn criticism due to her opposition to COVID-19 vaccine mandates, and Doctors for Safer Drug Policy said she was removed from an island addiction medicine forum due to "unscientific and frankly stigmatizing" comments.

    Corey Ranger, the president of the Harm Reduction Nurses Association and a registered nurse, said that people who use drugs will use them regardless — so he feels it's best when there's a safe place for that. He was disappointed that the province stopped the OPCs, but is hopeful Minister Osborne will consider revisiting the plans.

    "[It] means less people dying alone, and less people experiencing harms like injection-related harms, but also less moral distress for staff because they're not finding people overdosed in bathrooms, less occupational health and safety risk for staff because there's less likelihood of opening a door and walking through some smoke from illicit drug use," he said.

    "These solutions benefit everybody."

    to see the links, photos and charts embedded in this article go to:

  98. Province repeals public use law previously blocked by B.C. Supreme Court for irreparable harm

    By Jessica Hannon, December 20, 2024

    Joint Statement from the Harm Reduction Nurses Association, the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition and Pivot Legal Society

    ​​xʷməθkʷəy̓əm, sḵwx̱wú7mesh & səlilwətaɬ lands Vancouver, BC – Yesterday the B.C. provincial government repealed Bill 34: the Restricting Public Consumption of Illegal Substances Act. This represents a small but hard-fought victory against politically-driven laws and policies that inflict harm upon those made most vulnerable by oppressive systems.

    The Act was initially passed last November, but a temporary B.C. Supreme Court injunction filed by the Harm Reduction Nurses Association and supported by the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition and Pivot Legal Society prevented it from coming into force until the court could assess whether it violated Charter rights. Rather than proceed through this process, the province has repealed the legislation.

    It is important to recognize the harms the Act would have codified into law, and the harm prevented by its repeal. In repealing this legislation, the province has tacitly admitted that the Act would not have withstood the court’s scrutiny of its harmful consequences. We can count this as a victory. But ultimately, until evidence and ethics guide public policy in B.C., we fear we will be forced to continue these fights.

    In its injunction ruling, the court agreed that in severely restricting public drug consumption, the Act would cause irreparable harm to people at risk of injury and death amid a public health crisis. Chief Justice Hinkson said, “Given the evidence before me, I find that there is a high degree of probability that at least some of the harm set out by the plaintiff will in fact occur. Centrally, but not exclusively, the Act will promote more lone drug use, which carries incumbent risks to [people who use drugs] and also the plaintiff’s members.”

    This piece of legislation, which was not time-limited to the duration of B.C.’s decriminalization pilot, would also have enabled an increase in policing scope to specifically target unhoused people. The law would have had outsized impacts on Indigenous and racialized people, recreating and intensifying the existing harms of colonization and systemic racism. There was widespread opposition to the Act, including from the Union of British Columbia Indian Chiefs, the Surrey Union of Drug Users, the BC Association of Social Workers and CMHA BC.

    continued below

  99. Though the BC government has repealed Bill 34 in light of the court injunction and significant community backlash, some of the Act’s insidious elements exist within the province’s Apr. 2024 amendment to the decriminalization pilot. This politically-driven amendment circumvented the injunction against the Act and codified some of its most harmful facets through other means. We stand by our colleagues who have filed a judicial review of this egregious sidestepping of justice.

    While the end of this harmful legislation represents a win for human rights, we continue to exist within a prolonged public health emergency. Criminalizing drug use is a far downstream intervention that lacks evidentiary support. More than a century of criminalization has demonstrated that enforcement has not decreased drug availability or use, is an ineffective use of public funds, and is clearly linked to an increased risk of overdose and cycles of homelessness. Criminalization drives further toxicity and unpredictability in the unregulated drug supply and signals to a significant portion of B.C.’s population that their deaths are acceptable. Once again, Chief Justice Hinkson reminds us, “I have already set out that British Columbia is in a Public Health Emergency. As part of these circumstances, the plaintiff argued, and I accept, that the unregulated nature of the illegal drug supply is the predominant cause of increasing death rates in British Columbia.”

    We know the drivers of more than five preventable deaths per day in B.C.: stigma, isolation, and a poisoned drug supply. All three are made worse by criminalization. We implore the B.C. provincial government to stop playing politics in a public health emergency; we want to work together to end this crisis, with a shared understanding that every single death by the unregulated drug supply is preventable.

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  100. ‘All eyes are on Glasgow’: UK’s first legal drug consumption room ready to open

    The Thistle will be available 365 days a year and provide a supervised space where drugs can be injected safely

    by Libby Brooks, The Guardian Scotland correspondent
    January 5, 2025

    The UK’s first legal drug consumption room, the Thistle, will open its doors in the East End of Glasgow on Monday morning after a 10-year battle to realise the pioneering facility.

    The Thistle will remain open 365 days a year from 9am to 9pm and allow some of the most vulnerable addicts in the city to take their own drugs in a clean and safe environment under the supervision of health professionals.

    Such is the level of cross-UK interest that Glasgow city council is coordinating a network of interested cities to lobby the Westminster government for a legislative change that could allow further pilot schemes.

    But this potentially transformative moment in UK drugs policy takes place with Scotland’s drug deaths still the worst per capita in Europe, the equivalent of three Scots dying every day. It emerged last week that more than 1,500 drug-addicted babies had been born in recent years, adding to widespread anger at the Scottish government’s continuing failure to arrest this trend, with underfunding of residential rehabilitation and wraparound care to support people getting into medically assisted treatment.

    It is “very important” that the facility is not regarded as a silver bullet for the drug death crisis that continues to grip the city and the country, said Dr Saket Priyadarshi, the associate medical director of Glasgow alcohol and drug recovery services. “It’s another part of a system of care, another piece of the jigsaw responding to a very complex problem.”

    But he also hit back at critics who favour abstinence-based recovery over harm reduction, and have questioned the merits of spending on a facility that will cater for a few hundred addicts when funding is so constrained elsewhere.

    “I don’t see why we shouldn’t be spending money on a group with some of the highest mortality of any population in Scotland. If I was the clinical lead for an oncology service I wouldn’t be asked those questions. I don’t know why I am as clinical lead for drug services, when we’re all saying that the drug death crisis is a national shame.”

    “All eyes are on Glasgow,” acknowledged Allan Casey, the city council’s addictions convener, with “a huge amount of pressure to make sure we get it right”.

    “We know across the world that safe consumption makes a difference, but we need to demonstrate that it works within the confines of the UK, and indeed, the Misuse of Drugs Act,” he added.

    continued below

  101. With drug laws reserved to Westminster, the previous Conservative government repeatedly dismissed calls from Glasgow city council, backed by the Scottish government, for the legal powers to pilot such a scheme, which was first proposed 10 years ago after a HIV epidemic among street addicts drew attention to the cold, dark and dangerous corners of the East End, not so far from the Thistle, where street users injected their drugs.

    The go-ahead was finally given for this three-year pilot after Scotland’s most senior law officer confirmed users would not be prosecuted.

    An individual wanting to make use of theThistle does not have to give their full name at the reception desk. A member of staff will have a brief discussion with them about what drugs they are taking and how they plan to use them before taking them through to a bright open-plan room of eight injecting booths with tilted mirrors so that nurses can keep an eye on users without encroaching on their privacy.

    In the lounge area, where people can relax afterwards, the creamy walls, deep armchairs and double-sided bookcases stacked with novels, puzzles and mindfulness colouring books are reminiscent of an upmarket wellbeing retreat. Almost every element of the Thistle has also been informed by an advisory group of former addicts, who dictated the need for shower and laundry facilities, as well as a covered outdoor tobacco smoking area.

    “If you’re going to engage the population we’re trying to reach, this service has to be really different,” explained Priyadarshi. “They have often had difficult experiences with conventional health services, so that includes everything from the way the staff greet them at the door, the language we use – the meeting room is now called the chat room, the treatment room is called the health room – the fact staff won’t wear NHS uniforms.”

    The supervision at the Thistle is deliberately light-touch, informed by the experience of the enhanced drug treatment facility, which provides addicts with pharmaceutical-grade heroin, out of the same health centre. But staff also hope to engage drug users who have proved hardest to reach, with support for wider healthcare, housing and benefits also available.

    “The key to this service will be the relationships we build,” says the Thistle’s service manager, Lynn Macdonald. “Our job is that people feel safe and trust us.”

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  102. At last, Britain has a legal drug consumption room – thanks to one man’s civil disobedience

    Former heroin addict Peter Krykant set up a safe consumption van during Covid, at great personal cost. But his sacrifice paved the way for real change

    by Kojo Koram, The Guardian January 15, 2025

    This week, the city of Glasgow opened the first legal drug consumption room in the UK. Users at the Thistle can inject drugs in a safe and clean environment under the watchful eye of qualified healthcare professionals. Evidence indicates that this practice reduces drug deaths and the spread of infectious diseases. And while it might sound like a scary new idea to British ears, you can find these rooms in cities from Vancouver to Sydney; in fact, the first such room was opened in Berne, Switzerland all the way back in 1986.

    Since the early 2000s, experts have been calling for safe consumption rooms to be set up in Britain’s drug hotspots. But efforts to introduce this vital harm-reduction service were frustrated for years, even in Scotland – once christened the “drug death capital of the world”. While this week the attention will understandably fall on the medical professionals and municipal authorities responsible for getting the Thistle off the ground, it is worth taking a moment to remember that none of this would probably have happened if it were not for the actions of one member of that demonised population, drug users, a few years ago.

    In 2020, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the former heroin user and drug intervention worker Peter Krykant realised that as support services shut their doors for lockdown, Glasgow’s drug-taking population would die in even greater numbers unless someone did something. Krykant also knew that, according to global evidence, the most effective way to lower the number of dangerous drug deaths was to give people somewhere they could use drugs in a safe environment. This is because much of the danger of drugs comes from sharing needles, injecting in dirty back alleys or repeatedly injecting into damaged veins. Safe consumption rooms mean that at least people are using drugs in a supervised and sanitary environment.

    continued below

  103. Krykant converted an old minivan into a makeshift safe consumption room and loaded it up with clean syringes, bottled water and naloxone kits (the life-saving drug that can reverse an opioid overdose). In his van, which he later upgraded to a converted ambulance, Krykant oversaw nearly 900 injections from local drug users, treating nine overdoses in the vehicle. This risky act of direct action took a personal toll, he told me, on his family relationships and his own sobriety. And it nearly cost him his freedom: in October 2020, he was charged for allegedly obstructing police who sought to search his van. The charges were eventually dropped after public pressure.

    “It took somebody ruining their life for them [politicians] to say they could do something about it [the drugs crisis], and that person was me,” Krykant told me when I asked him how he felt about the safe consumption room. His safe consumption van not only saved lives but ramped up pressure on the Scottish governmen. In 2023, the lord advocate, Scotland’s principal legal adviser, announced that it would not be in the public interest to prosecute people using safe consumption rooms, opening the legal door for what would become the Thistle. Krykant’s protest had succeeded. But it came at great personal sacrifice.

    “I’m not in a good place, now,” he said. “And that all stems from when I took the decision to go out and run that van.”

    It is fortunate that from this week onwards, some of the most vulnerable Glaswegians will be able to access a facility that might save their lives and give them a chance to get better. If all goes well, it could inspire other UK cities struggling with dangerous drug deaths to push the government to allow them to launch their own schemes. Yet as is often the way with direct action, it is the brave souls who are willing to be the first through the breach who get pelted with all the arrows.

    For nearly 40 years we have known what works. Until this week, there were more than 100 safe consumption rooms in the world, but not in the city that arguably needed one most. Why? Ultimately, because politicians in Scotland and the rest of the UK were too afraid of bad headlines to take the action that was needed. But Peter Krykant wasn’t. As he works on his own recovery behind the scenes, it is important that we remember that the road to change isn’t always paved with patient parliamentary lobbying. Sometimes, a bit of civil disobedience goes a long way.

    Kojo Koram teaches at the School of Law at Birkbeck, University of London, and writes on issues of law, race and empire

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  104. Raids on Medical Cannabis Dispensaries Threaten Drug-Testing Services

    Store founder Dana Larsen says stores support an underserved community.

    by Michelle Gamage, The Tyee January 30, 2025

    The province’s Community Safety Unit raided two cannabis stores in Vancouver Wednesday, threatening programs that provide drug testing for people using street drugs.

    Around 11 a.m. on Wednesday officers raided two Medical Cannabis Dispensary locations at 1182 Thurlow St. and 651 E. Hastings St., seizing unregulated cannabis and cash. Vancouver police officers also attended as a safety measure, a spokesperson told The Tyee.

    The CSU is responsible for enforcing the Cannabis Control and Licensing Act, which regulates legal sales.

    The Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General told The Tyee it wouldn’t offer reasons for the specific raids but that it would use escalating enforcement to crack down on the unregulated production and sale of cannabis.

    The CSU “prioritizes enforcement on factors including public safety, links to organized crime, the integrity of the legal market and consideration of the province’s commitment to reconciliation,” the ministry said in a statement.

    The Medical Cannabis Dispensary locations are run by the non-profit Vancouver Dispensary Society, which also runs two mushroom stores in the city called the Medical Mushroom Dispensary.

    The mushroom stores were not raided.

    Profits from the dispensaries fund needed drug testing

    Society spokesperson and longtime drug policy reform advocate Dana Larsen told The Tyee the profits from the stores go towards offering a free drug-testing service called Get Your Drugs Tested, which is “the world’s busiest free street drug analysis centre.”

    The BC Centre on Substance Use’s drug-testing dashboard says Get Your Drugs Tested has tested over 77,160 drug samples since Jan. 1, 2020, accounting for about 55 per cent of the province’s total.

    Vancouver Coastal Health lists Get Your Drugs Tested as an overdose prevention site, which means that people can’t be arrested for getting their drugs checked. No drug use is allowed on site.

    Get Your Drugs Tested was founded in 2019 after the society decided to fund a drug-checking service and has grown “beyond my wildest dreams,” Larsen said.

    “We’re doing 100 samples a day. We get samples from all over Canada, all over the world,” he said.

    Anyone can walk in to the Get Your Drugs Tested at 880 E. Hastings St., hand over a sample of their drugs and get a phone call, text or email with an explanation of what’s in the substance. Results take under two hours — and sometimes as little as 10 minutes. The site also lets people mail in samples with a way for staff to contact the sender with the results.

    The Get Your Drugs Tested location at 245 W. Broadway is temporarily closed due to a lack of funding because of the raids, Larsen said. But he hopes to reopen it soon, even if for a couple of days a week.

    “We’re kind of victims of our own success. It’s hard to keep up right now; we’ve got a backlog of samples.”

    Larsen estimates they’re two weeks behind on drug-checking mailed-in samples.

    “We can’t pay enough people because we keep getting raided and losing out money,” he said. “We could hire five new staff if we had the money to battle with the backlog and let us grow. We could be testing twice as many substances as we are right now.”

    Larsen said he understands he is “challenging the laws here and doing civil disobedience” but added the province and police should “reprioritize things.”

    “I don’t see any situation where we should be at the top of the pile of who they want to arrest.”

    continued below

  105. No legal cannabis stores in the neighbourhood

    Toxic drugs are the leading cause of death in B.C. for people aged 10 to 59, accounting for more deaths than homicides, suicides, accidents and diseases combined. In October 2024, which is the most recent data, the BC Coroners Service reported 155 people died from toxic drugs, totalling 1,925 deaths so far that year.

    Larsen said the cannabis stores were raided in 2019 and the mushroom stores in 2023 and again in 2024. This has all cost the Vancouver Dispensary Society around $250,000, he added.

    “I’d almost rather they charge us and go to court and let us fight this in court. But when they just come in and take all your stuff and leave, it’s impossible to challenge it legally or to do anything about it, so you just have to suck it up and take the hit.”

    Larsen said the dispensaries follow the rules as much as possible, applying for business licences with the city and paying GST, PST and income tax.

    “We run everything as legitimately and legally as possible, other than the items that we sell. For the items that we sell, we do transparently and openly. There’s no secret back room. There’s no secret deals going on here. Everything we sell is on the menu.”

    Larsen said he wanted to reopen the cannabis stores Wednesday afternoon or early Thursday because the locations address an underserved community’s needs. There are no legal cannabis stores in the Downtown Eastside because of “ridiculous” city zoning bylaws, he added.

    “Medicinal users really need [to be able to access medical cannabis] especially in this area, where many people use highly potent edibles as a substitute for opiates as well,” he said.

    “There’s a lot of research and experience showing that people who use high-potency edibles and opiates will use less opiates and can reduce or eliminate their use of opiates.”

    An October 2020 report by Vancouver city staff recommended improving access to medical cannabis in the Downtown Eastside because it can be used as an alternative to opioids. Health Canada also says cannabis could help with opioid withdrawal symptoms.

    Being raided costs a lot, Larsen said. “But we’re not backing down. We’re not giving up. I’m 100 per cent committed. I can’t say we’re going to be here forever, but we’re going to be here as long as we can. And I think we’ve still got a good future ahead of us despite these challenges. But, oh man, it’s going to be a hard couple of months for us.”

    Standing at the Hastings location shortly after the raid concluded, Larsen lets out a long sigh while looking at the store’s empty shelves.

    “It’s like a big smash-and-grab. They come in, terrorize everybody and take all of our cannabis,” he says.

    He shakes his head and pulls out his phone to document what’s been taken.

    “We have to be strong and carry on because, like I said, I know in my heart that we are absolutely on the right side of this movement,” he says. “What we’re doing is morally correct. What we’re doing is on the right side of history. We are going to win this battle in the end.”

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  106. Ontario government hires private investigators to gather info on supervised consumption sites

    Spokesperson says ‘third party’ retained to help prepare for legal challenge

    by Sarah Petz · CBC News · January 21, 2025

    Facing a legal challenge over its decision to close several supervised consumption sites, the Ontario government has hired outside investigators to gather information about the sites.

    Ema Popovic, a spokesperson for Minister of Health Sylvia Jones, said the province has hired a "third party" to gather evidence about the impact of the sites, as it prepares for litigation "aimed at keeping drug injection sites open next to where children learn and play."

    Last year, the Ontario government fast-tracked legislation banning these sites from being within 200 metres of schools and daycares and effectively preventing any more from opening. The new law will force five supervised consumption sites in Toronto to shut down by the end of March.

    A legal challenge to the legislation was launched by The Neighbourhood Group, a Toronto social services agency, in December. It argues the legislation violates both the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Constitution, including the right to life, liberty and security of the person.

    Bill Sinclair, CEO of The Neighbourhood Group, said staff at the agency's child-care centre were approached by investigators last week.

    Ontario's supervised consumption site law violates Charter, group says in legal challenge

    Closure of supervised consumption sites could lead to more overdoses, paramedic stress: TPH report

    Sinclair said two people came to the child-care centre and were asking about the impact of the Kensington Market Overdose Prevention Site that the agency operates. The site is one of five in Toronto that's slated to close in March because it's located near the agency's child-care centre.

    "I don't know if they didn't know that we're the same organization or they were just following their mandate, which is asking everyone," he said.

    The individuals left business cards that said they worked for an investigative services firm and said they were hired by a lawyer, Sinclair said.

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  107. Community anxious as word spreads: reverend

    Sinclair said he's heard from other community members who have been approached by investigators as well, asking questions about how they feel about supervised consumption sites.

    "It was a bit shocking and unsettling to have it happen," he said.

    In a news release, Toronto Overdose Prevention Society says it has also heard concerns from frontline workers, residents and local businesses in the city over private investigators entering buildings where supervised consumption sites are located and questioning staff members.

    Rev. Canon Maggie Helwig of the Church of St. Stephen-in-the-Fields, located near the Kensington Market Overdose Prevention Site, said she hasn't been approached by any of the investigators personally or seen them talking to people near her church.

    But word has spread about the private investigators in the area, which is making community members quite anxious, she said.

    "Obviously for people who are using this site, this just increases their anxiety, their sense of stigma, their sense that they're being blamed for whatever problems there might be in the neighborhood," she said.

    Toronto health board votes to intervene in supervised consumption site legal challenge against province

    9 Ontario supervised drug consumption sites set to close under new law will become treatment hubs

    The Ontario government already commissioned two reviews of the sites following the killing of Karolina Huebner-Makurat, who was hit by a stray bullet from a shooting near one of the sites in Toronto's Leslieville area in 2023. Neither of the reviews found consumption sites should close

    Sinclair said the charter challenge is slated to be heard in court this March, before the sites are supposed to shutter.

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  108. B.C. addictions doctor resigns after trying to set up overdose prevention site in Nanaimo

    Dr. Jess Wilder says she was being investigated and placed on leave for her activism

    by Darryl Greer · The Canadian Press · February 06, 2025

    A Vancouver Island doctor involved in setting up unsanctioned overdose prevention sites has resigned from her positions with Island Health, claiming she was placed on leave as punishment for her public advocacy work.

    That claim is denied by Island Health.

    Dr. Jess Wilder, a co-founder of the group Doctors for Safer Drug Policy, says in a resignation letter dated Feb. 5 that she's leaving her positions with Island Health "immediately."

    Wilder says she was placed on administrative leave on Jan. 22 from her physician lead positions in harm reduction and education, and addiction medicine at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital.

    She says in a separate letter addressed to colleagues at Island Health that she was placed on leave "pending investigation of alleged accusations" related to her "public advocacy work," though it says she will continue her clinical and patient-facing work.

    Doctors met by security as they set up unsanctioned overdose prevention sites at Vancouver Island hospitals

    B.C.'s suspension of work on Vancouver Island hospital overdose prevention sites under scrutiny

    She is a member of Doctors for Safer Drug Policy, a group that set up unauthorized overdose prevention sites at the Nanaimo hospital and Royal Jubilee Hospital in Victoria in November 2024 in an effort to pressure the provincial government to act on what the group says is an "unfulfilled promise to address drug use in hospitals."

    In a written statement, Island Health said that while it does not generally comment on personnel matters, it could confirm it had received the resignation letters which were shared publicly.

    It also said that while Wilder was placed on leave, it was not meant as a punitive measure.

    "Administrative leaves are used to ensure that individuals who are party to an investigation continue to be compensated while a fair investigation is underway," the statement reads.

    "Island Health policy supports the ability of medical staff and staff to advocate publicly while ensuring that personal positions are not confused with the position of Island Health and that private information remains confidential."

  109. Pierre Poilievre’s Pipe Dream: Imprison Drug Users for Life

    Just about every sale of fentanyl would apply, clogging our justice system. Time for a logic check.

    by Mo Amir, The Tyee February 11, 2025

    In December 2022, Conservative Party of Canada Leader Pierre Poilievre wrote in a National Post op-ed, “People struggling with addiction belong in treatment, not prison.” Last week, he unashamedly called for many of those same people to be imprisoned for life.

    It was a stunning culmination of Poilievre’s opposition to drug decriminalization and harm reduction policies, including supervised consumption sites (which Poilievre referred to as “drug dens”) and prescribed alternative drug programs.

    What started as concern that current drug policy “lacked a path to a full recovery” devolved into Poilievre branding harm reduction as “wacko policy” and falsely blaming harm reduction for drug deaths in British Columbia. (The toxic, unregulated composition of illicit street drugs is responsible for the country’s drug deaths.)

    Stumping across the country, Poilievre repeatedly promised to “fund treatment and recovery,” giving the illusion, at least, that his party views drug use and addiction through a lens of health care, not criminal justice.

    That illusion shattered when Poilievre proposed mandatory life imprisonment for “fentanyl kingpins.”

    It feels like a “common sense solution,” but in reality, Poilievre is flouting his own vow to “bring our loved ones home drug-free.”

    40 mg is less than half of a baby Aspirin

    As soon as the sloganeering unveiled a policy proposal, Pierre Poilievre’s mask slipped.

    Under Poilievre’s plan, “anyone caught trafficking, producing, or exporting over 40 mg of fentanyl” would receive a mandatory life sentence in prison.

    This 40-milligram threshold is a mere 1.6 per cent of the 2.5 grams that someone can possess under British Columbia’s decriminalization pilot project. For context, 40 milligrams is less than half of a typical baby Aspirin tablet.

    When applied to a weight of 40 milligrams, “trafficking” — the sale, distribution, administration or transfer of drugs under Canada’s Controlled Drugs and Substances Act — becomes problematic given how fentanyl is sold and consumed on a street level.

    As harm reduction advocate Zoë Dodd noted, fentanyl is generally sold on the streets in 100-milligram increments.

    “If you’re talking about Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, fentanyl users are using a quarter gram [250 milligrams] or more a day,” according to Guy Felicella, a harm reduction and recovery advocate.

    “There are always hand-to-hand transactions, from dealers to drug users to other drug users. It’s a constant exchange in the Downtown Eastside. It’s pretty common for people to pool their money to buy from a dealer and then those drugs get distributed.”

    These hand-to-hand exchanges constitute trafficking, which would — under the proposed policy — subject every habitual fentanyl user to a punishment of life in prison.

    The very same people that Pierre Poilievre promised to “bring home” drug-free are now, by Poilievre’s own definition, “fentanyl kingpins” who should be imprisoned for life.

    “Pretty much every drug user on the street would be going to jail for life,” said Felicella.

    This Conservative policy marks an all-out “war on drugs” approach to permanently incarcerate drug users, which is inconsistent with Poilievre’s promise to provide drug users with treatment and recovery services.

    It is also impractical.

    continued below

  110. An unserious proposal

    Mandatory minimum sentence policies have been overturned by the Supreme Court of Canada, which in 2021 determined that appropriate sentencing for fentanyl trafficking is eight to 15 years. However, Poilievre has suggested that if his criminal laws are struck down by the Supreme Court, he will use the notwithstanding clause to “make them constitutional.”

    Setting aside the Constitution of Canada, which Poilievre seems prepared to disregard himself, Poilievre’s proposal requires a massive investment in the staffing and capacity of Canadian courts.

    Charges under Canada’s Controlled Drugs and Substances Act are prosecuted by the Public Prosecution Service of Canada, or PPSC. The PPSC must navigate through the same backlogs, staffing shortages and limited courtroom spaces that have plagued Canadian courts and resulted in many criminal charges being stayed.

    The wide net cast by Poilievre’s policy would dramatically exacerbate these backlogs. It would need to be accompanied by billions of dollars of investment to expand the capacities of Canada’s criminal justice system.

    Otherwise, according to Vancouver criminal defence lawyer Kyla Lee, Poilievre’s proposal will bog down the courts far more than just the simple addition of more cases.

    “The more you increase mandatory minimum sentences and the higher they are, the more you motivate an accused person to pursue every possible angle and argument in their defence. The result of that is that you take a trial that could ordinarily be completed in a day or two and turn it into a multi-week marathon, all over a personal-use amount of fentanyl,” Lee said.

    Since Poilievre’s proposed fentanyl trafficking charges carry a mandatory life sentence, the accused can elect to be tried in provincial court or Supreme Court.

    An accused is incentivized to be tried in Supreme Court so that they can request a preliminary inquiry, whereby a provincial court judge screens the evidence to determine if it is sufficient to commit the accused to trial.

    The Crown can bypass this procedure by using the direct indictment process to take a case directly to the Supreme Court. However, given the limited Supreme Court sitting locations, it would not be feasible to prosecute every fentanyl case — especially under Poilievre’s definition of “trafficking” — by direct indictment.

    Even if a case makes it past a preliminary inquiry, the limited Supreme Court sitting locations — again — make the inundation of new cases even more difficult to try within a reasonable time (30 months).

    “Our courts would end up flooded with so many prosecutions that it would be untenable for the cases to proceed within a reasonable time,” said Lee.

    Consequently, despite the extensive use of public resources, many trafficking charges under Poilievre’s proposal would be stayed.

    So long as “fentanyl trafficking” is ridiculously defined by such a low threshold of 40 milligrams, the Conservative leader’s policy is, in practical terms, moot.

    Effectively, Poilievre’s proposal demonstrates such a fundamental misunderstanding of Canada’s criminal justice system, street-level drug trade and his own promise to provide addictions treatment that it lacks not only logic, but any semblance of seriousness.

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  111. B.C. ends take-home safer supply for drug users to stop diversion

    Health minister says change is designed to reduce criminal diversion of prescribed alternatives

    by Katie DeRosa · CBC News · February 19, 2025

    People who rely on prescription opioids such as hydromorphone must now take those safer supply drugs under the supervision of a pharmacist, in a major about-face by the provincial government announced Wednesday by B.C.'s health minister.

    "We've heard concerns about these medications being diverted and ending up in the wrong hands," Josie Osborne said.

    The change will happen immediately.

    It's something B.C. Conservative MLA Elenore Sturko says should have happened a long time ago, as a measure to prevent the diversion of prescription opioids which have ended up in the hands of organized criminals and been used as a form of currency on the street.

    "I've been calling for this for years," Sturko told reporters, pointing out she first grilled the government about the problem of drug diversion during question period in February 2023.

    Sturko said Osborne's announcement made her emotional "because it made me think of the very first time that a parent had called me and their child had died of a fentanyl overdose, and they found these safe supply, hydromorphone, in their room, and they had started their path to addiction from diverted safe supply."

    Last year, the families of two teens sued the provincial government, alleging that government-supplied free hydromorphone pills fuelled their children's addictions and led to the use of hard drugs.

    Asked about why the government didn't act sooner, Osborne said it's important to act on evidence and not a "knee-jerk reaction."

    This is the second major drug policy that's been walked back by the NDP government following pressure from the Official Opposition. In April, Premier David Eby announced the province would roll back its decriminalization pilot project by recriminalizing drug use in public spaces, including parks, public transit and hospitals.

    Osborne said the "significant" change to end the take-home model would be difficult for some but that ensuring the province's safer supply program is not taken advantage of is important.

    Earlier this month, the B.C. Conservatives released leaked Ministry of Health slides, which showed government and law enforcement officials were aware that a significant portion of prescription opioids were not going to those who needed them but instead were being trafficked nationally and internationally.

    The slides also contained allegations that at least 60 pharmacies are offering incentives to doctors and housing providers to entice clients to get their safer supply drugs from them.

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  112. The pharmacies receive money from the government through the Pharmacare program based on the number of prescriptions they fill, which is why some resorted to kickbacks in order to attract clients with safer supply prescriptions.

    Osborne also announced Wednesday that the government is actively investigating these 60 pharmacies.

    "This is a very small number of bad actor pharmacies," Osborne said.

    However, Sturko said "the real bad actors are those that ignored two years of evidence that this (diversion) was causing harm, downplaying it, denying it to the detriment of our province, fuelling addiction, fuelling the fentanyl trade and putting money into the hands of criminals."

    B.C.'s prescription opioid program was introduced by provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry in 2020 during the pandemic, as a way to separate people from toxic and deadly street drugs.

    Henry was not informed of the policy shift, Osborne said.

    In the past, Henry acknowledged that diversion was happening but said it was not enough of a concern to change course on the safe supply program. In fact, she encouraged expanding the program to a non-prescriber model, which would have allowed people to get regulated opioids from compassion clubs or retail stores.

    Former B.C. chief coroner Lisa Lapointe said the shift ignores Henry's recommendations.

    "Safer supply is evidence-based," Lapointe said. "We know that reducing people's reliance on the illicit black market will save lives ... These are evidenced-based recommendations. It's very concerning when government is making policies that are not based on evidence."

    Police chiefs praise decision, Greens call it 'disappointing'

    Meanwhile, the B.C. Association of Chiefs of Police welcomed Wednesday's announcement.

    The association said in a statement that while harm reduction efforts are important, "it is equally essential that these programs are structured in a way that prevents unintended consequences, including the illegal redistribution of prescribed substances."

    Jeremy Valeriote, interim leader of the B.C. Greens and MLA for West Vancouver-Sea to Sky, said he was disappointed by the move to a "witnessed consumption model."

    "For people trying to maintain employment, care for their families, or simply live their lives, the requirement to visit a pharmacy multiple times a day is untenable," he said in a statement.

    "Instead of maintaining access to life-saving medication, this change risks pushing individuals back to the illicit supply chain, increasing overdose risks, and worsening the crisis the B.C. NDP is trying to address."

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  113. Ex-coroner says B.C.'s drug policy overhaul looks like 'impulsive political decision'

    Lisa Lapointe says the decision to limit access to safer supply appears to ignore scientific evidence

    by Brenna Owen · The Canadian Press · February 21, 2025

    British Columbia's former chief coroner says she's disappointed by the province's overhaul of its program that provides prescription alternatives to toxic street drugs, a shift she says "feels like a really impulsive political decision."

    Lisa Lapointe said the move to a "witnessed-only" model, in which people are supervised while consuming their prescription drugs and aren't allowed to take them home, appears to ignore scientific evidence.

    "[Driving] people away from the illicit black market by providing them access to a regulated supply of the drug that they're dependent on keeps people safe," said Lapointe, who retired from the chief coroner's post in February 2024.

    "It's really disturbing that our politicians who we rely on to keep us safe are more likely to respond to ideological arguments than science."

    Health Minister Josie Osborne announced the change on Wednesday, saying it was aimed at preventing the diversion of take-home prescription opioids onto the street.

    The issue of opioid diversion from the prescribed alternatives program, also known as safer supply, has dogged the NDP government of Premier David Eby.

    Last March, both the RCMP's commanding officer in B.C. and then-solicitor general Mike Farnworth said there was no evidence of "widespread" diversion.

    But this month, a leaked Health Ministry briefing for police said a "significant portion" of opioids prescribed in B.C. were being diverted.

    Opposition leader John Rustad of the B.C. Conservatives portrayed the policy shift as a "major policy victory" for his party.

    "Eby's NDP has caved on one of Eby's signature policy proposals and made a major about-face on their failed radical left-wing safe supply policy," he said on social media.

    Toxic drugs lowered life expectancy for B.C. men more than COVID-19 during pandemic: StatsCan report

    Lapointe said she had "so many questions" about the information on which B.C. officials based their decision to overhaul the program.

    "What harms have we seen? If diversion is happening on the scale that allegedly it has been, why? You know, who's looking at the pharmacy and the pharmacists and that's the job of the College of Pharmacists," she said in an interview.

    "If widespread diversion is happening, is it because people aren't getting the drug they need, and are these actually diverted prescribed medications? Or is this Dilaudid that's been manufactured by organized crime to look like prescribed medications?" she said, referring to the brand name for hydromorphone, a commonly prescribed safer supply drug.

    Safer supply drug users will have to go to pharmacies multiple times a day under new B.C. model

    Lapointe — who sometimes clashed with the government over drug policy and presented a report in 2023 that recommended expanding safer supply to people without prescriptions — said the province should share the evidence behind the witnessed-consumption-only strategy.

    "If they feel confident in their finding, then release the data."

    Lapointe said the change would curtail access to prescription alternatives, making it "really onerous," especially for those who require multiple doses each day.

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  114. Critical reaction

    DJ Larkin, executive director of the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition based at Simon Fraser University, agreed and said people cannot go to a health provider's office potentially multiple times each day in order to access prescription alternatives.

    "Taken at face value, if this program is now to require people to attend every dose, it means the program will effectively disappear," Larkin said in an interview Thursday.

    "If you live in the Northern Health region, the idea of travelling for daily dispensing and witness dispensing is impossible."

    Larkin said the new policy was "based on politics and not on evidence."

    Leslie McBain with the advocacy group Moms Stop the Harm said she was "blindsided" by what she also called a political move.

    She said people who have stabilized their lives by participating in the program were being "put in an ugly position."

    "Instead of going to the pharmacy four times a day or three times a day to be witnessed, they will just go back to the black market, which is much easier, and then there will be more toxic overdoses and more fatalities," she said.

    Inappropriate use of prescription drugs

    B.C.'s new policy reflects recent recommendations by Addiction Medicine Canada, a group of addictions clinicians, who urged the province to adopt a supervised model.

    Group member Dr. Robert Cooper, an addictions doctor and family physician in Toronto, said last month that "widespread" anecdotal reports alleging inappropriate use of prescribed opiates required such a policy shift.

    "The concern here is where the programs are giving medications to patients who … are either using them inappropriately, so injecting or crushing and snorting and/or selling [them] or giving them to others, and using the proceeds to buy fentanyl."

    B.C. investigates 'significant' prescribed drug diversion, including international trafficking

    But Larkin said diversion has been happening for as long as prescriptions have existed, and it's important to look at why it may be occurring in B.C.

    "One answer is the drug supply is really scary for people right now, and so diversion to friends and family can be a way to keep loved ones safe by sharing your prescription with someone else," Larkin said.

    Politicization of health care

    Dr. Ryan Herriot, an addictions medicine doctor and family physician on Vancouver Island, said he worried about politicization of care for those with substance-use disorders.

    "I'm not saying this government would do that, but I worry that they are, maybe unbeknownst themselves, they're actually making it easier for someone else in the future to further politicize other areas of medicine," said Herriot, who is a member of the group Doctors for Safer Drug Policy.

    B.C. should expand safer-supply program despite drug diversion risks: provincial health officer

    Angie Gaddy, spokeswoman for the B.C. Pharmacy Association, said in an email the group was waiting for more details but "we do support the government's decision as an element in addressing the diversion of prescribed alternatives."

    More than 16,000 people have died in B.C. since the toxic drug crisis was declared a public health emergency in April 2016.

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  115. A New Dawn for the Failed War on Drugs

    Across the globe, policymakers are reckoning with the reality that drug use is increasing to historic levels.

    by Mattha Busby / Truthdig February 6, 2025

    On a recent afternoon in Lisbon, Portugal, more than a dozen people are hanging out in an unassuming building facing a busy street. They’re listening to music, eating snacks and teasing each other while people come and go through a door that opens to the modest, crowded lounge. On the street, tourists walk by, construction workers heave materials and a tram speeds past on a track next to the pavement. Through another door, in a back room hidden from view, five others are injecting drugs under the watchful eye of a nurse.

    This is IN Mouraria, one of Lisbon’s three “salas de consumo,” or drug consumption rooms, where the safe use of heroin, cocaine and other “hard” drugs is permitted as part of a program to help prevent fatal overdoses. Here, what started as a revolutionary experiment in decriminalization in Portugal is now firmly in motion, and, although it has taken some time, the rest of the world is beginning to follow.

    “We are here to improve safety, enhance people’s lives and work with harm reduction at the highest level,” says João Caldas, a peer support worker at the facility, which is operated by Activists Group on Treatments (GAT). “The numbers are there. It’s for the good of people.”

    In 2001, Portugal became the first nation to decriminalize the use of illegal drugs. Since then, rather than jail, the country has offered support to people caught with narcotics. Psychologists, social workers and other trained health professionals engage directly with people who use drugs to understand their challenges and aspirations. They ask questions like, “What do you need to improve your life?” and “What do you want to achieve?” Then they help to secure housing, job training, mental health care or medical treatment. Some of those who receive help end up detoxing in state-funded therapeutic communities where they participate in all sorts of activities, including water gymnastics classes.

    In Lisbon, which was once the heroin capital of Europe, safe-use spaces such as IN Mouraria are a relatively new innovation. Over the country’s 20-year experiment with decriminalization, public health leaders here have learned that providing spaces for people to take drugs with access to health and social care services helps them to get a grip on their dependencies. “People are desperate to find a community to get sober,” Caldas says. Some “visit us after a few years without taking drugs, and you see the difference in them. It’s absolutely incredible.”

    In 1999, Portugal saw a record high 369 deaths from drug overdoses. Most were related to heroin. The crisis spurred decriminalization and ramped-up funding for rehabilitation programs that have since helped reduce the annual number of deaths from overdose to about 80. Meanwhile, the rate of HIV infection in Portugal, which once accounted for more than half of cases across the entire European Union, has also plummeted.

    Statistics like these and the existence of facilities such as IN Mouraria are signs that a new dawn is appearing above the wreckage left in the wake of a futile half-century war on drugs. In Portugal and elsewhere around the world, policymakers are reckoning with the reality that no matter how many millions of people are imprisoned, and no matter how much money is spent on anti-drug policies, people are going to continue to do drugs. Despite the U.N.’s 1998 declaration that a drug-free world was possible and the U.S. spending more than a trillion dollars over the past 50 years to stymie drug use, rates of use have risen hand-in-hand with significant upticks in addiction and death, even while most people take and enjoy drugs without any serious harm.

    “Initiatives such as the establishment of drug consumption rooms in Scotland, Ireland and the USA, the growing embrace of drug checking in...

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  116. ... Australia, and the call from over 60 countries for a review of the international drug control system all reflect a shift in how societies are rethinking their response to substance use — a challenge with which humanity has grappled with for centuries,” says Helen Clark, chair of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, and former prime minister of New Zealand.

    There have been setbacks and policy reversals in some places, notably in Oregon and British Columbia, where leaders scaled back decriminalization initiatives in response to public frustrations and accusations that the government had become too lenient. But global drug policy is broadly becoming more evidence-driven, with public health prioritized over punishment, Clark says. In the U.S., one of former president Joe Biden’s final acts in office was commuting the sentences of almost 2,500 prisoners sentenced under harsher penalties than would apply now. However, there is still a very long way to go, Clark adds, and “the need for reform is urgent.”

    Globally, at least 467 people were executed for drug offenses in 2023, according to Harm Reduction International, an advocacy organization promoting drug policy reform. That is the highest number of reported executions since it began monitoring in 2007, but the true figure is probably much higher, because the number of drug-related executions in China, Vietnam and North Korea is unknown.

    U.S. law does not permit capital punishment solely for drug offenses. However, President Donald Trump, who signed an executive order resuming executions after the Biden administration had scaled them back, has expressed support for executing drug dealers. At the very least, it seems clear that the U.S. under Trump’s purview will not be lobbying for reform in places such as the Philippines or Saudi Arabia, where people are routinely executed for using and selling drugs.

    Although regressive drug policies in such countries are unlikely to change anytime soon, little by little, governments of all persuasions are becoming aware of the threat drug-related organized crime poses to society.

    It makes little sense to leave what is estimated to be the world’s fourth-largest business in the hands of criminals who launder the profits through the high streets of the legitimate economy, argues Neil Woods, a former undercover police officer and board member at Law Enforcement Action Partnership (LEAP). “We are almost at the tipping point,” he says. “We have no choice but to collectively face facts: Prohibition is a catastrophe.”

    LEAP will hold an event at the U.N. later this year highlighting the extent of the corruption caused by prohibition, and Woods says his organization is in conversations with high level officials over the issue. “The war on drugs has always been an oil tanker steering ceaselessly into a cliff, but it’s turning,” he said. Cannabis, for instance, has been legalized across most of the U.S. and elsewhere in the world. Now billions are being collected in taxes without any major rises in use, contrary to the warnings of critics. Meanwhile, psychedelic drugs such as LSD and psilocybin mushrooms are emerging squarely in the cultural mainstream despite their illegality.

    At the center of the gradual shift toward wholesale policy change at the global level is United Nations human rights chief Volker Türk. In December, he condemned how the drug war has destroyed lives and damaged communities. “Criminalization and prohibition have failed to reduce drug use and deter drug-related crimes,” he said in remarks that were striking for an official in his position. Current drug policies “are simply not working” and fail some of the most vulnerable people across the world, he added. “We need new approaches prioritizing health, dignity and inclusion, guided by the international guidelines on human rights and drug policy.”

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  117. Still, there remain staunch opponents to drug legalization. “We should be discouraging recreational drug use, not enabling it,” says Kevin Sabet, president and CEO for the Foundation for Drug Policy Solutions. “A better approach to reduce harm is to invest in prevention, treatment and recovery services, which would discourage drug use among non-users and help current users to quit. There is certainly a place for harm reduction and outreach in the context of getting them help. We need to meet people where they are at — but not leave them there.”

    For legalization supporters, however, the current regime’s failures are on display in both the Mexican-American border city Ciudad de Juarez, which has been ripped apart by fighting among cartels over lucrative drug routes, and Antwerp, where criminals are fighting over $63 billion worth of illegal drugs that pores through the port each year. Among the increasing number of high-profile world leaders of past and present who have indicated they are keen for change is Colombian President Gustavo Petro, who declared to the U.N. in 2022 that “the war on drugs has failed.”

    “There has been an increase in deadly consumption, from soft drugs to harder ones, genocide has taken place in my continent and in my country, millions of people have been condemned to prison,” he said. “I demand from here, from my wounded Latin America, to put an end to the irrational war on drugs.”

    Upon Colombia and Bolivia’s direction, the U.N.’s health agency is reviewing the evidence underpinning the prohibition of the coca leaf, the source of cocaine that Indigenous people have consumed for some 8,000 years. The review is due in July and could lead to a change in coca’s legal status globally.

    At the U.N. level, the drug control system is facing its most significant challenges in history, says Jamie Bridge, deputy director of the International Drug Policy Consortium, a pro-reform global network. “The ‘consensus’ that was held on drugs has completely fallen apart, and there is clearly no agreement on what the future holds.” Bridge envisages that change will continue to happen at a local and national level. “The U.N. will then have to try and keep up if it wants to remain relevant,” he says.

    Since decriminalization went into effect, Portuguese health officials have seen drug-related death rates rise and fall. The use and availability of treatment has also wavered. From a peak of 1,150 in 2015, the number of people in treatment fell to just 352 in 2021, after Portugal’s economic crisis slashed more than 75% from funding to treatment programs. Now officials are seeking to reinvigorate the country’s innovative drugs project.

    Lisbon’s IN Mouraria has helped prevent more than a dozen potentially fatal overdoses since it opened three years ago. And, after a visit there, one could be mistaken for thinking the drug war is over. But unlike in countries such as Switzerland, which provides people addicted to heroin with the drug for free, service users at this sala de consumo must procure their heroin from outside dealers who might cut it with contaminants. That’s why, for drug policy reformers like Caldas, getting a grip on rates of addiction and taking power away from criminal gangs will require yet another bold leap.

    “We want to actually know what they’re taking,” he says of those who use his service. Providing tested heroin and cocaine free to people with addictions “is the next step.”

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